hackforla / website

Hack for LA's website
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Work flow for guides to appear on the website #1630

Closed ExperimentsInHonesty closed 1 year ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago



As PMs we need guides to be easy and fast to add to the website so that we have our guides appear on the website as soon as possible.

Action Items


Here is what we will post on the a guide issue when we assign an image to it

Here is the image that will show up when people go to hackforla.org/toolkit and see this guide

Here are the details for the credits page
Name: Meetup (this needs to link to the original image location)
Used in: Toolkit
Artist: _______
Provider: _____
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago

proposed work flow a guide gets assigned in the CoP assignee reaches out to HfLA design team to ask for an image via a template issue on hfla github designer posts back on the guide issue with image details new issue on hfla github with finished guide pdf url and image details previously provided - issue is auto labeled to development

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago

we need to make it so that the pdfs load in the browser window using github.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty, @alyssabenipayo

Please add update using this template (even if you have a pull request)

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) ask for help at a Tuesday or Sunday meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 12:10 AM.

Note: This comment was created as part of a GitHub Action during its trial phase. If you find this GitHub Action to be disruptive/unhelpful, or if you believe there might be a bug, please leave a comment on this issue. All feedback will be used to further improve it. Thank you for your time.

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Progress: Testing markdown converter. Updating prototype so that front matter locates image path so that we can achieve the format we want for markdown file.

Blockers: Learning more about liquid so that we can achieve the format as mentioned earlier.

Availability: 8-10 hours

ETA: 8/16/21

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Action Items from 8/18/21 Meeting

In addition to the checklist mentioned in #1515:

Update 8/19/21 - _How to Set a Reminder in Slack_ Guide Page Added. - Preview [here]( https://alyssabenipayo.github.io/guidepages-prototype/how-to-set-reminders-in-slack).
Update 8/19/21 This is possible by adding a "-" at the end of the `href` in the front matter. Example: ``` - title: "When to Use Reminders ⏰" href: "#when-to-use-reminders-" ```
Update 8/19/21 - After downloading the images (by downloading the Web Pages (HTML, zipped folder), images would be saved as original - any edits made (such as cropping, resizing) would not be applied. - ~Alternative option is the following: - Select File > Publish to the Web - Go to the Link provided by Google Docs. - Save Image As all the images. (I initially downloaded the zipped Web Pages folder, which included the images folder, so I would replace all the images with the edited ones from Publish to the Web. - When done, will need to unpublish the document by selecting File > Publish to the Web > Under "Publish content & setting", click on Stop Publishing.~


Update 8/19/21 Will meet with Design Team later today. Development-wise, yes, with the following: `      `

Questions So Far (for Friday's Meeting)

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Action Items from 8/20/21 Meeting

Created these mockups so far.



Figma FIle

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Feedback from 8/22/21 Meeting



Action Items from 8/22/21 Meeting

Update 8/23/21 Created these mockups so far. [Figma FIle](https://www.figma.com/file/0RRPy1Ph7HafI3qOITg0Mr/Hack-for-LA-Website?node-id=14374%3A93547)
abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Action Items from 8/25/21 Meeting

Update from 8/26/21: Meeting with Design Team re: What is the Header? - Our team suggested that we either change the image or edit the current header as seen below. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131095435-613a2bb5-4b70-4b29-93e8-d3be3a277c68.png) - If anything, I created new mockups that suggests new images that may replace the current header.
With Indentation for Subsections ![21 - GH-Issues-Mock-Up-Desktop](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131049866-80758960-a80e-4aae-9988-f3d98d4017a0.png)
Without Indentation for Subsections ![21 - GH-Issues-Mock-Up-Desktop](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131049964-516796b3-a4e0-44c0-86e7-c62513504773.png)

Feedback from 8/25/21 Meeting

Mock-Ups with New Image Headers (Created on 8/26/21)

Same Header, but Zoomed In ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131096291-f45e00d3-7e2e-4123-bbc1-52fc2f91b8b0.png)
"Document Concept Illustration" Header ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131097089-ec235775-0b57-4b56-b890-e4922b198d13.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131097150-ee363b5a-e2fb-44db-8233-363e9100eeab.png)
"Completed Steps Illustration" Header ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131097228-a7031bfa-2b60-4195-873c-4c87c19f2b7b.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131096199-9a881e27-2dd7-4e73-8514-3264ba4e88f5.png)
"Publish Article Illustration" Header ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131097368-ccc5590d-032e-48ac-986a-672b7b4cd11b.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131096004-11b94e44-a9e8-4e36-9d91-d3ecbb0bdbd5.png)

Link to New Mock-Ups

Questions for 8/27/21

Moved issue back to the icebox. More details here https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/1515#issuecomment-907387135

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Minutes from 8/27/21





Mock-Up Voted ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131207008-25378e62-cec5-46a8-9b69-f107e53e27da.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131207018-caecc7d6-384b-4d6a-b57d-898dcec9be54.png)

