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HfLA: DEV TEAM Meeting Agenda Sunday 🧣 #2027

Open Aveline-art opened 3 years ago

Aveline-art commented 3 years ago


This issue tracks the agenda for the HFLA website team and weekly roll call.

Weekly Action Items

Weekly Agenda Markdown

### Agenda for monthAsText dd, yyyy
Facilitator: TBD

**Welcome to the Sunday All Website Teams meeting. Thank you for joining us!**

## Announcements & Reminders
  - [ ] https://www.vrms.io/
  - [ ] Devs only team meeting on Tuesdays from 7-8pm PST
  - [ ] Office hours on Thursdays from 7-8pm PST 
  - [ ] No meetings for the first 7 days of every month
  - [ ] Open the floor for celebrating any announcements

## Meeting items 
### [Pull Requests](https://github.com/hackforla/website/pulls)
  - [ ] Go over open PRs to assign reviewers
    - [ ] Check on any PRs with `Changes requested`
    - [ ] Explain how to re-request a review after you make the requested changes
  - [ ] All developers are expected to review pull requests 
  - [ ] Encourage team members to review open PRs
    - [ ] [How to Review Pull Requests](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-Review-Pull-Requests)
    - [ ] Remind PR reviewers to add their ETA and availability after requesting themselves for a review
    - [ ] [On-call for Reviewing PRs](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uq65QGwIpbx60JZZpqd7juHwEytDEOJap6e6u1klSVw/edit#gid=0)

### [Project Board](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/86/views/1?filterQuery=)
- [ ] Explain the project board and the flow of issues between status columns
- [ ] Explain how to use the various views: "@me", "dev: GFI", etc.
- [ ] Check the ["In Progress (actively working"](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/86/?filterQuery=status%3A%22In+progress+%28actively+working%29%22+label%3A%22Status%3A+Help+Wanted%22) status column for issues with `Status: Help Wanted` label 
- [ ] Check the ["Questions/In Review"](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/86/?filterQuery=status%3A%22Questions+%2F+In+Review%22) status column

### HFLA Journey Advice
- [ ] [Being a Part of the Hack for LA Dev Team](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/Being-a-Part-of-the-Hack-For-LA--Dev-Team)

### To bring up with UI/UX

### To bring up with PM
Example Agenda

Agenda for November 9, 3012*

- [ ] Discuss when to have a meeting about making origami - [ ] Get feedback on 3 different brands of folding paper - [ ] Create issue about the origami ship project
*Note: Date is written out because of cultural differences in date formatting.
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Agenda for Mar 27, 2022

Facilitator: Jessica Cheng

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting



Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Note-taker: Sarah Sanger Attendees: - Jessica Cheng - Tamara Snyder - Steve Carter - Ryan Cahela - Frank Stephanski - Utkarsh Saboo - Ben Montgomery - Kathryn Conway - Carlos Perez - Adolf Schmuck - Hiram Riddle - Anna Filatova - Sarah Sanger - Gabriel Garcia - Jesica announced no meetings for general & invited those who are interested to leadership - Jessica reminded us to work on first, second and medium if we haven't or to leave them for beginners - Jessica reminded us that we can do more than one medium issue/large issue (but only one at a time) - Jessica reminds us about office hours thursday 7-8 (not the first week of the month) - Jessica reminds us about how to review prs - Jessica assigns pr's - Jessica reminds us about the On-call pr schedule https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uq65QGwIpbx60JZZpqd7juHwEytDEOJap6e6u1klSVw/edit#gid=0 - Jessica refers us to the wiki on how to create an issue https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-create-issues - Jessica shows us where to create a new issue (she recommends issues to new issues & select a template) https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=blank-issue-template.md&title= -she recommends to check by label & keyword (in issues) to make sure there isn't already an issue for that & - Jessica explains the approval process -Saumil goes over where to find the links to the meetings & asks which one folks are using - Jessica checks for help wanted labels, Questions in Review - Jessica demos how to do a pull request - update your forked gh-pages and then locally git checkout gh-pages and then git pull to get changes locally on your computer - that the branch comes from the same person who is completing the issue - check the branch to go into & come from - check/read the linked issue number - check for screen shots or no visual changes statement - pull the branch - if you have already pulled the branch before and you are re-reviewing, make sure to delete the branch from your previous review before using the commands given by github-bot in the pr to pull the branch again for a re-review - make sure gh-pages is updated before pulling Jessica goes over merge conflict - go into file & delete the one of the code options that is trying to go on the same lines (see which change you recently made) - gives us link to vscode solution to merge conflicts https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/versioncontrol - Tamara ask Providence about Bonnie's bad linkden address and how to correct that - and if there can be a change to the google form to validate links - or how to go about validating links before putting them on the website Jessica reminds us of her time off - Jessica: sunday - Tuesday - Saumil: Wednesday
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

For next Sunday agenda, revisit resolving merge conflict demo and do it more completely.

