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Hack for LA's website
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DEV TEAM Meeting Agenda Thursday🌸 #1891

Closed Aveline-art closed 2 years ago

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago


This issue tracks the agenda for the HFLA website team and weekly roll call.

Weekly Action Items

Weekly Agenda Markdown

### Agenda for monthAsText dd, yyyy

- [ ] writeYourNotesHere

### Post-meeting notes, monthAsText dd, yyyy



Example Agenda

Agenda for November 9, 3012*

- [ ] Discuss when to have a meeting about making origami - [ ] Get feedback on 3 different brands of folding paper - [ ] Create issue about the origami ship project
*Note: Date is written out because of cultural differences in date formatting.
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for July 6, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for July 8, 2021

akibrhast commented 3 years ago

Make an issue about updating the contributing.md such that, it walks people through the commands needed to do a pr review.

aalieu commented 3 years ago

Issues for Back-End Meeting July 8, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for July 11, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for July 13, 2021

Post-meeting notes, July 13, 2021

Notes from Front-End Meeting
1. @jbubar announced he would be transitioning to the VRMS team. He would like to spend the next few weeks organizing `wins-feature` branch. He will provide more information later this week. 1. We discussed [@averdin2 comment above](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/1891#issuecomment-879440004) - @jbubar and @Abel-Zambrano went through all issues tied to the `P-Feature: Wins Page ` label and added comments below: ``` IMPORTANT!! This issue is working off of a feature branch! Please follow this wiki before creating a new branch! [how to work off a feature branch](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-work-off-of-a-feature-branch) ```` - After discussing with the dev team and @ExperimentsInHonesty, we determined a GitHub action for a Feature label which will send a message similar to the above. - [x] issue for `Feature` label GitHub action needs to be made. 3. @jbubar wanted to bring up that since we removed merge privilege's, users who want to review pull request lost the command line instructions. The emphasis is that we either provide this information or restore merge privilege to all users (for access to the command line instructions). - @Aveline-art added a screenshot of command line instructions with a template[within the Pull Request Wiki (within Step 3)](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-Review-Pull-Requests#Step3) - We also determined that a GitHub action to add a comment below the pull request with the command line instructions with the info wrapped in [] replaced with the appropriate data: ``` git checkout -b [nameOfCollaborator]-[nameOfFromBranch] [nameOfIntoBranch] git pull https://github.com/[nameOfCollaborator]/website.git [nameOfFromBranch] ``` - [x] issue for GitHub action to provide pull request command line instructions needs to be made 4. @Aveline-art wanted to bring up we do not have any documentation on `how to create an issue`. - [x] issue for documentation on `how to create an issue` needs to be made 5. @abuna1985 and @arghmatey worked with @macho-catt on issue #1887 - @macho-catt will standardize the card with flexbox - @ExperimentsInHonesty wrote a message to @daniellex0 regarding the [placement of the CSS](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/1887#issuecomment-879564848) since this needs to be accessed by the Join Us and Site Map page 6. @Aveline-art designated @abuna1985 to oversee issue #1850 7. @arghmatey will begin creating design system website prototype #1927

Agenda for July 15, 2021

Post-meeting notes, July 15, 2021

Notes from Back-End Meeting
  1. @Aveline-art Workshop on Github Actions.
  2. What are our human resources for issue #1945?
  3. How many people do we have to work on a bigger project like Donations? => @abuna1985, @macho-catt, @averdin2
  4. Pull requests per week challenge e.g. nums of lines of code, nums of commits, etc.
  5. Reach out to Sihem about analytics
  6. Look up Github API endpoints to see how many commits have been made => @macho-catt
  7. Assign small issues off of the large issue #1850. Do a meeting to teach new developers how to create issues (aka Workshop)
  8. “I do, we do, they do” - @jbubar technique.
  9. Who wants to work on [Onboarding Prototype](#1833)? @averdin2 and @jpandh are encouraged to pair program on it.
  10. Deploy Wins Page before Danielle leaves.
averdin2 commented 3 years ago

I am not going to be able to attend the July 13th meeting, but I want to raise an issue I think needs to be addressed. I recently reviewed PR #1929. The main concern is that this issue deals with making changes to the wins page. It was not made clear in the initial issue that in order to work on the wins page, you should be making a new branch off of wins-feature-1 and not gh-pages, and also be directing the pull request to the wins-feature-1 branch. I want to make sure that we are making this clear with the team and on issues relating to the wins page, and to also let people who are reviewing wins page issues to be looking out for this.

abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Notes from Front-End Meeting July 13, 2021

  1. @jbubar announced he would be transitioning to the VRMS team. He would like to spend the next few weeks organizing wins-feature branch. He will provide more information later this week.