Action Items

Mock-Ups for Hero Section [Mock-Up without Color](https://www.figma.com/file/0RRPy1Ph7HafI3qOITg0Mr/Hack-for-LA-Website?node-id=14845%3A95568) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131259550-ef2c44c9-266d-4441-8b67-5c9123872575.png) [Mock-Up with Color](https://www.figma.com/file/0RRPy1Ph7HafI3qOITg0Mr/Hack-for-LA-Website?node-id=14849%3A97440) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131246073-37c70070-b768-434a-a075-17f23246d62d.png)
abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Minutes for 8/29/21


Action Item

New Redesigns for Hero Image [Version 1](https://www.figma.com/file/0RRPy1Ph7HafI3qOITg0Mr/Hack-for-LA-Website?node-id=14872%3A98550) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131289222-22588013-01b0-47c2-9474-cd7586c18a9e.png) [Version 2](https://www.figma.com/file/0RRPy1Ph7HafI3qOITg0Mr/Hack-for-LA-Website?node-id=14916%3A96253) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131289245-79aec841-c7ad-4c60-97a7-c26aaf81492b.png) [Version 3](https://www.figma.com/file/0RRPy1Ph7HafI3qOITg0Mr/Hack-for-LA-Website?node-id=14911%3A95413) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131289270-1f54bcf6-3c60-45de-aa09-dd9972e01ad3.png) [Version 4](https://www.figma.com/file/0RRPy1Ph7HafI3qOITg0Mr/Hack-for-LA-Website?node-id=14916%3A96685) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131289289-ebcfd248-6588-4c3c-8c14-49e6f7384e27.png)
abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Minutes 8/30/21

Action Items

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Guide Page's New Hero Image

The winner is Version 1. Please click the arrows below to see the final redesigns for both Desktop and Mobile.

Mock-Up for Desktop ![Desktop](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131442246-ffa98465-b0eb-4c9c-b707-be9f37303b36.png)
Mock-Up for Mobile ![Mobile](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/131451779-309b90db-0da8-49f0-b57f-8309956925d7.png)

Mockups for both Desktop and Mobile available on Figma here.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@alyssabenipayo What font choices do we have on the website? I looked in the design system pages and didn't see a font specified.

We also did some testing (which you can find at the bottom of the figma page). Here is what we found. The reason for our testing is that the titles seem a bit large, and not as sophisticated as the current Google Guides.


abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

@alyssabenipayo What font choices do we have on the website? I looked in the design system pages and didn't see a font specified.

We also did some testing (which you can find at the bottom of the figma page). Here is what we found. The reason for our testing is that the titles seem a bit large, and not as sophisticated as the current Google Guides.


Hi Bonnie, these are the font choices that we have in our design system - I used Headings-Title 1 for the Heading-1 (48px for Desktop Size), Headings-Title 2 (36px Desktop) for the Subheadings, and the paragraphs are 20px. Just in case, I also referred to this font choice for our nav-bar here from our design system.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@alyssabenipayo Thank you for pointing out where the typography sizes were. We made some mockups in the same figma page (it has a blue line around it). When you are able to join us, let's discuss. No need to make any global changes now.

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Minutes 9/3/21

Action Items

Additional Updates

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Feedback from 9/5/21

Action Item

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Redesign Updates 9/8/21

Note: Won’t be able to attend the meeting today (Wednesday). Please see the following updates:

Mock-Up for Desktop ![Desktop](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/132498275-39022f57-c0c6-40eb-a64d-a65ad07de103.png)
Mock-Up for Mobile ![Mobile](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/132498335-1e434a7f-86ea-45f1-911a-a0a8c3ec8db9.png)
abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Update: Implementing Links to Social Media Icons

How to add a image with links in markdown? Image with link: `[![LinkedIn](assets/images/linkedin-icon.png)](https://www.linkedin.com/) ` `[![GitHub](assets/images/github-icon.png)](https://github.com/)`


abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Minutes 9/13/21

Action Items

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 12:02 AM PST.

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago
Screenshot of Updated Mockup ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/133753151-3448e618-411e-4ea6-908e-54252e2ff241.png)
abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Minutes 9/22/21

Action Items



abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

9/23/21 Updates


New Mockups [Figma Link](https://www.figma.com/file/Jz8KoGTBIxdx9jRxBWrEsF/Guides-Team-Figma?node-id=26%3A6759) added to Guides Team. ![Frame 334](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/134618815-f02a8d07-61b1-4cae-8433-d484bb4ef59e.png)


abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Minutes 9/24/21

Action Items


Misc. Updates

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Update 9/27/21

Action Items

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 12:02 AM PST.

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago


Blockers: N/A Availability: 6 ETA: Completed - Just want to follow up with Guides Team before we begin the development phase. Pictures: [Figma Link] image

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Minutes 10/7/21

Action Items



abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Minutes 10/8/21

Action Items

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Sunday Meeting Minutes (10/10/21)

Action Items

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Mockup Updates - Guide Authors

Made updates to mockups from the Sunday meeting's feedback.

Please see the [link] for the updated mockup! Feel free to send me feedback. Thanks.

Other Updates

Reached out to UI-UX Channel to inquire about Figma Plug-In that helps testing accessibility.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 12:02 AM PST.