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Survey results for team meeting link preference: Total 14 Members using team meeting link from Google calendar (7): Ben, Sarah, Saumil, Jessica, Carlos, Kathryn, Steve Members using team meeting link from Slack (4): Utkarsh, Tamara, Frank, Adolf Members using team meeting link from Join us wiki (0) Members using team meeting link from project board (0) No response 3

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Please check this at the end of your team meeting today https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2728#issuecomment-1086903359 - hopefully they have updated by then.

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Agenda for Apr 10, 2022

Facilitator: Jessica Cheng

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting


Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Jessica goes over wins/contributions Opened the floor for announcements Jess reminds us not to take screenshots in darkmode - so images are consistent - so you can reuse shots Asked for reporting on project board performance
- moving issues from one column to another
- waiting for a github message
- filtering issues by clicking on a label
- opening projectboard in more than one tab
- searching for a keyword
- https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/3031
- put a gif demonstrating the performance issue
- screen shot internet speed Jess assigned pull requests - but there weren't any available for assigning Jess goes over how to review pull requests - https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-Review-Pull-Requests - goes over how to assign yourself to pr - reminds us to assign ourselves to the OnCall PR sheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uq65QGwIpbx60JZZpqd7juHwEytDEOJap6e6u1klSVw/edit#gid=0 Jess has us take a survey: - How much time did it take you to finish the pre-work up to and including adding your initial ETA and availability for your good first issue? - go to issues (on github website) prework and close it if it is not closed - but then post how long it took to complete it - and post it in chat - https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2683#issuecomment-1094333071 - https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2664#issuecomment-1094333189 - https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/3009#issuecomment-1094333020 - https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2782#issuecomment-1094333680 Jess goes over office hourse on Thursday 7-8 Jess demos how to do a progress report (every week) - recommends doing it before sunday meetings Progress: what you have completed so far and what is left Blocker: what's stopping process, can add the help wanted label & post a slack message on the hfla or bring it up during a meeting Availability: hours you have this week to work on it ETA: when you think you'll be done with this issue can add pictures Jess introduces the idea us taking turns doing the demos (creating issues, labels, mielstone usage, issue approval, progress report creation) - Devin offers to demo next week Jess introduces us to Chrome extension GoFullPage to take a full page screenshot - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gofullpage-full-page-scre/fdpohaocaechififmbbbbbknoalclacl?hl=en Carlos mentions another way to take a full page screenshot - you can also take full screen shot in dev tools > toggle device toolbar > click on the three dots to the top right >capture full size screenshot Samuil & Michael go to a private room - to go over how to pick a good first issue Adolf goes over a question he has on a specific issue - how to add a link to a nav bar if it's an email - add the email in the nav bar file Then Bonnie & crew joins us - QA review: decides to use 'ready for dev leads' and move issues into new issue for dev lead review - adding alt text to unique images with wording on the HackForLA website (that isn't elsewhere on the page) Carlos & Jess go over Galaxy Fold Issue - https://github.com/hackforla/website/pull/2977#issuecomment-1094334610 - Carlos made a fix - Bonnie doesn't want to make the fix without the data of how many Galaxy Fold users visit the site Devin goes over how scope expanded - https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2061 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10-c3jpf4vtXKcwLiBC4Z3wqN777xlxbErHS4QNq-e8o/edit#gid=1157217661 - he then explains the spreadsheet to Bonnie (who then changes it) Bonnie goes over the Design Sytem: Audit Sticky Side Nav element #2173 - makes changes to clairify an issue - create a standard for sticky side nav component
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Agenda for April 17, 2022

