hackforla / website

Hack for LA's website
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HfLA: DEV TEAM Meeting Agenda Tuesday📝 #2010

Open abuna1985 opened 3 years ago

abuna1985 commented 3 years ago


This issue tracks the agenda for the HFLA website team and weekly roll call.

Weekly Action Items

Weekly Agenda Markdown

### Agenda for MONTH DD, YYYY

Facilitator: TBD

#### Meeting start

- [ ] Sign in to [www.vrms.io](https://www.vrms.io)

#### Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)
Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

- **Returning members** (1-3 minutes)
1. If we have new members present, brief introduction about yourself.
2. What have you completed since last Tuesday?
3. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
4. If you have a blocker, leave a short summary in the chat so we can help you resolve it later in the meeting
- **New members** (1-3 minutes)
1. Where are you from?
2. What are you looking to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
3. What is your experience with coding / open source contribution?

**Ice breaker for everyone**: 

#### Announcements (30 minutes)

- [ ] Will open the floor for any announcements
  - [ ] 
- [Pull requests (PRs)](https://github.com/hackforla/website/pulls) 
  - [ ] Go over open PRs to assign reviewers
    - [ ] [How to Review Pull Requests](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-Review-Pull-Requests)
    - [ ] Remind all reviewers to add ETA and availability at the time of assignment
    - [ ] All developers are expected to review pull requests. (Target: for every PR created, should review 2 PRs)
    - [ ] Assign junior developers to [On-call PR Review for 1st and 2nd Issue spreadsheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uq65QGwIpbx60JZZpqd7juHwEytDEOJap6e6u1klSVw/edit#gid=0)
  - [ ] Check on any prs with "Changes requested" 
    - [ ] Show how to request a reviewer to re-review a pr after changes are made
- [ ] Go over Project Board for any questions
  - [ ] [Help wanted label](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/86/views/1?filterQuery=-label%3A%22away+on+hold%22+label%3A%22help+wanted%22)
  - [ ] [Questions/In Review column](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/86/views/1?filterQuery=-label%3A%22away+on+hold%22+status%3A%22Questions+%2F+In+Review%22)
- [ ] Reminder: Office hours on Thu from 7-8pm Pacific. The room will be open for any questions / help, or if you want to see what is being worked upon.

#### Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)
- [ ] Issue help / questions 
- [ ] PR help / questions
- [ ] Onboarding new members
  - [ ] Go over the new [pre-issue template](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/new/choose) with new developers. Also, go over the following documents if time permits: Demo on picking up a good first issue, [How to Review Pull Requests](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-Review-Pull-Requests), [Being a Part of the HackForLa Team](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/Being-a-Part-of-the-Hack-For-LA-Team). Follow the steps in #3175
Example Agenda

Agenda for November 9, 3012*

- [ ] Discuss when to have a meeting about making origami - [ ] Get feedback on 3 different brands of folding paper - [ ] Create an issue about the origami ship project
*Note: Date is written out because of cultural differences in date formatting.
abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for July 20, 2021

Announcements (10 minutes)

Stand up update (20 minutes)

Break out Rooms (25 minutes)

Post-meeting notes, July 20, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for, July 20, 2021
@abuna1985 discussed the site's CSS and wants to find a way to address duplicate code that should be a reusable component. @arghmatey working on design systems page. Adam provided design templates. @danyc23 working on the Tool kit page mobile filter, he will figure out how to make the filter work. @Aveline-art suggested review wiki and remove old information or update @jbubar discussed possibly creating an onboarding article for the wiki ### Onboarding Guide - New Members to Join engineering community of practice - New Members add themselves to hfla-site and hfla-site-pr - Send email to add New Members to google drive and fill out roster - Walk through some code - Add New Members to HackforLA.org folder in google - Send HfLA roster file from google drive so they can sign up - Request GitHub username - Message Admin slack channel to add members (can take 2 days) - Add members to google calendar for Tuesday and Sunday - Share the repo (new member share their screen) - Wiki/how to contribute file - Discuss Git briefly - Discuss Docker briefly - Download vs code
abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for July 27, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. What is the most underrated superpower?

Time permitting @abuna1985 will go through the list before the meeting and note any that need to be discussed by the team

Post-meeting notes, July 27, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for, July 27, 2021
Insert meeting notes here
abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for August 3, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Time permitting @abuna1985 will go through the list before the meeting and note any that need to be discussed by the team

Post-meeting notesAugust 3, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for,August 3, 2021

abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for August 10, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life what would it be?

Time permitting @abuna1985 will go through the list before the meeting and note any that need to be discussed by the team

Post-meeting notes August 10, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for,August 10, 2021

abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for August 17, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. What fictional world or place would you like to visit?

Time permitting

Post-meeting notes August 17, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for,August 17, 2021
Post-meeting notes August 17, 2021 Stand up Mathew: Reviewed pull requests. Adrian: Set up docker, had some issues. Did a pull request. No blockers. Sara: Design system prototype. Joseph: first pull request. Alyssa: Guide pages. Blakely: 1 pull request still pending. Gary: Absent Andrew: Not much done. Updated string args page. Ava: Creating components. Blockers - how to make it reusable. Ben: 2 issues this week. Sakari: working on last week issue. Saumil: working on last week issue. Announcements: Looked up pull requests. Adam added 2 issues - standardize photo page cards, it was reassigned. Make the tablet like mobile view - will contact josh before recycle. Assigned pull requests. Next we moved to break out rooms. Discussion about cloning the website.
abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for August 24, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. What fictional world or place would you like to visit?