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago




Example ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/137514751-1eef08a5-688c-4718-95fe-7decefc9b5f7.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/137514785-230b3b5b-5240-473b-913f-8d1d8a43ee6b.png)

Availability: 3

ETA: 10/18/21

Note: We discussed the addition of the Share Page Card last Sunday (whether or not it will be included in MVP). According to https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/1630#issuecomment-926832458, it is our plan to add it after publishing our MVP.


How do I escape quotation marks in liquid? Liquid - Replace Share Page Card Discussion

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago



We liked the same size font for each set of words in the Authors section. I also changed the wording a little bit.

I noticed on the mobile that the font size is 15, I thought that the minimum font size for accessibility was 16. Is 15 being used across our site on mobile?

Markdown Converter Documentation

Is is not possible to delete or fix some automatically some recurring errors. Could we build a GHA to do that?

Given that the converter throws some errors when the images are not in a path that it recognizes, would it work to download the images first, then put the file and the google doc and the images in the same folder, then run the converter. Would it see the images?

Re adding extra spaces. When is this necessary? Is this not going to be handled by the CSS? For instance spacing before and after headings and subheadings?

Double Quotes

Found out there are texts that have "double quotes" that is not a code copy block like /remind Will need to find a method that will only focus on specific strings with double quotes

Can you provide an example

Share Page

Note: We discussed the addition of the Share Page Card last Sunday (whether or not it will be included in MVP). According to #1630 (comment), it is our plan to add it after publishing our MVP.

Yes, we will not be using the section, but I would prefer to have the design now, so that we don't end up with another designer , designing it. However we can leave it out of the build.

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Things Discussed on 10/15/21

Markdown Converter Documentation

Double Quotes

Share Page and Contribution Section

Future of Guide Pages Discussion

Action Items

Moved the following action items to the latest update:

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Update as of 10/17/21

Created two new mock-ups, including Contribution Page under Guide Authors and a page card called Share this Guide.

Figma Link [here]

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@alyssabenipayo please add the links to the text at the bottom of the figma page. See the Slack Reminder google docs guide for appearance of sample text

Please also move the Share this Guide section to the bottom.

Also we changed the text above the pictures of the authors (in the slack reminder google doc and the last version of the figma), however it seems like a old version of the text has returned. It currently says

Peer-created guides are an important part of Hack for LA’s Culture. Help us to make it better by posting any comments directly next to the content.

and it should say

Peer-created guides are an important part of Hack for LA’s Culture.  They are created by our Volunteer Members based on effective processes developed on our projects.
abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

New Guide Design Updates


Desktop ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/137784633-e35596a0-8061-42ba-82ae-bac8696f0cb8.png)
Mobile ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/137784645-af11f7dd-8a99-49b9-babe-9a124eb4696e.png)


Desktop ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/137784703-0d509130-ccd1-442b-b294-78e17409c43e.png)
Mobile ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/137786045-8356f6fd-03aa-407f-bf0b-2f571b5cf577.png)

Action Items

- [ ] See if we could implement Components to Guides' Figma


How do I escape quotation marks in liquid? Liquid - Replace Excellent Level Discussion Share Page Discussion Spaces between Images and Steps Discussion (Desktop) Spaces Hierarchy Discussion (Desktop)

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago


github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 12:03 AM PST.

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Update: Not much to update while I'm away this past week, except:

Will also review the desktop and mobile mockups again to ensure that they follow the design system. Thanks!

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

New Guide Design Updates (10/25/21)


Desktop ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/138667611-3e5dcd46-8b59-4760-ac57-607a4b6f0e95.png)
Mobile ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/138667638-1d660e33-988c-4af9-b8a4-69187858e1ff.png)


Desktop ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/138667664-d844c007-c8a9-4771-ac64-7b648d6a2741.png)
Mobile ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/138667692-da99a3f5-086d-4608-928a-bcb741977724.png)

Action Items


How do I escape quotation marks in liquid? Liquid - Replace Excellent Level Discussion Share Page Discussion Spaces between Images and Steps Discussion (Desktop) Spaces Hierarchy Discussion (Desktop)

Possible Discussion with Design Team

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Guide Pages Design System Update

The following notes will be used as a reference for our Design Team in updating our Guides Pages Design System:


Font Size Discussion Spaces between Images and Steps Discussion (Desktop) Spaces Hierarchy Discussion (Desktop)

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago




Availability: Open

ETA: 11/6/21 - 2FA Page For Now

Other Updates

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago




Availability: Open

ETA: 11/6/21 - 2FA Page For Now

Will be attending Guide Teams meeting on Friday (11/5/21)

Inquiry for this Friday


abenipa3 commented 2 years ago



Before Updating ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/140494291-6890578b-6ffb-47dc-8a49-4faf824322d4.png)
After Updating ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38295612/140494231-77e700cd-ff28-4deb-a1c9-2c0fe55413f6.png) Will add the LinkedIn and GitHub icons next.


Availability: 5-8

ETA: 11/6/21 - 2FA Page For Now

Inquiry for this Friday

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago

Things Discussed 11/5/21

Action Items

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Monday, November 8, 2021 at 11:03 PM PST.

abenipa3 commented 2 years ago




Availability: 5-8

ETA: 11/30/21