hackforla / peopledepot

A project to setup a datastore for people and projects at HackforLA. The link below takes you to the code documentation
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Deploy project to AWS #297

Open fyliu opened 3 weeks ago

fyliu commented 3 weeks ago



Once we're ready, we need to set up the resources with someone in #OPS to deploy the project so that a client can connect to an always-running instance. This includes Terraform resources, etc.

Action Items

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 4 days ago

@fyliu I think this issue is too big. Please break it down into separate issues and maybe treat this issue as an epic. At a minimum

Issue 1


  1. If the deployment checklist they have (if they have one at all) is not complete or inaccurate, we need to help them make a comprehensive one and update it in their wiki, so that it gets sign-off by them and we can use it.
  2. if ops creates an issue, link to it here

Issue 2 (epic)

configure AWS resources (Cognito user pools, clients, database)

Notes: each of these issues should involve asking ops to verify setup (through the PR process)

Issue 2.1

configure AWS resources - Cognito

Issue 2.2

configure AWS resources - clients

Issue 2.3

configure AWS resources - database

Issue 3

ask ops to test and deploy either a dev or prod instance that's triggered by updates to a branch such as main or development

Notes: I am not 100% sure what you are saying here... we can talk more about it on the draft of the issue.