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Create mobile version of the Guide Pages and ensure responsiveness #1515

Open abenipa3 opened 3 years ago

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago



We learned that Jekyll is a feasible option because it can render Markdown files into HTML as seen in #1085.

Now we need to create a mobile version of it and ensure that the codes are responsive on all screens.

Action Items

Future Items


Guide Pages Figma File HfLA Guide Pages Design Issue Alyssa's Repository for the Guide Pages Prototype

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Progress: Just assigned this issue to myself. Blocks: N/A Availability: Will be available starting on 5/13 to work on this issue. ETA: I might have some progress on 5/15.

qiqicodes commented 3 years ago

@alyssabenipayo Can you let us know your progress in regards to this issue? Thank you =]

Progress: Blockers:

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Progress: Planning to work on it today (5/15). Will update this post before our Sunday meeting. Started working on creating the mobile version with CSS. Experimenting between hiding the navbar and creating an accordion.

Screenshot for mobile version without navbar ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/118406687-b61def80-b631-11eb-8071-afb657ac8343.png)

Blocks: Have been focusing on Hackathon this past week. Learned a lot from the experience (especially with CSS and a bit of JavaScript) that Iā€™m excited to continue with this issue.

Availability: Open this coming week. (Yay!)

ETA: 5/22.

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago



Blocks: N/A

Availability: Open!

ETA: 5/23/21

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago


Block: N/A Availability: Open ETA: 5/29/21

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Feedback from Dev Team: We learned that the most feasible way to develop is to hide the nav-bar.

Will have the prototype ready by Sunday.

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago


Added page-card and media query to hide the nav-bar as seen below.

Screen capture for page-card update ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/120091624-c1f1c300-c0c1-11eb-89ac-8f4afeabe4f9.png)
Screen capture for Media Query Update ![prototype-guide-page](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/120093245-d6d45380-c0cd-11eb-897a-90193dc08268.gif)

Block: N/A

Availability: Open

ETA: Ready for review.

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Feedback from Sunday Meeting: We would like to update the mobile prototype where the table of contents is hiding at the top (hamburger menu) while a top scroll button appears after the user scrolls through the page.

Note for future references (potential new issue): Create an accordion for mobile.

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Progress: Added scroll to top button for mobile.

Screen capture ![scrolltop](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/120914126-cdf4fc00-c650-11eb-9c3a-39e57514721f.gif)

Block: Will review new wireframes with design team.

Availability: Open


abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Progress: Scroll to top button bug fixed! Also added links to the page card, which will only appear on mobile.


Would like feedback on the links on page card as seen in the GIF above. Had to create a div in markdown file for it to work. Any suggestions? image

Block: None.

Availability: Open

ETA: 6/13/21

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Feedback from 6/13 Meeting:

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Updated ETA: 6/19.

Sihemgourou commented 3 years ago

@alyssabenipayo We are putting this back into in progress. Tell us if you need some review :)

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Progress: We finalized the design on Thursday with the Team. Currently implementing it to the prototype. image

Block: None.

Availability: Open

ETA: 6/26/21

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Progress: (Update for Tuesday's Meeting) Still currently implementing the design into the prototype. image Blocker: Will be busy till Thursday. Preparing for an interview. Availability: Open ETA: 6/26/21

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago


Prototype Preview (Desktop) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/123540570-8f54dd80-d6f4-11eb-8748-de35e65600c7.png)
Prototype Preview (Mobile) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/123541383-26bc2f80-d6f9-11eb-93f1-e05f31947529.png)

Blocker: (Notes) Minor bugs encountered as seen in the previews below. Will need to adjust the styling before it's ready to go. Plus, will fix responsiveness for Guide Title and Page Cards.

Parallelogram in the Hero Section is larger than the hero image ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/123540617-ce832e80-d6f4-11eb-90a3-36b5537e3bd4.png)

Availability: Open

ETA: 6/30/21

Note: The pull request below was from my own repo. Please feel free to ignore it.

