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Update Table: technology (rename to stack_element) #204

Open Neecolaa opened 9 months ago

Neecolaa commented 9 months ago



We need to update the technology table model to become the new stack_element table. We are consolidating language, technology, and tool into one table.


Action Items

Changes Needed

Columns to Remove

Columns to Add

Additional Changes


Model relationships

All the code here are not guaranteed to be correct or have correct syntax. It's just an explanation with example "code".

It's probably going to look something like this type = models.ForeignKey(StackElementType, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

The type name is so that when there's a StackElement object like language_python = StackElement.objects.create("python"), we can do python_language.type = type_language, where type_language is an object of StackElementType with the name "language".

The point is that python_language.type is easier to use than python_language.stack_element_type_id. In Django, the convention is to drop the _id for relationships.

Testing ideas

The stack_element_type object would hold something like "language", "technology", or "tool". The stack_element object holds the name of something in one of those categories.

Create a python language stack element
AzaniaBG commented 9 months ago

I can start working on this (I moved #64 to the Ice Box). Availability: Sunday 7 - 11 AM Wednesday 6 - 7 AM Thursday 6 - 7 AM

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 7 months ago

@AzaniaBG It looks like this issue has its dependencies completed. Is it ready to go back to the prioritized backlog?

AzaniaBG commented 7 months ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty, yes, we can do that.

AzaniaBG commented 7 months ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty ~ I'm ready to work on this issue. It looks like I don't need to do anything on #124. We can discuss at today's meeting.

AzaniaBG commented 3 months ago

@Neecolaa is the table name stack_element or stack_elements (plural)? The ERD has it as the latter, "stack_elements." I created the model with the singular form. Also, the ERD shows stack_elements relation to project_technology_xref, but I think this is supposed to be renamed to "project_stack_element_xref"

AzaniaBG commented 3 months ago


Availability for next week:

fyliu commented 3 months ago

Yes, the django models should use singular names. Yes, you're right about the xref table naming. But, we might be able to use the builtin django many-to-many relation that manages the xref table automatically. See comment in #205 for a quick description of it.

AzaniaBG commented 3 months ago

Updated the following:

Neecolaa commented 3 months ago

Thank you for catching those discrepancies! Like Fang said, the table/model names are singular. I've corrected the ERD.

Likewise, project_technology_xref should be project_stack_element_xref as you both said. I've updated the ERD and the spreadsheet to reflect this. I also removed project_language_xref from the spreadsheet since that table's also being replaced by project_stack_element_xref.

If you do catch any more discrepancies please let me know!

AzaniaBG commented 3 months ago

updated the following:

AzaniaBG commented 3 months ago

@fyliu ~ I tried your suggestion to change the FK "stack_element_type" to "type" and am getting the following errors:


I posted additional details in Slack. Can we work on this at tonight's meeting?

fyliu commented 3 months ago

Oh that's right, because type is a python keyword.

There's 2 issues:

The class member type needs to either change or worked around. I did something like this before so there might be an example in the code.

The database field name should remain the same. There's a way in the model field to specify the database field.

fyliu commented 3 months ago

Here's an example of using db_column to specify the database column name that's different from the field name.

For the linter messages. I have some old code that's not checked in that works around it. I'm not sure if it'll make it more difficult to use. I'm not able to find the source of that workaround.

class UserStatusType(AbstractBaseModel):
    """User status type"""

    class Status(models.TextChoices):
        INACTIVE = ("IN", _("Inactive"))
        ACTIVE = ("AC", _("Active"))
        TIME_AWAY_HOLD = ("AW", _("Time Away Hold"))
        BARRED = ("BA", _("Barred"))

    _type = models.CharField(
        max_length=2, choices=Status.choices, default=Status.ACTIVE

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self._type.label}"

And in Serializers.py

class UserStatusTypeSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    """Used to retrieve UserStatusType data"""

    _type = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=UserStatusType.Status.choices)

    class Meta:
        model = UserStatusType
        fields = (
        read_only_fields = (

UserStatusTypeSerializer._declared_fields["type"] = serializers.CharField(
cnk commented 3 months ago

I agree that _type is kind of ugly. How about calling it element_type?

fyliu commented 3 months ago

So the element could be things like aws, django, python, lucidchart, and we refer to the type as aws.element_type, django.element_type, python.element_type, and lucidchart.element_type. That makes sense and is better than the full name. Thanks for your help!

@AzaniaBG I think it's better to name it element_type and forget about specifying db_column.