Facilitator: Jessica Cheng

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting


Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Hack for LA Meeting Notes - April 17, 2022 Note-taker: Tamara Snyder Dev meeting Meeting attendance: Kathryn Silva Conway Saumil Jessica Cheng Eric Utkarsh Saboo Trisha Johnson Steve Carter Devin Krizwold Adolf Schmuck Tamara Snyder Congrats to all who made contributions this week! Announcements: Jessica demonstrates how to read through issues and check if you need to pull from a feature branch on an issue Jessica hasn’t been feeling well and is working to catch up with GitHub comments and Slack messages Jessica is moving to another HfLA project team on May 7 or May 14 Meeting Items: Issues with Docker for new members Eric thinks Ruby 3 is incompatible, so we need to downgrade to older version of Jekyll which uses an older version of Ruby (2.7) in docker-compose.yml Steps to fix: Make sure gh-pages is up to date Make new branch from gh-pages Change image line (line 4) in docker-compose.yml Assigned reviewers for PRs Discussed reviewing and re-reviewing PRs and how to see latest code pushed Went over Developer On-Call sheet All team (UX Research) Get Analytics on “Share your wins” button on Wins page Vivian Lin wants to know if we can track metrics on the “Share your wins” button in Google Analytics For instance, if people leave the form on page three, research wants to know so that they can investigate Bonnie thinks this is not possible within the form We could think about converting the Google form to a form on the site, but then we would need a backend or way to send data to the Apps Script We already have a spreadsheet for the Wins data. How would we MVP: Track the “Share your wins” button and the “Submit” button on the form to see how many responses are opened vs submitted Steve Carter will investigate further and write this issue Mismatched sets of sponsor images on current version of website Bonnie says to copy the images from the About page to the Home page so that they are the same size That way we are referring to the same image folder Delete redundant image folder Jessica asks Bonnie about account for Google Analytics so that she can get usage stats about browser/browser version to the CTJ team Website for design system: Design system in Figma is not finished and keeps experiencing changes Site will always be out of date Low priority project/tech debt Saumil is going to open a ticket with GitHub since a whole organization cannot do it He is going to update [webadmin@hackforla.org](mailto:webadmin@hackforla.org) so everyone can see updates Bonnie creates filters so that tech leads will receive updates Bonnie demo on creating desktop shortcuts for gmail Go to chrome://settings/manageProfile and click “create desktop shortcut” at the very bottom Valuable for using different emails for testing Handy to have a folder for various shortcuts Back to Dev meeting Devin gives demo on issue creation and adding labels to issues. More info can be found in the Wiki There are only four required labels: Feature, Role (front-end/back-end), Size (how many points?), and Complexity (Good First Issue, Good Second Issue, Small, Medium, Large) Bonnie adds that “The Overview should always be ‘We need to do X for Y reason’” Bonnie talks about Standardizing the HfLA Design System issue Issue got scope creep because of vague issue overview Started with discussions and audits with fixes to be made Conversations in comments made the scope grow larger Went through three lead teams Tasks were to Create reusable components for the website in Figma Page for components turned into full webpage designs Separate pages on the site were built as individual websites and didn’t reuse classes An audit was done, which led to design system for various elements Only worked for buttons and may still be out-of-date Trying to standardize designs and classes
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago


JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Agenda for Apr 24, 2022

Facilitator: Jessica Cheng

Before Breakout Rooms

Dev Meeting

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting


Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Note-taker: Kathryn Silva Conway Notes from Dev meeting on 4/24: Saumil Trisha Johnson Carolos Perez Adolf Schmuck Frank Stepanski Erick Odero Hiram Riddle + If you are changing your Jeckyll image 4.2.0 as a temporary fix to get Docker to run, please make sure you change it back when you push your code. We don't want to make this change permanently until we have done more research so that the fix can be applied uniformly. + Reminder that there will be no meetings from May 1-7, except for the team lead meeting. + Reminder that Bonnie will be taking off the 21st through the 27th of each month from now on. + All Developers are expected to review PRs. Our goal is to review 2 PRs for every 1 we submit. Be sure to add your availability/ETA in a comment. + Trisha & Kathryn were assinged to PR reviews. + Github is giving everyone a warning that node-fetch has a security vulnerability and needs to be updated. We are in the process of creating an issue to address this. + If you use the "status help wanted" label on an issue, be sure to leave a comment on the issue to let us know know what kind of help you need and also leave a comment on the slack channel. This will alert everyone that you need help. + We all introduced ourselves and welcomed new members Olanrewjau and Khadijah. + Jessica gave us a demo on reviewing pull requests.
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Agenda for May 8, 2022

