hackforla / tdm-calculator

DTLA Hack for LA is partnering with Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to develop a Traffic Demand Management (TDM) calculator tool. This tool will help planners at LADOT and real estate developers to meet the Los Angeles’s Mobility Plan goals by 2035.
GNU General Public License v2.0
45 stars 26 forks source link

Bug: NPM Server Tests do not run on Windows Machines. #1695

Closed entrotech closed 3 weeks ago

entrotech commented 3 weeks ago


Some of the developers have been working on jest tests for the web api server endpoints, and have them working on nix machines, but when I (John Darragh) try to run them on a Windows machine, the Docker test container starts but fails to return from the call that starts the test container, preventing the tests from running. Get the tests running on Windows, nix and Mac OS machines.

Action Items


New MS SQL Container: https://node.testcontainers.org/modules/mssqlserver/

neyaadeez commented 3 weeks ago

It's working on my Linux system. Initially, I encountered an error with an npm package, so I simply ran the 'npm i' command, and the issue was resolved.