Time permitting

Post-meeting notes August 17, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for,August 24, 2021

abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for August 31, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. What fictional world or place would you like to visit?

Time permitting

Post-meeting notes August 31, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for,August 31, 2021
Meeting notes August 31, 2021 Start 7:00 PM Note-taker: Saumil Stand up update @Abel-Zambrano: worked on issue @aalieu: made changes on the pull request Patrick: working on first issue @macho-catt: did some pull requests and some issues, no blockers @Aveline-art: Github analytics issue good progress, finished js audit, opened issue on security and new issue forms. @SAUMILDHANKAR: working on new issue @adrian-zaragoza: working on next issue, no blockers @GLRJr: assigned new issue @averdin2: on tables issue, actions issue almost ready for review. - All wins feature issues can now be completed using a branch from gh-pages. The feature label and feature branch instructions have been removed - Brief discussion on upcoming Code for America 1 day hackathon on Saturday September 18th. https://www.codeforamerica.org/national-day-of-civic-hacking/ndoch-2021. All interested might reach out to @Aveline-art for team formation or other questions. - New issue forms issue assigned to @adrian-zaragoza - Discussion on best practices for issue creation. END 8:10 PM
abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for September 6th, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. What was your favorite TV show when you were younger?

Time permitting

Post-meeting notes September 6th, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for September 6th, 2021
Begin: 7 PM Note taker: Saumil Standup @abuna1985: worked on backlog, icons on wins page #2214, mentored team members @macho-catt: Google aps script research #1980 #2145 , no blockers @averdin2: working on tables issue #1833 , no blockers @Aveline-art: finished draft of google analytics #1945, more graphs and data, graph2 coming week @arghmatey: homepage design @adrian-zaragoza: testing new issue form #2128 , created 2 templates, demo on Sunday @blakes24: fixing copy button #2101 @SAUMILDHANKAR: working on changes requested for the issue #2217 @linds-fonnes: dev env set up #2177 @GLRJr: couple of questions on issues #2117 Welcome @linds-fonnes, @gourouhassiba and @R-Tomas-Gonzalez new members Announcements - made new issue called pre work #2232 (comes with a template) for first issue, will help new joinees resulting in lower drop off - new issue creation demo help from @ExperimentsInHonesty Team discussion - wins page homepage design, voted on all cards to pick top two, josh bubar, paul van hagen and eva lieu chosen top three (reaching out to Eva for permission) - discussion on tables project #1833, hiding the keys and security - js liquid bug #2117 discussion Adam and Gary - Adrian demo to Bonnie END 8:10 PM
abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for September 14th, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. What was your favorite TV show when you were younger?

Time permitting

Post-meeting notes September 14th, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for September 14th, 2021

abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for September 21st, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. Do you like to listen to music while coding? if so, what genre makes you feel productive?

Time permitting

Post-meeting notes September 21st, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for September 21st, 2021

abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for September 28th, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. What is your favorite movie genre to watch?

Time permitting

Post-meeting notes September 28th, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for September 28th, 2021

abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for October 5th, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. What's the greatest TV show or movie of all time?

Time permitting

Post-meeting notes October 5th, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for October 5th, 2021
- Build issues for the pull requests. - Next step: Dev environment set up - New issue template that works as an onboarding step. - Add a help section for newcomers where we list channels to reach out to and other steps to take when they have an issue. - WSL1 vs WSL2 differences for Docker. - For a good first issue, one line changes only so they can learn how to make a commit and a pull request.
abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for October 12th, 2021

Standup questions for returning members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. What have you completed since the last Tuesday?
  2. What do you plan to complete before next Tuesday?
  3. What are the blockers that stopped you find progressing on your issues? a. If you would like, we can set up a breakout room to resolve your blocker
  4. If you have a pull request pending: a. Have you read the last comment/review? b. Do you have any questions?

Standup questions for new members: (1-3 minutes)

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What are looking to get to get out of volunteering with Hack for LA?
  3. What's the greatest TV show or movie of all time?

Time permitting

Post-meeting notes October 12th, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for October 12th, 2021
- The team spent five minutes to vote on the design system name after the standups - The team worked on #2363
abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for October 19th, 2021

Post-meeting notes October 19th, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for October 19th, 2021
Note taker: Saumil - Welcome new members: @chrisfoose, @edeneault - No Thursday meeting going forward, Tuesday would be more like full stack meeting - @abuna1985 did a quick demo on the changes made to contributing wiki, feedback from members encouraged - @macho-catt introduced Github action to hide comments, discussion on hiding bot and old comments
abuna1985 commented 3 years ago

Agenda for October 26th, 2021

Post-meeting notes October 26th, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for October 26th, 2021

macho-catt commented 3 years ago

Agenda for November 2, 2021

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Ice Breaker for everyone: If you were to have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes November 2, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for October 26th, 2021 - Sunday ask ux design team to add Nucleus in their design. - #2179 Github Actions will be reviewed by Matthew and Saumil. - Create New html file under _includes for the Donate card and should be used for the Join Us and About - If someone is new, we want to assign them to a Pre-work Checklist issue . - Thursday Meetings are Office Hours from 7-8pm. Come in there for anything: Questions, Hangouts, etc.
macho-catt commented 3 years ago

Agenda for November 9, 2021

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Ice Breaker for everyone: Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes November 9, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for November 9, 2021 - There are Google Apps Script issues that are available to be worked on. Reach out to Matthew Cacho and he will help you learn Google Apps Script
macho-catt commented 3 years ago

Agenda for November 16, 2021

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Ice Breaker for everyone: What's your favorite Disney song?