Facilitator: Jessica Cheng

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting


Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Notetaker: Saumil Attendance: Saumil Jessica Devin Hiram Trisha Olanrewaju Adolf Kathryn Ahmad Jessica's last day with the website team is June 8. Trisha would be out of town May 20-22. Devin would have reduced availability in the coming week. Assigned PRs to review and went over all PRs to check progress and blockers. Discussion on the best practices to take meeting notes. Discussion with design to determine next steps for issue #2464: [Comment](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2464#issuecomment-1120468995)
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Agenda for May 15, 2022

Facilitator: Jessica Cheng

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting


Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Notes for Sunday 5/15/2022 meeting Note-taker: Carlos Perez Attendence: Jessica Cheng Carlos Perez Saumil Julian Smith Devin Krizwold Fank Stepanski Jason Yee Khadija Ibidapo Rejoice Devin to re-review issue #2355 Plan to check on issue #3085 again in Tuesday's meeting Discussed how to review pull requests Didn't need to assign any PRs to review and checked on Progress for current PRs and blockers Design team wants to share design with website dev team: - Bonnie told one of designers to present work to dev team and determine what frame is the best. Issue #3034 - Description page: # 3 was chosen - Discussed with design team to go over Jason's issue.
Sparky-code commented 2 years ago

Agenda for May 22nd, 2022

Facilitator: Devin Krizwold

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting


Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Review of issues 1562, 1563, 1566 < May all be redundant to https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2572

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Attendence: - Julian Smith - Carlos Perez - Devin Krizwold - Saumil - Khadijah Ibidapo - Adolf Schmuck - Murtaza Mogri - Frank Stepanski - Hiram Riddle - Sarah S - Olanrewaju-Ak - Didn't need to assign any PRs to review and checked on progress for current PRs and blockers - Need to come back to issue #2777 to assign a dev to work on it - Need to reach out to Steve about issue #2625 - Need to check up with jessica on issue #1562 to see if it needs to be closed - Devin demoed how to review a pull request
Sparky-code commented 2 years ago

@Sparky-code next week's PR review demo

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Agenda for May 29, 2022

Facilitator: Jessica Cheng

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting


Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Note-taker: Julian Smith IN ATTENDENCE: Jessica Cheng Julian Smith Saumil Kathryn Silva Conway Frank Stepanski Carlos Perez Adolf Schmuck Devin Krizwold Trisha Johnson Tamara Snyder Utkarsh Saboo Alan Zambrano Hiram Riddle 2 NEW TECH LEADS NEEDED - Last actual meeting Jessica and Saumil will be in attendence will be Tuesday, the 31st of May - Via Bonnie: If anyone steps up in the next 2 weeks, Jessica and Saumil will help train them - If no one steps up, meetings will start being cancelled - Merge team folks are the most likely candidates for leads - TIME COMMITMENT FOR TECH LEADS: Average 20 hrs per week, but if you're doing bare minimum, at least 10. - RESPONSIBILITIES: - IF BARE MINIMUM (10 hrs): Meetings, prepping for meetings (agendas, etc.), answering questions - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bm7Kzft9GGwMgbWFDri46V__cQfUGjPjs-x5kOOvRSc/edit#heading=h.7h03id9hh8bj MISC NOTE - If you don't have your name in your github handle, please add it. - To do that: - Go to your profile - On the left hand side, you can edit your name (see screencap below) - Hit the "Save" button at the bottom of the left column ABOUT MEETINGS THIS UPCOMING WEEK - All leads meeting on Sunday the 5th - contact Saumil with your email address to receive an invite if you want to sit in MISC NOTE - ~Once you submit a pull request, you can delete your local branch right away. Even if you need to make changes later, you can always pull it back onto your local machine.~ -->This is incorrect. Edit/correction/what it should be: - For PR reviewers: Once you review a pull request, you can delete the local branch that you created to review the pull request right away. Even if you need to re-review the pr, you can always pull it back onto your local machine. - For PR creators: If you created/opened the pr, do not delete your branch. Once your pr is merged, then you can delete it. ON-CALL 1st/2nd REVIEW - If you need to change when you're on call for good first and second issues, please do that. This can be done here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uq65QGwIpbx60JZZpqd7juHwEytDEOJap6e6u1klSVw/edit#gid=0 - You can add yourself to the above spreadsheet if you've already completed your good second issue - If you have at least an hour any time during the day you're assigned, that works! DESIGN/PM/UI GET-TOGETHER - Per developer question to PM: - Languages: Javascript, Python, etc. - Tools: Zoom, Slack, Google Docs, Miro, Figma - Technologies: Everything else! React, Vue, other Frameworks, etc. - PM PROPOSED MAKING A WIKI PAGE OUT OF THIS TO DEFINE THE TERMS. - ANNOUNCEMENT FROM BONNIE - BONNIE is taking a 2-day a week gig working for GitHub; will be cutting back on Hack for LA so things might be slower TITLE SIZE/WEIGHTS Font weight origins for titles are currently quite muddled—it was very strongly advised we find a way to simplify this issue And, if needed, the screencap for adding your name to your GitHub profile, as referenced in the section "MISC NOTE":
Screencap for adding your name to your GitHub profile Screen Shot 2022-05-29 at 10 16 41 AM
tamara-snyder commented 2 years ago