  2. We discussed @averdin2 comment above

    • @jbubar and @Abel-Zambrano went through all issues tied to the P-Feature: Wins Page label and added comments below:
      This issue is working off of a feature branch!
      Please follow this wiki before creating a new branch!
      [how to work off a feature branch](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-work-off-of-a-feature-branch)
    • After discussing with the dev team and @ExperimentsInHonesty, we determined a GitHub action for a Feature label which will send a message similar to the above.
    • [ ] issue for Feature label GitHub action needs to be made.
  3. @jbubar wanted to bring up that since we removed merge privilege's, users who want to review pull request lost the command line instructions. The emphasis is that we either provide this information or restore merge privilege to all users (for access to the command line instructions).

    • @Aveline-art added a screenshot of command line instructions with a templatewithin the Pull Request Wiki (within Step 3)
    • We also determined that a GitHub action to add a comment below the pull request with the command line instructions with the info wrapped in [] replaced with the appropriate data:
      git checkout -b [nameOfCollaborator]-[nameOfFromBranch] [nameOfIntoBranch]
      git pull https://github.com/[nameOfCollaborator]/website.git [nameOfFromBranch]
    • [ ] issue for GitHub action to provide pull request command line instructions needs to be made
  4. @Aveline-art wanted to bring up we do not have any documentation on how to create an issue.

    • [ ] issue for documentation on how to create an issue needs to be made
  5. @abuna1985 and @arghmatey worked with @macho-catt on issue #1887

    • @macho-catt will standardize the card with flexbox
    • @ExperimentsInHonesty wrote a message to @daniellex0 regarding the placement of the CSS since this needs to be accessed by the Join Us and Site Map page
  6. @Aveline-art designated @abuna1985 to oversee issue #1850

  7. @arghmatey will begin creating design system website prototype #1927

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for July 18, 2021

alexeysergeev-cm commented 3 years ago

Backend Meeting Notes July 15, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

In the meeting July 18, 2021

Issues to be made:

Action items:

Abel-Zambrano commented 3 years ago

Notes for July 20, 2021

@abuna1985 discussed the site's CSS and wants to find a way to address duplicate code that should be a reusable component.

@arghmatey working on design systems page. Adam provided design templates.

@danyc23 working on the Tool kit page mobile filter, he will figure out how to make the filter work.

@Aveline-art suggested review wiki and remove old information or update

@jbubar discussed possibly creating an onboarding article for the wiki

Onboarding Guide

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for July 29, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Post-meeting notes, July 29, 2021

Click for notes
7/29/2021 **Review of JS code** Spreadsheet of all the code locations for hfla site https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jWVH-1QAgcaMd3BInWEW6Zaq-z9lN-C4qJ6I3mchfNs/edit?skip_itp2_check=true&pli=1#gid=1481433092 **1) If we move the js code from html pages, where should we store it?** - Move js code from html file to separate js files - Assets folder is commonly where js code is stored - Make folders under website/assets/js and keep all js code here - Create JS file for every page that uses js code (i.e. calendar.html will use calendar.js) - If two different html files use the same js function, what should the file be called / how should they be stored? - Calendar.js and meeting-time.js can call the same file that has the js code. This file will be under a utility folder - Utility folder will be needed for utility functions (for functions that can be used across different html files). - Create assets/utility - Create assets/components and store components js there **2) Project-meetings and Events pages look like they use the same js code** - However, the source codes are actually different - Events js code is modular - calls VRMS api to populate the meeting times - Project meetings js code - also calls VRMS api - cross references VRMS api and VRMS json and if there are differences, use VRMS api - VRMS json is from a gh action that calls the VRMS api as well. This is supposed to be a “backup” - Use the js code from Events because it’s cleaner - Do we wanna use it in the template, or use it for the overall page? **Issues to create:** - ~~Extract js code from Events html page into a new js file~~ - ~~Attach the script to the events html page and delete the old js code under the events html~~ - ~~Attach the script to the project meeting page and delete the old js code under the project-meetings html~~ **3) Getting started page (currently used), a getting started page with video prototype, and 2fa page** - JS code that controls drop down (accordion) for each all pages - sets style of display from none to block, and vice versa - good practice is to add an event listener that changes the class instead that uses the display styles **Issues to create:** - Create two new classes, each class will hold the display style. Refactor the code to use these new classes instead of using inline styles. The default view of the accordion will be display none - Extract js code into a new js file - Attach the script to the three pages and delete the old js codes - Funny bug with the accordion that extends the lines out of the page. Move the issue from the ice box to backlog **4) 2FA page uses a donut (pie chart) code** - donut js code that’s not showing in the website because the html tag has display none - shows a pie graph that displays the number of users that use 2fa - doesn’t look like it’s pulling data from anywhere - Ask Bonnie what is this and what do we want to do with it? **5) Guide pages: Survey reporting dashboard page (code is there but not the button tag) and github issues page** - Copy button that has some css bug. Clicking the button copies the code block **Issues to create:** - Fix css bug - ~~Remove js code from survey page~~ - Extract code to a new js file - Attach the script to the github issues page and delete the old js code - @Aveline-art's addition: - Add the assets folder to a blacklist (see [this ](https://www.hackforla.org/assets/js/about.js)to understand why) - Update wiki architecture guide with new information about proper storage of js code
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago