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes November 16, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for November 16, 2021
macho-catt commented 3 years ago

Agenda for November 30, 2021

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Ice Breaker for everyone: What is your favorite strange food combination?

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes November 30, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for November 30, 2021 - Weekly update: Working on pull requests for this week returning members Jim and Saumil noting their goals and progress. New member introductions welcoming John, Anthony, Sydney, Jessica, Miguel, and Lindsey Announcements: - Matthew: December 19th last day with the team Wins for the week: - 2 team members found jobs! Adrian and Etienne Congrats! Pull requests: - Matthew doing live pull request demonstration showing how to review changes. Project Board: - If you have questions for development use "development team meeting discussion items". If you have questions for other teams like UI/UX use "Questions / In Review". - Reviewing Help Wanted labels - Talking about the structure of the website: static and frontend, runs on Jekyll and liquid and vanilla javascript which means much of the data is already generated and comes from data files. Discussed layout of the projects page and manipulation of data. - 7:30 Going over Github organization, Google Drive, and Developer checklist - Discussed working on project board issues under Prioritized backlog labeled "good first issue" and working on only one issue at a time and graduating to "size: Good second issue" and further. - Question about how to get involved in coaching: Look for posts on slack channel or Help wanted tag and then reach out and offer help and/or pair programming - Question about how to get involved in architecture: Website is pure front end with devops automation through github actions with specific jobs that can activate on trigger. Discussed integration with google appscript with automated actions example with hackforla.org/wins
R-Tomas-Gonzalez commented 2 years ago

Agenda for December 7, 2021

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone: What are your preferred holiday destinations or places that you would like to visit?

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes December 7, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for December 7, 2021 Note taker: Lindsey Dinkel @LindseyinTech Tuesday Meeting 12/07/2021 Meeting members: Matthew Cacho Jessica Cheng John Guan Saumil Alyssa Miguel Lopez Anthony Sim Lindsey Dinkel Johnnie Hicks New members: George Ma @Georgema20 Lamar Robinson @lrobinson823 Shantanu Shende @shantanushende Maggi Mamdouh Agenda: Regular standup: Saumil working on knowledge transfer from Matthew, Matthew cleaning up pull requests Lindsey (@LindseyinTech): working on onboarding and setting up development environment and docker. Anthony @anthonysim worked through 2 good first issues! Goals to graduate to higher tier issues Jessica worked on adding a github link to one of the pages, updating project pages and starting 3rd issue, resolved question about slack ids Alyssa @alyssabenipayo : working on guide pages & looping images, addressing questions from guides team and working on styling working on implementing guides prototype into the HFLA website. Miguel @lopezpedres : working on setting up small issue & collaborating on issues, waiting to get feedback on designers to see next steps. Johnnie @Johnnie007: Completed 1st and second issue and website audit, this week working on first small issue, no blockers. Wins: Jafar, Anthony, Johnnie, Jessica, Jim, John, Miguel and Sydney first pull request merged! Reminder to make sure your first issue is merged before moving on to a second issue! Going over PRs and assigning PR reviews: one issue at a time but can review as many pull requests as you want and should match level that you have completed issues for. Ramiro stopped in and had a question about the mobile footer design to add privacy policy but isaac (design lead) was not sure about final design, advised that will be an upcoming issue and that design is not final yet. Reviewed questions on the issue board, no HFLA developers issues. Jessica asked about waiting for issue resolution before moving on, if an issue is reviewed but not merged, advised to reach out on slack channel. Breakout rooms for reviewing issues and onboarding new developers. Talked about Google App Script and automating actions between google assets and github.
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for December 14, 2021

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone: Name a celebrity with the last letter of the previous celebrity.

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes December 14, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for December 14, 2021
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for December 21, 2021

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone: Name a country with the second last letter of the previous country.

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes December 21, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for December 21, 2021
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for December 28, 2021

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone: Name a city which starts with the same letter as your name. OR Pick a question from the below list:

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes December 28, 2021

Click to see the meeting notes for December 28, 2021 Discussion on options for using a linter: @lindseyindev using a spell check linter + EsLint extension in VS Code and shared the following observations: the spell check marks variable names, function declarations as misspelled!! Name: Code Spell Checker Id: streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker Description: Spelling checker for source code Version: 2.0.14 Publisher: Street Side Software VS Marketplace Link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for January 4, 2022

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone: Song, poem or a quote:

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes January 4, 2022

Click to see the meeting notes for January 4, 2022
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for January 11, 2022

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone: Name a national/state park and its location.