Agenda for June 12, 2022

Facilitator: Tamara Snyder

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
tamara-snyder commented 2 years ago

Agenda for June 19, 2022


Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Dev team notes from 6/19: - Attendees: - Kathryn Silva Conway - Tamara Snyder - Eric - Murtaza Mogri - Adolf Schmuck - Utkarsh - We are looking for volunteers to help run team meetings on Sundays and Tuesday. Please Slack message Tamara if you are interested in being a meeting host.
tamara-snyder commented 2 years ago

Agenda for June 26, 2022

Facilitator: Tamara Snyder

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
tamara-snyder commented 2 years ago

Agenda for July 10, 2022

Facilitator: Tamara Snyder

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes **Meeting items** - Sakari Salminiitty - Tamara Snyder - Tung Lin - Lily - Riya Aswani - Tung Lin - Beckett O'Brian - Murtaza Morgri - Sarah Sanger - Hiram Riddle - Olanrewaju - Utkarsh Saboo Tamara goes over Developer task list: where developers can create issues https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/183s91su1M8gLs3n7_fVA1RWrHwEZfpW-3-v_6jr4j5U/edit#gid=0 Tamara goes over signing up to lead a meeting https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i3hz062eETOgiIdwFPPHyhShlQ6joUj0TSFLJFClnHw/edit#gid=282052975 We go through PR's share the link on how to do pull requests https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-Review-Pull-Requests We go through Project Board Tamara goes over updating progress on your issues We go back to Bonnie Who goes over Beckett's issue of Html in the project is there a way to separate strings without html Beckett went through and tried the different ways & none of them worked... people using the website won't be able to liquid inject on the website
blulady commented 2 years ago

Agenda for July 17, 2022

Facilitator: Sarah

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes - Contributions and Wins - No announcements - Tung assigned as reviewer for pr #3375 - Discussed branch name error for pr #3362 - Checked On-Call Reviewer spreadsheet, Lily assigned as a reviewer on Saturday - Addressed question from Sakari on Issue #2104. 3 out of 8 changes in the issue did not work properly. Decided to update the css for the buttons to correct errors. Sakari received approximate location of said css code from Kathryn. - Demo of How to Review Pull Requests - Lily had an issue with pulling Beckett’s pull request for review. There was also an issue with uncommitted changes from Beckett’s repository showing up in Lily’s along with changes from Beckett’s branch showing up in Lily’s gh-pages branch. Sakari pulled Beckett’s pr and had similar issues along with finding that deleting the changes from one branch deleted them from all branches. Issue was solved by having Beckett update his fork of the repo. -Reviewed Tung’s decision recored. Was approved -Discussion with Research/Design: -Informed research/design of git issues. Was decided that if someone experiences the error, they should film it and post it in slack and in GitHub discussion “PRs problems with staged and uncommitted changed visible across branches” along with putting it in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HbA3zKVKVqGxzGD-dsKd29s7sId1o7Zi?usp=sharing - New features. Suggested by design: - Search function - Adding filters to pages outside of the home page - Discussed creating new issues for toolkitresources.yml. Decided to hold until design decides how the search will work. - Discussed with Bonnie issue #3361 which was approved - Satya joined meeting and was asked about proper usage of git especially commits. Related to earlier problem with reviewing pull request and uncommitted changes
blulady commented 2 years ago

Agenda for July 23, 2022

Facilitator: Sarah

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
kathrynsilvaconway commented 2 years ago

Agenda for July 31, 2022

Facilitator: Kathryn

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
blulady commented 2 years ago