Agenda for August 05, 2021

averdin2 commented 3 years ago

Notes for August 5th

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for August 12, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Post-meeting notes, August 12, 2021

Click for notes
- [ ] A compound is a collection of element sized components that is reusable elsewhere in the website. - [ ] The homepage redesign will make use of a lot of assets from other pages - [ ] These assets will be turned into reusable compounds - [ ] The compounds will live in a new directory in the _includes directory - [ ] So far, the card in program-areas, and the nav in toolkit will be turned into compounds - [ ] New issues to turn program-areas cards and toolkit nav into compounds - [ ] The code might need to be edited such that it is truly reusable - [ ] The code needs to also still work so that the pages do not look any different - [ ] The design team needs participants to conduct a survey on donor's perception of our website - [ ] If you know someone who has donated to an organization before (any, not just us), please send their contact information, with permission, to @kristine-eudey , @sacamp , or @Basu3040 on slack. - [ ] Accordion component issue is finalized #1407 ! - [ ] @Aveline-art will create issues for the js-audit! In the future, they will be discussed for anything that may have been missed
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for August 19, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Post-meeting notes, August 19, 2021

Click for notes
Start 7:35 PM How to organize the includes directory? - Big changes should be scheduled to avoid merge conflicts. - Should everything be in includes directory? - Research on folder structure might be helpful. - Might be made similar to the structure of assets folder. Overview link at every project card needs to show the pdf itself on the browser's pdf reader. - Sample https://www.hackforla.org/test/Access-the-Data-One-Sheet.pdf - Pdfs can be put in assets folder in a new pdf folder. - Might change link url under _projects. AccessLint - Need to pay for it. - Discussed if the value added is worth it. - Will not pursue it. Tables project - Building api calls to github. - Working on a blocker. Copy button functionality - Can display an indicator as a tooltip. - Need design team inputs. - @Aveline-art will make a design issue. End 8:30 PM
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for August 26, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Post-meeting notes, August 26, 2021

Click for notes
Meeting notes August 26, 2021 Start: 7 PM Note taker: Saumil Pro/con list to merging the wins-feature-1 branch: Pros: - Will make it easier for devs to work on the wins page if it is part of the gh-pages branch - Merge conflicts will continue appearing if part of wins page gets updated in the gh-pages - We have a goood running wins page at the moment - This will also give a chance for devs to work on new issues involving wins feature - We have new features to show for stakeholders with the new wins feature page Cons: - There are still some funky css issues with the modal involving the show more/ show less - If we merge the wins feature-1 branch, then devs will not get the learning experience of working on a feature branch (good for real world experience) - The current js code for the wins page that need to be refactored - If we merge we can no longer make the sweeping changes if we need to (will be harder to componentize) - we can no longer easily parse the dropdown script from the wins card script Renaming github actions not based on function but based on triggers. - Are the current names for the files in the various GHA folders confusing? The names are confusing, because of the add-[blank] names. We also cannot put GHAs in sub folders, so as more GHAs are made, it's harder to organize. - Should we combine GHAs if they share the exact same trigger? (each GHA will become a job) and how should we handle naming files when it contains multiple jobs that does very different things? https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/usage-limits-billing-and-administration To run a workflow job conditionally based on the result of the previous workflow run, you can use the jobs..if or jobs..steps[*].if conditional combined with the conclusion of the previous run. For example: From doc If WR objects store job names, we can do it https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/events-that-trigger-workflows#workflow_run @averdin2 did a demo on Linter #1957 - Showcased when the trigger is, what the linter does and how it will help the team. workflows linter.yml found error (pull request) fixed the error added new file, again asked for test discussion on push vs pull only checks css or scss files add on push to linter config file END 8:25 PM
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for September 02, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Post-meeting notes, September 02, 2021