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes January 11, 2022

Click to see the meeting notes for January 11, 2022 - Notetaker: @JessicaLucindaCheng * https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2397#issuecomment-1010593460: Anthony's original issue was to implement the technologies dropdown in Version A of the projects page for Figma. We need to ask Design Team about whether they still like Design C and the mobile with scroll bar for the technologies dropdown before implementing it. * Jessica feels there is a lot of confusion and questions about the Projects page and what Design Team currently wants. She wants to know if we can ask Design Team for an update. * Saumil did onboarding with Tamara and Sarah S. * Jessica asked for initial feedback on having an issue creation tracker where other developers can help write issues. Anthony and Miguel expressed interest in helping write up issues. Miguel suggested we ask in Sunday's meeting because there is more people. * Jessica asked Samuil about multiple scss classes having the same name and content. How does the website know which scss class to use when html uses it? Jessica will document Jessica's question in writing with links so that it can be followed up on.
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for January 18, 2022

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone: Share something you tried out recently (meal, snacks etc).

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes January 18, 2022

Click to see the meeting notes for January 18, 2022 ##Stand Up Saumil: couldn't get to a lot of stuff, there is a pile up and is looking forward to completing his assigned tasks
Anthony: Worked on his arg issue for the drop down, he is unsure what to complete this week if you have a pull request pending they're doing final review and should get approval soon
George: He's been working on the medium pull request because of some other work he has done and is looking to pick up another medium/large issue for next week
Jessica: She's is still working on her large issue (create the privacy policy) her blocker was commenting out the notes on the differences between the mobile desktop version. She plans on creating new issues, review pull requests and help with issue creation as well.
Patrick: Has completed his first good issue. He is currently working on job applications and interviews.
##Announcements: Jessica has moved to the Merge Team.
Thomas has got a new job.
##New PRs:
#2696 small frontend issue - Anthony & George
#2693 Add alt attribute to line 20 projects-page.html -Anthony
Project Board::
no questions
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for January 25, 2022

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone:

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes January 25, 2022

Click to see the meeting notes for January 25, 2022 Note taker: Brian Notes from meeting: Do a review on all pull requests within 7 or more days Add Pull Requests to Project Board Only add images on visuals being changed to the UI Add availability and ETA on all pull requests
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR Under Weekly Agenda Markdown in the top post, I updated the template, made a few changes, and added a couple of items to the template.

I tried to make the template reflect what we currently use in our agendas but feel free to change the template or remove items I added to the template.

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

For next meeting:

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for February 8, 2022

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone: You can have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what is it?

Weekly Action Items (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes February 8, 2022

Click to see the meeting notes for February 8, 2022
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR Thanks for doing the Tuesday agenda! I apologize for not being clear about where the template is in this post https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2010#issue-952363728. I cleaned up the comment/post with the template so hopefully it's clearer now.

Also, I updated and edited your agenda for tomorrow (Feb 8, 2022) above.

For the Wins section, I put the wins in code formatting to prevent notifying people every time we edit the agenda. Please remove the code formatting ``` when the agenda is all set and no more wins will be added.

Also, after assigning reviewers to prs, let's have a few minutes and have everyone actually add their availability and review ETA on the prs they are assigned to review during meeting time.

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for February 15, 2022

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone: Name a holiday destination.

Weekly Action Items (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes February 15, 2022

Click to see the meeting notes for February 15, 2022 Note taker: Utkarsh Jason --> Ran into a blocker, Saumil and Jason will try to resolve today and send a pull request. Luke --> Has sent a pull request for the issue he was working on, next he will look for another issue to pick up and help with PR review. Jessica --> Fixed a bug appeared on Tuesday and fixed some other things, no blockers currently. Hopefully merge the issue to GHpages or the main branch(?). One pull request pending. Carlos --> First issue done today(Tuesday the 15th). Getting the hang of things, be more comfortable by next week. Saumil --> Reviewed pull requests, contributed to docs (Wiki articles, adding roles and responsibilities for team members). For next week, planning to make progress on 2 issues, one of which is more important. Also work on 2 PRs. Utkarsh --> Still getting the hang of things as well. Hopefully contribute by next week. Alyssa --> Styling the guide pages, has a bug to fix. Start on Google app script for a converter(?) Saumil guided us how to go through reviewing requests, and request a re-review. Carlos decided on his first issue to review.
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for February 22, 2022

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone: Name a book for developers or any other book.

Weekly Action Items (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes February 22, 2022

Click to see the meeting notes for February 22, 2022 Hack4LA - Website Dev Meeting 2.22.22 Happy Twosday! Notes by Devin @Sparky-code Standup - New & existing members Intro, Progress, Blockers, Planned Work Welcome Anna! Second meeting, First pull request and looking over documentation. Saumil - Here since August ‘21. Now tech lead of the website team! Working on resume building, java, py, projects. Working on bug issues with labeling, found fix and working on implementation. Did a few pull requests and issue writing. Welcome Carlos! Second meeting, first and second issue complete, did first review and first issue writing, picked up a medium issue and an internship, congrats! Welcome Adolf! Second meeting, first and second issue done. Worked on writing some issues Working on learning more about git and its uses with H4LA. Devin - Second meeting, working on coding bootcamp through TOP. done first issue. Working on familiarizing more with standards and practices, writing issues, and 2nd pull. Utkarsh - 3rd meeting, working on a masters degree. Building resume. Minicourse on git! (recommend) Has done issues at 1st and 2nd, and working on writing issues. Tamara - since January 22’ Has done some requests. Working on pull requests and the epic issue (.yml). Working on starting first medium issues! Jessica - since Dec 21’. software degree, coming back to Code with H4LA to work on more real world ongoing projects. Reviewed pulls, wrote issues, working on two issues with hold ongoing on one. More PRs and agendas and meetings this week. Jason - 3rd week with H4LA! Almost done with first small issue, Next week, first pr review and starting med issue! Blocker is first small issue problem. Kristoffer - First meeting! Welcome! From north of LA. looking for coding experience and building a stronger knowledge of git. Some python experience, lots of GIS and IT admin background. Icebreaker - what's a good book for dev (or other?) - Data Structures & Algorithms - Cracking the Coding Interview - Ready Player One - Eloquent Javascript - Brave New World - The Design of Everyday Things - You Don’t Know Js - PostGIS in Action - Software Design Decoded Meeting Notes: Working on oncall tracker - check for your reviews of PR Skipped - docker loading speeds Review of sunday .yml files issue (breakout) Celebrations! :music: - Congrats to members for merges and writtens PR review - Pending PRs - Try for two reviewers - Remember to add it to Project Board Reminder! - Please add ETA and availability on review issues Review - Project board, navigating dev labels - Help Wanted label, add when necessary - office hours can be a great time to talk through issues Reminder! - Office hours (thurs, 7-8 *link in slack) breakoutRooms open
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

For the next wins/contribtutions

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for March 8, 2022

Meeting Start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice Breaker for everyone:

Weekly Action Items (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Meeting notes for March 8, 2022

Notetaker: Tamara Snyder Hack for LA Website Dev Meeting March 8, 2022 Attendees:

Did Intros and Icebreakers (hobbies)


General notes

Celebrated team contributions/wins (see meeting agenda for more details)

Assigned PR reviews

Onboarded new members and went into breakout rooms for questions

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Agenda for March 15, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice breaker for everyone: What is the best superpower?


Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Pull requests (PRs)


Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

HfLA Website Dev Team Meeting - Tuesday March 15, 2022 Attendance: Jessica Cheng Tamara Snyder Sarah Sanger Luke Karis Utkarsh Saboo Steve Carter Jaret Balba Harshita Sao Adolf Schmuck Jason Yee Poorvi Rao Signed into VRMS Did stand-ups and icebreakers (what is the best superpower?) Announcements Talked about why we should wait until PR is merged before working on a new issue Assigned PR reviewers and commented availability Discussed developer on-call sheet for reviewing PRs Went over how to filter labels on PRs Opened floor for questions Decided that image tags should be written as <img> instead of <img/> since they are self-closing and the slash is redundant Went into breakout rooms to discuss further questions

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for Mar 22, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice breaker for everyone: Upcoming TV show or movie.

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for March 22, 2022 Note-taker: Ryan Cahela Notes 03_22_22 #### _**Attendees Status Update**_ **Poorvie Rao** Completed the second good issue, hoping to start first medium issue by next Tuesday. Current blockers: None so far. Icebreaker: Looking for suggestions on movies or tv shows **Luke Karis** Worked on 2 pull requests, Plans to complete ticket currently working on. Current blockers: none. Icebreaker: looking forward to Hogwarts Legacy video game **Jessica Cheng (tech lead)** Completed since last Tuesday: 1-2 pull requests, created more issues (in a good way) Complete before next Tuesday: writing epic and several pull requests Icebreaker: Old Guard on Netflix **Tamara Snyder** Completed since last Tuesday: PR got merged Complete before next Tuesday: start google doc for injecting liquid, work on more pull requests. Icebreaker: **Sarah S** Completed since last Tuesday: completed a few pull requests, small issue. Complete before next Tuesday: working on a medium issue. Current blocker: info on where everything needs to go. Icebreaker: obi-won on disney plus. **Jared Balba** Completed since last Tuesday: reviewed a pull request, worked on issue but pulled from wrong area. Complete before next Tuesday: working on new issue. Current blocker: none Icebreaker: obi-won **Adolf Schmuck** Completed since last Tuesday: PR review, working on large issue redesigning navbar. Complete before next Tuesday: continue working on large issue. Current blocker: making slow progress on breaking things into files. **utkarsh saboo** Completed since last Tuesday: reviewed PR, need to discuss with author. has Complete before next Tuesday: review 1 more PR, get his PR approved, pickup a new issue. Current blocker: Waiting on code review for his PR Icebreaker: new batman movie **Carlos Perez** Completed since last Tuesday: reviewed 2 PR Complete before next Tuesday: review more PRs Current blocker: waiting on PR to be merged Icebreaker: new sonic movie **Michael Myatt (new member)** Completed since last Tuesday: NA Complete before next Tuesday: NA Current blocker: NA Icebreaker: **Jason Yee** Completed since last Tuesday: waiting on PR to be approved Complete before next Tuesday: Current blocker: none Icebreaker: NCA Tournament **Saumil** Completed since last Tuesday: Enjoyed his days off, writing issues, reviewd some PRs Complete before next Tuesday: review more PRs Current blocker: No blockers Icebreaker: Spiderman: no way home #### _**Announcements**_ #### Utkarsh Saboo Got offered a job for an app company in California! Might not be able to commit to this project as much in the future. #### days off Saumil taking Wednesday off. Jessica taking Sunday noon to Tuesday 5PM off. please pick issues from the “prioritized backlog” all developers are expected to review pull requests.
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Next agenda: Should we revisit resolving merge conflict demo and do it more completely?