Agenda for August 14 2022


Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes attendees: Kathryn Silva Conway Eric Vennemeyer Sakari Salmiitty Danny Perez Arpita Pandya Neev Lieberman Olenrewaju Utkarsh Saboo Lily Ruo John Barrett Matthew Toledo Tung Lin -Before you review a pull request, make sure your gh-pages branch is up to date before you create a new branch. -Sarah reminded us of the correct procedure for reviewing pull request. - we reverted an unwanted commit on a PR as discussed best practices for doing this. - A/B testing of the new filter menu design with Bonnie.
blulady commented 2 years ago

Agenda for August 08 2022

Facilitator: Sarah

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes -Wins/Contributions -No announcements -No new reviewers were assigned for pull requests -Sakari gave demo for how to test Github Actions -Utkarsh’s demo was postponed until next Sunday
blulady commented 2 years ago

Agenda for August 28, 2022

Facilitator: @blulady

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

blulady commented 2 years ago

Agenda for September, 11 2022


Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
blulady commented 2 years ago

Agenda for September 11, 2022

Facilitator: Arpita

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes - Not going to merge Mattre's pr without cleaning up the code, Sarah needs to complete reveiw today - we should continue to work on the old board - lots of new issues ready for us to work on - erik is working on docker image - talk to Ava about beckit - went through pre-work development & have an issue that summarizes what's going on with people falling through the cracks - github action that goes to everyone as soon as they self assign & says developer want's it to say "team member" - will see - seeing things newissues approval column, seeing a lot of ready for dev lead, should be a note on the bottom that says what should be done (dev lead make an issue to impliment it) then write dev has taken the handoff (comment on the bottom of the issue) and the new issue is done (if there isn't a comment at the bottom - comment @ bonnie at the bottom of the not issue & add a ready for milestone) - onboarding tonight bonnie will add them to the calendar invite & start the pre-work checklist - tuesday & thursday night eliminate folks with x's send them a message saying if we removed them in error to go back the previous week's calendar invite and reinvite themselves
github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hi @Zak234, thank you for taking up this issue! Hfla appreciates you :)

Do let fellow developers know about your:- i. Availability: (When are you available to work on the issue/answer questions other programmers might have about your issue?) ii. ETA: (When do you expect this issue to be completed?)

You're awesome!

P.S. - You may not take up another issue until this issue gets merged (or closed). Thanks again :)

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hi @Zak234, thank you for taking up this issue! Hfla appreciates you :)

Do let fellow developers know about your:- i. Availability: (When are you available to work on the issue/answer questions other programmers might have about your issue?) ii. ETA: (When do you expect this issue to be completed?)

You're awesome!

P.S. - You may not take up another issue until this issue gets merged (or closed). Thanks again :)

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hi @Zak234, thank you for taking up this issue! Hfla appreciates you :)

Do let fellow developers know about your:- i. Availability: (When are you available to work on the issue/answer questions other programmers might have about your issue?) ii. ETA: (When do you expect this issue to be completed?)

You're awesome!

P.S. - You may not take up another issue until this issue gets merged (or closed). Thanks again :)

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hi @Zak234, thank you for taking up this issue! Hfla appreciates you :)

Do let fellow developers know about your:- i. Availability: (When are you available to work on the issue/answer questions other programmers might have about your issue?) ii. ETA: (When do you expect this issue to be completed?)

You're awesome!

P.S. - You may not take up another issue until this issue gets merged (or closed). Thanks again :)

arpitapandya commented 2 years ago

Agenda for September 18, 2022

Facilitator: Arpita

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes - Google drive has changed so non users can make things in the shared drives - Asking for owners of forms to move to the shared drive along with the spreadsheets but they own the spreadsheet, they are the only one who can have move their spreadsheet - We have a new google drive (google drive migrations) - Bonnie found a paired linter/vs code extension to work with
arpitapandya commented 2 years ago

Agenda for September 25, 2022

Facilitator: Arpita

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes - No new announcements - Discussed Justin’s issue with Liquid/Jekyll not displaying Markdown files or accessing the files outside of `site.data` - Sarah’s GHA workflow demonstration - Worked on Matt’s issue with git - Sijia from Design requested feedback on the mobile view
7kram commented 2 years ago