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Progress: Looked at it but haven't done much 'cause I was not feeling well this past week. Blocker: Same as previous post. Will pick it up again today. Availability: Open ETA: 7/6/21

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

@alyssabenipayo Please add update

  1. Progress
  2. Blockers
  3. Availability
  4. ETA
abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Progress: Fixed parallelogram so that it maintains its size when testing on different screen sizes. Blockers: Need to make the rest of the page responsive. Also finding a cleaner way to make it responsive. Availability: Open ETA: 7/16/21

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago





TLDR; Front matter inquiry and wrapping up on responsiveness. Other feedback welcome as well!

Availability: Open

ETA: 7/16/21

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Progress: Updated Header and Style for Desktop version as seen below. Question about margins and grid containers. Also will continue to work on styling before our next meeting. image

Blocker: N/A

Availability: Open

ETA: 7/20/21

Note: Will meet with Josh on Monday (7/19) to review progress and wrap up this issue.

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

@Sihemgourou @ExperimentsInHonesty Hello! I've completed creating responsive Guide Pages. Please see the following link from my repo and feel free to let me know your thoughts: https://alyssabenipayo.github.io/guidepages-prototype/

Note: Please see these following links: image

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Progress: Changed css classes and link's font colors to reflect HfLA's Design System. image

Blocker: Figuring out how to resolve responsiveness bug as seen below. Last week, we thought we found a solution by adding a margin-left on the sticky nav, but it doesn't apply when scrolling down the second-page card.


So far tried display: grid and display:flex, but no working solution yet. Will bring up this issue again on Sunday.

Availability: Open

ETA: 7/26/21

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Using this space to make notes of what to do next before the new ETA (7/30/21):

Progress as of 7/27/21: Responsiveness bug on page cards resolved!

Blocker: Discovered another responsiveness bug for screens (769px ā€” 1024px) as seen below. image

Need to fix the alignment for mobile devices as seen below, too. (I love CSS. šŸ˜‚) image

Availability: Open

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago


Blockers: None. Would like to gather feedback from our dev team before consulting with product and design.

Availability: Open

ETA: ~Tonight at 11:59pm (Will update more later.)~ Pending.

Preview: https://alyssabenipayo.github.io/guidepages-prototype/

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Just found out how it really looks like on mobile.

Current Mobile Preview ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/127780722-8c2ebbb4-86c4-4f08-9a9a-41eeef51d124.png)

I manually coded the parallelogram. I think a quick solution to this is downloading the svg of the hero image with the shape from our Figma and implement it on our prototype. With that, we would avoid visual issues in the future.

~Going to reach out to Design and Dev teams for feedback and update again today.~

Updated ETA: 8/1/21


Original Image without Parallelogram ![Mask Group](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/127780716-ae48ccde-2086-4cf8-ba5f-15a6599b14d8.png)
Original Image with Parallelogram ![Getting-the-most](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/127780712-a4ccea04-726a-43fa-9f3b-2b58409ec4c9.png)

UPDATE (8/5/21): Design and Dev teams said that downloading the svg image with the parallelogram is a workable solution. Will proceed to have this issue reviewed with Product.

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

@Sihemgourou @ExperimentsInHonesty Hello! Guide Pages Prototype is ready to review. I've consulted with our dev and design teams to see if they have feedback, and they said it looks good so far.

Please see the link for the prototype below and feel free to let me know if you have any questions! Thanks.


Sihemgourou commented 3 years ago

Great @alyssabenipayo ! could you put it in the review column please :)

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Update from 8/15/2021's Meeting:

Blockers: None.

Availability: 8-10 hours

ETA: 8/21/21

Preview: https://alyssabenipayo.github.io/guidepages-prototype/

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Additional Notes from Previous Update:

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Update 8/20/21

Will be redesigning the Guide Pages as mention in #1630. Status of this issue: TBD

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago


Please add update using this template (even if you have a pull request)

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at 12:03 AM PST.

abenipa3 commented 3 years ago

Issue Update 8/27/21: