hackforla / tdm-calculator

DTLA Hack for LA is partnering with Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to develop a Traffic Demand Management (TDM) calculator tool. This tool will help planners at LADOT and real estate developers to meet the Los Angeles’s Mobility Plan goals by 2035.
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Investigate Integrating TDM Calculator with Okta #1502

Open entrotech opened 10 months ago

entrotech commented 10 months ago


City getting back to us with response to document.


The city wants the TDM calculator to be integrated with their Angeleno Single-Sign on system (https://angeleno.lacity.org/). We need to investigate what is involved and decide if the Hack for LA team wants to implement this, or defer this integration until the city takes over the TDM Calculator application.

Action Items


but not enough details to really act on yet.

entrotech commented 9 months ago

Met with representatives from the city's ITA-IDM (Identity Management) department on 12/5/23. They set up the TDM Calculator configuration in their Angeleno "UAT" environment - which we will connect to the TDM Dev environment and their Angeleno production environment - which we will connect to the TDM Production environment.

Started a document of notes about the integration here.

Next steps are for me (John D) to figure out how to integrate our app with the Angeleno instances.

Biuwa commented 7 months ago

@entrotech Please provide an update:

  1. Progress(What is the current status of your project? What have you completed, and what is left to do):
  2. Blockers(Difficulties or errors encountered):
  3. Availability(How much time will you have this week to work on this issue):
  4. ETA(When do you expect this issue to be completed):
  5. Pictures (if necessary)(Add any pictures that will help illustrate what you are working on)
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 4 months ago

I sent this email

Bonnie Wolfe  | Bonnie Wolfe  | Tue, Apr 30, 6:04 PM (1 day ago) |   |   -- | -- | -- | -- | -- Bonnie Wolfe  to Rubina, Mony, paul.tsan, Michelle, Alexander, Emily, LA | to Rubina, Mony, paul.tsan, Michelle, Alexander, Emily, LA to Rubina, Mony, paul.tsan, Michelle, Alexander, Emily, LA

Bonnie Wolfe Tue, Apr 30, 6:04 PM (1 day ago) to Rubina, Mony, paul.tsan, Michelle, Alexander, Emily, LA Hi Rubina, Mony, Michelle and Paul, Sorry I was unexpectedly not able to make the meeting today in time to talk to you. I did arrive about 45 min late and John, Emily and Alexander got me up to speed. I am writing this email to you, to suggest that we send the analysis document we have prepared over to Nicholas Chau, in response to his email below. We didn't want to do that until you had a chance to review it, in case LADOT/LACP wanted to prioritize it higher than Hack for LA, acting as a vendor, is able to do with ITA. It sounds like, from the recap I got, that LADOT has selected the option for LA TDM calculator to continue using our own user authentication model through the anticipated launch in 2025. But before we do move away from working on this, I would like to send this analysis to ITA. [Architectural Options For Securing The TDM Calculator Application](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jQtjIMfoWBbAQSu7QijsJW-uBc5WSDtkKDzi7tW-8II/edit) The document provides an answer to Nicholas Chau on why we have not integrated Angelino and allow him to share that information up the chain in a meaningful way. It also might be the first time that ITA receives written details from the vendor perspective. So even if ITA can't currently make changes to the services that WIC can provide, we believe this document could help them articulate and prioritize the changes that will eventually be needed for all public facing applications built by outside vendors. Please let me know if you agree, or you want us to hold off until you have finished discussing it internally. And if you do want us to hold of, what should we say to Nicholas in the meantime? Best, Bonnie photo-logo Bonnie Wolfe Executive Director, [Hack for LA](https://www.hackforla.org/) [bonnie@hackforla.org](mailto:bonnie@hackforla.org) 310-740-1161 Hack for LA is a project of Civic Tech Structure, Inc. 501(c)(3).