Please add this to your agenda:


arpitapandya commented 1 year ago

Agenda for October 9, 2022

Facilitator: Arpita

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes - Announcements for devs to work on `time-sensitive` issues as a priority from `prioritized-backlog` - Seek assistance regarding WCAG speech bubbles that appears when hovering icons on the wins page - Arpita shall meet the previous lead. - On Justin's question - refer to the message next to Figma design - We are taking December month off, No meetings, but devs are welcome to continue contributing and reviewing. Announcements will be made as we come close to mid-November. - Discovered incorrect logo size for `access-the-data` project card on hackforla website after the merge - Bonnie updated the size of logo, Arpita shall fix it and open a new PR.
arpitapandya commented 1 year ago

Agenda for October 16, 2022

Facilitator: Arpita

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes - Attendees: - Azania Baker Garcia - prep for interview - Eric Santiano - will review PRs on Saturdays - George Stemman - will review PRs on Sunday - Sarah S - Arpita Pandya - Justin Dingeman - Matthew Toledo - Did not receive invite to Sundays meeting - Jamie Park - gone from Oct 27th - 31st, will review PRs on Tuesday - Johnny Wu - Dmitrii TS - Leon Dawson - Bishr - Akram Nour - How to ask for help on issues: help wanted label. Comment any blockers, share link - Pull Request Demo - Add screen shots for small, medium, large issues - Reviewing PR’s based on Figma Design - How closely a change is supposed to model Figma design? Up to our discretion, ask Bonnie or Design. - WCAG Issues - Donate Page Problems - Alt Text - Reopened PR - Changes not shown on live website, changes made on pages folder not donate card - Will make a new issue - Sticky Side Bar/Nav Accessibility - Navigable by keyboard alone for key board users - Visible focus to tell which link they’re on - How do Sunday meetings work? - Meet Sunday start with Agenda - Blockers - Questions from Bonnie or other teams? - Github Wiki isn’t allowing merges - Tung Issue - Discussion moved to Monday
blulady commented 1 year ago

Agenda for October 23, 2022


Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes All hands Meeting Hack for LA 10/23/22 Danny Perez - on vacation 3 weeks Bay Bui - on vacation nov 5th Jamie Park - out Thursday to Halloween Matt Pereira Dmitrii TS Justin Dingeman Matt Bozin Azania Baker-Garcia Eric Santiano Peter Yoo Matthew Toledo Aric - git hub bot Joshua Juarez Arpita Pandya Sarah S George Stemman How to Review a Pull Request Demo with Azania Issues for Bonnie: Jamie - CSS Changes, Figma visual changes. Some changes not noted. Azania - Accessible design page not key board navigable. Add visual cue Justin - Project resource cards, spacing issue Matt - GitHub form Aric - Wins page, API Token for bot account is not valid Peter - no good first issues Volunteers for medium issue PR - George Eric - Anything to do after pull requests or issues? Eric to Demo creating a pull request.
arpitapandya commented 1 year ago

Agenda for October 30, 2022

Facilitator: Arpita

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
jdingeman commented 1 year ago

Agenda for November 13, 2022


Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Attendees - Justin - facilitator - George Stemman - Arpita Pandya - Jessica Cheng - Matt Pereira - Derek Lui - Sarah S - Jamie Park - Peter Yoo - Angelene Manalo - Danny Do - Matthew Toledo - Johnny Wu - Ernia Pelayo - Roslyn Wythe
blulady commented 1 year ago