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for March 29, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice breaker for everyone:

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for March 29, 2022 Note-taker: Kathryn Silva Conway Atteendees: Kathryn Silva Conway Saumil Devin Engineering Tamara Snyder Carlor Perez Jessica Change Adolf Schmuck Poorvi Rao Jaret Balba Jason Yee + 4 people mentioned having difficulty using Liquid. Devin Shared a link to some resources on Liquid: https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers http://cheat.markdunkley.com/ https://shopify.dev/api/liquid/basics + Reminder: If you are planning to take time off or miss a meeting, please let a team lead know. + Remember that the [#hfla-site-pr](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/C025ERFDM4Y) is available to discuss pending pull requests. + There are no meetings from April 1-7, except for team leads. You may feel free to reach out with questions on slack during this time. If you are interested in sitting in on the team lead meeting on Sunday, reach out to Jessica. + PR reviews were assigned to Adolf & Steve. + There was a brief review on how to review PRs. Reminder to keep your cache clear while doing PR reviews if you cannot see the changes. Also, check to make sure changes look good across mobile devices. + Always add your ETA/AVailability to a PR review. + Our target is to do 2 PR reviews for every pull we request. + Reminder to request a re-review any time you make requested changes to a PR. + Review of how to create an issue. In general, when you discover a typo, you should create a new issue for it rather than just fixing it yourself.
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Next agenda: Should we revisit resolving merge conflict demo and do it more completely?

Added to our agenda.

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for APR 12, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice breaker for everyone: Name a place which starts with the second last letter of the place mentioned by the person before you. First place can be Los Angeles or chosen by the person who goes first.

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for APRIL 12, 2022 Note-taker: Devin Krizwold Attendance: Devin Krizwold Saumil Utkarsh Saboo Kathryn Silva Conway Carlos Perez Jessica Cheng Tamara Snyder Luke Karis Adolf Schmuck Jason Yee Harshita Sao Jaret Balba Jason Yee Poorvi Rao Eric (Onboarding) Greg Gomes (Onboarding) Trisha Johnson (Onboarding) Ice Breaker: What’s a city that starts with the second to last letter in the city before you? (Geography test ensued) Announcements: Saumil announced Adolf joining the Merge Team (Congrats!) Review of Sunday meeting key points Only screenshot in light mode (for continuity and clarity) The Project board is very slow and buggy due to overload (A critical issue!) Feel free to add a comment or GIF of your experience ([see Issue](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/3031)) Clarification from Jessica: ANY project board issues that cause lag or crash are welcome as comments, reaching out to Github and all comments will help clarify our problem. PR Review All reviews should have at least 2 reviewers, more is ok if you are looking for experience (but helpful to find PRs that need a second one) Reminder to add your ETA and Availability to the PR when you pick up a PR review Walkthrough of the on-call PR review spreadsheet after you have completed your first and second issues. This helps all new first and second issue PRs get reviewed in 24-48hrs Reminder: Office Hours on Thursday at 7-8pm for questions, insight into H4LA, etc. Open Breakout Rooms
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for APRIL 19, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Ice breaker for everyone: What did you learn new at the website team last week?