Click for notes
Meeting notes Sep 2, 2021 Start: 7:00 PM Note taker: Saumil For the VRMS API code, it might not be preferable to call the api multiple times. Is there a way to cache the data into a state variable that can be readily retrieved? - VRMS retrieves multiple times - need place to store api data - const API_URL = 'https://www.vrms.io/api/recurringevents'; - fetch(API_URL, {method: 'GET'}) .then(response => response.json()) .then((data) => { // Checks for differences between localData and VRMS data if (arr_diff(data, localData)) { clearSchedule(); schedule(data); } }) - can use session cookies (putting expiration data on cookie, encrypting and session storage) - might do injection, security concerns - need to check for API limits - touch base with VRMS team; POC Jason or Mui @macho-catt proposed a way to organize our github actions Google Sheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12NcZQoyGYlHlMQtJE2IM8xLYpHN75agb/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112702316936901382793&rtpof=true&sd=true - files can be named after triggers - can be little tricky if too specific Proposals for scheduled jobs: - Prop 1: all triggers scheduled same time can be grouped together (update VRMS data: verify this action is unneeded, make issue to rename the other actions) - Prop 2: Combine VRMS and GitHub data - Prop 3: Every action as separate file - Prop 1 preferred - all except top 2 in Prop 1 can be done now Proposals for linters - Prop 1: we need separate linters since they will take longer to run - Prop 2: Separate linter files for SCSS and JS - Prop 2 preferred more organized - Doing it now Proposals for general triggers - all in same group - did a demo on test conditionals - use if conditionals for each - doing it now Proposals for workflow - can create artifacts from jobs (.txt files). - Prop 1 all separate vs Prop 2 based on trigger - prefer Prop 2 based on trigger Some issues might be moved to ice box. END 8:10 PM
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for September 09, 2021

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Post-meeting notes, September 09, 2021

Click for notes
?How do we use the new website-admin folder in the drive? ☐ What files belong there? - Wins form and any api keys for the moment until we find other way (but maybe api keys not a good idea) ☐ What does not? - however security keys might be dificult ☐ How do we grant permission? - if anyone new need to work on wins form, can request access - google aps script (those who have worked on medium or large issue), discussion on if read access can be granted, tokens can be hidden ☐ Who gets what level of permission? - everyone who is not lead will get view permisions ☐ Do we refresh sensitive keys in the folder? - if can't hide keys how often to refresh - once a month - token for pull request only: is not available - repo can be shared (repo status, public_repo) - all leads can have shared and refresh once a month ?Unit testing for js code in website and github actions ☐ What can we test for that would help us immensely? - assignee can run unit test in their environment - steps can be provided to download; for the assignee - can include docker but that would only be for website and we need testing for actions too ☐ What libraries are available for us to use (besides css/js linters)? - https://github.com/helpscout/jekyll-joule - unit testing demo soon by @abuna1985 - https://www.selenium.dev/ @macho-catt will work more on security
Aveline-art commented 3 years ago

Agenda for September 16, 2021

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 3 years ago

Post-meeting notes, September 16, 2021

Click for notes
Meeting start: 7 PM Note taker: Saumil Few points about the roll out plan from @blakes24 - need to transition from 1 production branch to dev and UAT branches - actually 3 separate repositories - discussion on viability plan - plan similar to 3 websites would be running at the same time - (workflow) current repo would become dev, then that would go to UAT and whem PMs approve it would become production - would not want github actions to run on all 3, so main branch would have actions, within dev would have 2 branches, extra files will go to extra branch and gh-pages can move from dev to uat to prod (needs more research) - design might request to take a look at select instead of all - roll out plan should not have mass changes and should be quick (soln: open all 3 repo and then switch, will need Bonnie's approval) - current branch should be dev and change domain to hackforla.dev - Should there be different actions on different repos? Soln: action can work with diff repo with token and api security demo by @macho-catt - trying to secure api token for google app script - 3 functionalities: 1 related to taking data from excel, and other two related to submit form - ways to avoid put request (only view, no edit permissions) - documentation should be in admin folder drive - some requests to be moved to gh-requests END: 8:15 PM
macho-catt commented 3 years ago

