hackforla / peopledepot

A project to setup a datastore for people and projects at HackforLA. The link below takes you to the code documentation
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Update email in db when signing up through Cognito #257

Open ethanstrominger opened 4 months ago

ethanstrominger commented 4 months ago


As a user, I want the email entered when signing up with Cognito to match the username and email created in the People Depot DB, so that it is clear which record is associated with me.


People Depot API is currently only being used in dev and is not called by any app, so developers are testing using Postman or similar tool. Similar issues will occur when in production.

Here is an overview of the steps:


Currently, jwt.py (to be renamed to jwt_handler) calls authorize from the rest_framework_jwt package. The Django code then based on configuration calls django.contrib.auth.init.py which then calls authorize from django.contrib.backends.py. This was derived from locking the database which then sends an exception trace whenit can't insert. Here are the relevant snippets from jwt.py.

import jwt

Through configuration, this actually calls django.contrib.auth.authorize

To solve this, override authenticate function in backends.py and replace statement that creates a user to add email as a parameter. The code in backends.py that needs to be replaced is: user, created = UserModel._default_manager.get_or_create( **{UserModel.USERNAME_FIELD: username} )

More details are in Action items.

Action Items

fyliu commented 3 months ago

@ethanstrominger the solution section paragraph is incoherent. Can you reword it to something we can follow? It looks like it just keeps talking about the problem until the middle of the first code block.

I thought the problem is that it's not saving the email address? I can't see the connection to what the paragraph is saying. The issue title is about updating email address, and the proposed changes has to do with overriding authentication in django and I'm not sure how that leads to the email being updated.