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for APRIL 19, 2022 Hack for LA Developer Meeting Notes - Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Note-taker: Tamara Snyder Saumil congratulates members on their contributions Intros, updates, and icebreakers Icebreaker: What did you learn about the website team last week? Members learned more about WCAG guidelines, becoming more comfortable with Git/GitHub, navigating Figma, working in feature branches, and new things to look for when reviewing PRs from reading others’ comments Saumil reviews main points from the Sunday meeting: using feature branches, Jessica leaving the team May 7 or May 14 Saumil gives a demo on reviewing PRs and assigns reviewers. More info can be found in the HfLA wiki * Goes over how to add availability and ETA * Reiterates expectations for pull request reviews: review 2 per created PR * Mentions on-call PR review spreadsheet Jessica does new member onboarding Saumil addresses blockers
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for APRIL 26, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for APRIL 26, 2022 Hack for LA Website Team Notes 4/26/22 (Note taker: Luke Karis) Attendance - Saumil - Jessica Cheng - Kathryn Silva Conway - Eric - Tamara Snyder - Luke Karis - Ryan Cahela - Carlos Perez - Utkarsh Saboo - Steve Carter - Trisha Johnson - Wilny Duong - Adolf Schmuck - Harshita Sao - Jay - Matthew Arofin - Devin Krizwold Updates Ryan cahela Working on a bug, solution just occurred Hopefully fix bug by next week Tamara Since last tuesday: merged and reviewed prs Will post blocker By next tuesday more PR and merges Utkarsh Since last tuesday: not much, prepped for interview Going to finish issue this week Going to review Jason’s PR Saumil Reviewed issues, PR Going to review PRs before next tuesday, going to write issues, and planning Steve Carter Since last tuesday: not much, interviews Currently working on ticket that is confusing, will plan to get roadmap to see if his approach is correct and get some feedback Carlos perez Since last tuesday: almost done with medium issue Going to start another medium issue before next tuesday Eric Focusing on docker issue, rabbit hole Before next tuesday: keep digging into docker stuff Kathryn This week doing interviews Did small PRs, worked a little on issue Trisha Worked on finishing pre work checklist, completed first issue, reviewed PR Lots of interviews recently Hopefully finish second issue and do some reviews Jay Past week did first issue Plan for this week to do second issue and small issue as well as do some reviews Matthew Arofin Got through first issue This week goal is to handle good second issue and maybe move on to small issue, maybe do PR Devin Krizwold This past week didn’t get a lot done, busy with work and school Worked on a couple reviews and wrote an issue Next week: create game plan for large issue Adolf Schmuck Didn’t do that much because of docker issues, spent most of last week on docker issue Wrote up documentation guide for how to solve issue Has another docker issue! Plan to work on this now Will work on PRs too this week Jessica Finished large issue! Before next tuesday: lead stuff, get more issues, start Harshita Finish issue that they are working on Wilny Duong Finish second issue For next week: small issue and PRs Docker issue: “No implicit conversion of hash into into Integer” Temp fix: change jekyll docker image that docker-compose yml uses Bonnie worried about what changed in ruby Hack for La site being run on gh pages, not docker Cynthia Kiser pointed out on slack that local dev environments should run the same as the website in production GH uses old dependencies Not sure why they haven’t updated Can’t find exact preexisting jekyll image that uses same versions that gh uses Found some different versions but nothing quite fit Reached out to guy who runs Jekyll repo about helping out, not sure if he will actually get back Easiest option is settle for older image But the problem with this is that it will not be actively maintained, which is an issue! Not sure what effect that will have Another option is to create our own custom Docker image Hack for LA would have to maintain this which could be a liability bc of the turnover How vital is it that jekyll and ruby and other dependencies are the same as the version in gh-pages? Could we get someone to consult about this? Perhaps with a devops background? Doesn’t seem to be an isolated issue as a good number of new people are struggling with it Not a OS issue, different operating systems had the issue (Linux, Max, Windows) March 26th the Ruby version was upgraded in the Jekyll library Need to decide between resolution 2 and 3 in GH comment on the issue No decision made at this moment, we will keep the conversation going between option 2 and 3 as neither seem to be perfect solutions Jessica thinking 2 would be better because 3 is a heavier lift
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for MAY 10, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for MAY 10, 2022 Note taker: Luke Standup: Kathryn Silva Conway Hasn’t gotten too much done , doing lots of interviews Submitted medium issue, waiting for review No blockers, just needs more time to work on stuff Devin Krizwold Not been super productive on large issue Wrote one issue and working on draft of another issue Working on a project for a job application Adolf Schmuck Since last tuesday merged a couple of PRs Had an interview and working on code for something different Plan to review more PRs Jay Hasn’t been as productive as wanted This week hopes to get second issue going Eric Since last meeting still working on Docker image issue but has made some good progress Opened issue on Jekyll docker repo, hasn’t heard back doesn’t know if ever will Last week forked repo to construct custom image for HfLA and its working Would also like to do first and second issues and finish pre work checklist Utkarsh Saboo Traveling and had interview with Google Reviewed Jason’s PR Making slow progress on issue No blockers currently Jessica Cheng Reviewed some PRs Some administrative stuff Before next tuesday: write more issues, finish up issues assigned No blockers Harshita Sao Reviewed two PRs Before next tuesday hope to finish issue Jaret Balba Got the most recent PR merged! Started working on another issue, having problems with gh-pages Before next tuesday, going to review some more PRs Wilny Duong Reviewed one PR Submitted small issue which got merged in Before next tuesday will be busy but will try to review PRs Sarah S Didn’t do much since last Tuesday Plan to pick up another ticket and review PRs before next tuesday Saumil Has been writing issues Merged some PRs Worked on Resume Announcements: Jessica will be leaving the team on June 8th, also taking may 15 -24th off Project Board: No help wanted labels on tickets Dev team column looks good Questions/In-Review column looks good General Discussion: Jessica brought up to Eric that he should check the license for the Jekyll repo he cloned so that we are sure that we can use it