Agenda for September 23, 2021

macho-catt commented 3 years ago

Post-meeting notes, September 23, 2021

Click for notes
### Time sensitive labels - We can ask Bonnie to create a new milestone that is 00 and assign these labels here. That way, they can be placed at the top of the priority - We can also go over these issues during the dev meetings and promote them to devs that don't currently work on an issue - If nobody has picked them up yet, we can put them in slack so people who weren't in the meetings can be made aware as well ### Title-Classes - We noticed that the font sizes are using rem, so we can't simply rename the variables to a px size. We have to do some hard math to calculate - It might be better to keep the original 7 and add a new mixin that takes in a value that can be changed - This avoids creating more titles - It might be useful to keep track of the top 7 title class fonts to see how they are actually being used - Can use GREP - Track on the _site directory - Getting raw vs weighted values ### Linting JS - Linting might be beneficial, but at this point git hooks might be better (example Husky) - This way the code can be linted before it gets pushed to the production - We want to promote best practices over enforcing certain styles - We can flag some stuff as warning instead of as an error so beginner developers don't need to ram their heads into the wall trying to figure out why something did not commit - Will research more into this to see our options
macho-catt commented 2 years ago

Agenda for September 30, 2021

macho-catt commented 2 years ago

Post-meeting notes, September 30, 2021

Click for notes
- Did Wins demo - Might be a good idea to put an ID for each object - Bring up on Sunday meeting to transfer wins to admin drive - Having a single source of truth is a good idea in general - A JSON file might become unmaintainable in the long run - We may just be trying to recreate a non-relational database using js - GraphQL is an option, but can it be integrated within Jekyll? - Once we transfer to the Dev / UAT branch repo, we can possibly test these ideas in feature branches - CodeQL can be useful and cool, but need more research - Possible future demo - Top three finalists for the design system name: Saber, Mochi, Tiramisu - Final winner to be voted on Sunday - @blakes24 brought up the Dev / UAT / Prod branch structure - Settled on two repos: one with Dev + UAT branches, the other with Prod branch - Developers can make pull requests on the Dev branch, then the merge team can select issues and merge them to the UAT branch for review - Once stakeholders are happy, we push from UAT to Prod
macho-catt commented 2 years ago

Agenda for October 6, 2021

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Post-meeting notes, October 7, 2021

Click for notes
- @blakes24: demo on main and uat. Possible issue: no custom url to test with (spare url can be used inclusivity.org) - alt text issues need reference from UX team (maybe audit) - project.md files should be source of truth, can go ahead with refactoring. Note: higher priority than regular refactoring ticket - might move credits out of _data folder, more discussion required - release dependency on documentation
macho-catt commented 2 years ago

Agenda for October 14, 2021

macho-catt commented 2 years ago

Post Meeting notes, October 14, 2021

Click for notes
**Wins Page JSON file** - It might be smarter to just use unique IDs for each wins page entry. Once the unique IDs are set up, we won't even need the YML files since we can just iterate through the list and look for the specific ID we want - If we have 50+ wins entry, that's 50+ YML files to maintain. That eventually becomes unmaintainable - We need to ensure that we don't edit (if someone asks to edit info) or delete existing wins entry files, and if we want them to be removed, to just hide them in google sheets **Collection files end in .MD while _data files end in .YML** - We tested setting the project collection to end in *.YML and they did not render. So this is actually important - We will keep them as is **Should all images have a YML file under _data?** - This is a good idea to keep information for each image files consistent (alt attribute content and source content) - We need to ensure that logos and icons that don't need alts actually don't get alts - We can keep all the YML files for images together in the same folder (most likely rename the credits folder) and add a variable that if true, will display the image in the credits page **Should the assets directory be moved somewhere else? (like _data or _includes)** - We discussed why our directories are set up this way - _includes only works with html files - _data only works with yml, md, json, csv, or tsv files - _project (and other collections) work with md - As such, assets will host images, js, and pdfs **Slack messages on the hfla-site channel** - @macho-catt will update the slack channel reminders **How can we attract more members to join / stay the team? Is this our goal?** - Add more team discussions for Tuesday meeting so they don't become stale (kinda like what we do for Thursday meetings) - Have interesting topics instead of just having Stand ups + breakout rooms for help - Merge Thu and Tue meetings so we only have a Tue meeting. The Thu meeting will only be held if we have demos to do, or we really need them
macho-catt commented 2 years ago

Closing, because Thursdays are now office hours