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for MAY 17, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for MAY 17, 2022 Meeting notes for 5/17: Note-taker: Kathryn Adolf SChmuck Saumil Jay Eric Devin Tamara Trisha Johnson Luke Karis Arpita Pandaya + Saumil will be taking off on 5/172022 and will not be answering messages. + Jessica is taking some time off this week and will return by next Tuesday, 5/24 +We welcomed new members new members Seth, Kaia, Murtaza, Arpita, and Monica. + For new users experiencing Docker problems, here is some information about a temporary fix: https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/C4UM52W93/p1650222772033369 + There are a few issues in the prioritized backlog that are currently labeled Urgent or Time Sensitive. Please review these issues and let a team lead know if you would like to pick one up. + Adolf will re-review issue #2934. The issue has already been merged. He will close the issue if everything looks good. + Pleas review the wiki on how to review pull requests if you have not: https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-Review-Pull-Requests + Remember that our goal is to review 2 PRs for each PR we create. + If you have finished your Good Second Issue, please be sure to add your name to the on call spreadsheet. + Trisha and Devin were assigned PR reviews. + We moved on to breakout rooms to address individual blockers and to onboard new members.
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for MAY 24, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for MAY 24, 2022 Note-taker: Utkarsh Saboo Saumil -> moving things forward, researching code QL, start testing it before next Tuesday. Review PRs if time allows Trisha -> Completed a PR review, PR submitted for her small issue, submitting request for re-review. Needs help with merging her topic branch. Adolf -> Reviewed a few PRs and got a PR merged and wrote issues. Eric -> Reached out to OPs team to consult on Docker, custom Docker image to be implemented. Wilny -> Took up 2 issues, hopes to finish medium issue before Sunday. Jaret -> His is has been flagged, with some errors and blockers. Needs help with them. Jason -> Has pushed his changes and is waiting for re-reviews. Will do some reviews. Kathryn -> Waiting on medium PR to get merged. Action needed from reviewers. Do some PRs. Monica -> Pre work checklist. No blockers yet. Gerardo -> Has picked up a small issue that he hopes to finish before next Tuesday. Kaia -> Working on a pre-work checklist and will pick up her small issue soon. Arpita -> Is working on the pre-work checklist. Will work on her first issue before next Tuesday. Jessica -> Had the last week off. Points of interest :- Jaret has joined the merge team. Saumil will be taking 3 days off so might be a little slow in replying and reviewing. Pick up time sensitive issues or Status : Urgent first. Their order is generally set by the leads.
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Agenda for MAY 31, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for MAY 31, 2022 Note-taker: Eric Vennemeyer Attendees: Saumil Jessica Arpita Devin Jaret Kaia Kathryn Luke Olivia Tamara Wilny Murtaza Eric As discussed in Sunday meeting, today will be Saumil and Jessica’s last meeting. The team is in the process of finding new technical leads. If any team members are interested in the position, they should reach out to Saumil or Jessica. Jessica will leave a message on the HFLA-Site channel when she knows which team she is moving on to We have a new member today, Olivia Wang. Adolf will be taking the week off. There will be no team meetings from June 1 - June 7th, including no office hours on Thursday. New developers facing a Docker error when setting up their dev environment should look at [this temporary fix](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/C4UM52W93/p1653830520615629) in the Slack channel: Looking for devs to assign issues in Prioritized Backlog column: #2777 - Audit for changing labels from size to complexity (Murtaza) #2956 - Bug: HackforLABot moving issues to wrong columns #2933 - Workflow Run Set PR labels not adding labels to Pull Requests #2634 - GitHub Actions: 2 weeks inactive label bug In general, devs who are waiting for a PR to be merged should take the opportunity to review other pull requests. (For every PR created, should review 2 PRs.) Requested devs to review open PRs. Discussed how to review issue #3184 - Update pre-work template Shared Wiki article re: [how to review a PR](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-Review-Pull-Requests). Reminder that you must add your Availability and ETA when assigning yourself as a reviewer. Went over on-call sheet for PR reviewers. No blockers were posted. Tamara and Jaret performed onboarding for new member. When changing issue label to “help wanted,” make sure to also post the issue name in the sack channel so others know you are looking for help. Jessica Cheng (she/her) Re-posting what [@Eric Vennemeyer](https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U03AUUZT3E3) wrote: If you are experiencing the "no implicit conversion of Hash into Integer" error when running docker-compose up and looking for a temporary solution, I was able to fix it by doing the following: 1. Go to the docker-compose.yml file in the website directory. If you've already cloned a copy of the website repo to your hard drive, you can edit this file directly with vim or another text editor. 2. Under "services:" look for "hfla_site:", then look for "image:". The current setting is jekyll/jekyll:pages. 3. Change jekyll/jekyll:pages to jekyll/jekyll:4.2.0 4. Save and run docker-compose up once again. This time the container should spin up just fine, and you should be able to use a local version of the website by visiting localhost:4000 in your browser.
tamara-snyder commented 2 years ago

Agenda for June 14, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person If you have a blocker, drop a short summary in the chat so we can help you resolve it later in the meeting.

Ice breaker for everyone: What is your favorite dessert?

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for June 14, 2022
Wny-Duong commented 2 years ago

Agenda for June 21, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for June 21, 2022 - Meeting attendance - Sakari - Tung - Wilny - Tamara - Alan - Melodie - Devin - Kathryn - Riya - Beckett - Murtaza - Lily - Asher - Clayton - Updated Wiki to correct wrong Zoom link for the Tuesday meetings - Gave stand-ups and went into breakout rooms
Wny-Duong commented 2 years ago

Agenda for June 28, 2022

Meeting start

Stand-up update (5-10 minutes)

Each member will give a quick update and popcorn to the next person

Announcements (30 minutes)

Breakout Rooms (Till end of meeting)

Post-meeting notes

Click to see the meeting notes for June 28, 2022