Agenda for November 20, 2022


Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes attendance: sarah s george stemmann roslyn wythe satenik matthew toledo matt p jessica cheng arpita pandaya eric santiano sarah reminds everyone that december has been taken off the calendar for meetings and that has been confirmed with bonnie in real time she saw they are all still on december and there may be office hours available for the month of dec. ---> this will be confirmed with bonnie eric santayo most likely has a job offer as a full stack tech company sarah reminds everyone to consder working on back end issues after getting a pr merged sarah reminds someone we need to fix the bug in the vrms data not displaying a PR developer spreadsheet for PRs needs to be filled for Thursday we are skipping questions on issues for those that are not in attendance today george asked about to add to the list of demos. matt asked for issue creation and george asked for docker tutorial (this may be brought up in future meetings) sarah added a point to discuss at the end of the meeting go over this ^^^ matt p will be taking the demo to create a progress report sarah posts link to teach everyone how to create an issue and then walks the team through how to do it jessica and sarah cleared up that a dependency on an issue is actually a release to the issue that it's dependent on and the issue goes into the ice box we go over eric's issue (design system audit color swap color swap #3730) -- matt p discusses a previous comment that adding a span tag can help resolve the issue we check to see if there is a line of code that needs to be deleted and the consensus is that it should be deleted from the .md file we go to meet bonnie in the main room and we go over any issues that may need to be brought up with research and design team. sarah introduces #3719 with some of the name and image ---> bonnie and sarah decide the participants in the issue were not present today so it is tougher to be resolved and skip the issue discussion bonnie officially gave confirmation that we have absolutely no meetings for december sarah confirmed matt p and () are officially onboarded to the merge team ---> sarah was granted access by bonnie to onboard members to the hfla dev team bonnie removed older dev leads permissions sarah asked who should be closing pre-work issues and bonnie confirmed it will soon be the responsibility of the dev team to close those issues a questions was raised about a team member that needed a letter of recommendation and bonnie clarified this with Sarah and how to do this bonnie asked the dev team to make sure they are all onboarded and satenik was warned about being onboarded before the Christmas break bonnie shared her screen and made sure that satenik needed to be added to the drive #3109 ---> bonnie made sure to tell devs to extract information from an old issue instead of adding a link to reference the old issue jessica asked what's the difference between a 3rd issue and a small issue ---> bonnie's answer was that third issue is a fun issue to help with boredom and motivation.. bonnie suggested we may not need the words "third issue" and we may just change to label to "fun bonnie found a bug with the github wiki search and then deduced it may just be the particular wiki page bonnie in real time took out the "third-issue" label from the one issue that contained it sarah asked where do you find the page to "read and interpret labels" ---> bonnie helped her find the link in the wiki there was a question asked about nov 29th and then reseach changed it
blulady commented 1 year ago

Agenda for November 27, 2022

Facilitator: Justin

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes Sunday Meeting 11/27/22 Attendance - Justin Dingeman - Presenting - Matt Pereira - Phillip Sanchez - Notes - George Stemmann - Arpita Pandya - Danny Do - Will Gillis - Jessica Cheng - Yoojin Chang - This Sunday and Tuesday are last meetings until after the holidays - Demo next meeting when we have more attendees - No assigning demo, we will assign when we return - Dev to research - No questions - Bonnie Project board and questions column - Update citizen engagement pages H4 titles to match Figma design #2464 - Kathryn not here but why was it moved to icebox - Moving back to new issue approval - How do we want to handle issues that come up while working on an issue - Dev should open a ticket when they come across another issue - Possible issue template? - Emergent Requirement - Problem - Issue you discovered this emergent requirement in: - Issue # and link - Date Discovered - Did you do something temporary? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - Who was involved? - What happens if this is not addressed? - Explanation of possible issues - Resources - Recommended Action Items - [] Make a new issue - [] Discuss with team - [] Let a Team Lead know - Potential solutions [draft] - Slack reminder in channel - Automated creation of new issue on X day of month - Add to agenda - Label: - Ready for dev lead - Size - Feature - Role - Time sensitive - Project board: - new issue approval - Justin will talk to Aric and Sarah regarding: - https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/3417 - Need to remove or remake the ‘How to review a PR’ project slide. - Remove no-labels-template.md file #2898 - Make a new issue to document the change in the wiki - HfLA-GitHubActions in the wiki – document our GHA changes - Apply new gradient overlay for project pages #2600 - Reopen and apply new image from archived. - Make sure we’re reviewing visual changes closely.
jdingeman commented 1 year ago

Agenda for January 8, 2023

Facilitator: Justin

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
jdingeman commented 1 year ago

Agenda for January 15, 2023


Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
MattPereira commented 1 year ago

Agenda for Jan 22, 2023


Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
MattPereira commented 1 year ago

Agenda for January 29, 2023


Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
jdingeman commented 1 year ago

Agenda for February 5, 2023

Facilitator: Justin

Let's celebrate our contributions/wins since last team meeting

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

To bring up with PM/UI/UX

Notes from meeting

Click for notes
MattPereira commented 1 year ago

Agenda for Febuary 12, 2023

Facilitator: Matt Pereira

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

Pull Requests

Project Board

To bring up with UI/UX

To bring up with PM

MattPereira commented 1 year ago

Agenda for Feb 19, 2023

Facilitator: Justin

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

Pull Requests

Project Board

To bring up with UI/UX

To bring up with PM

MattPereira commented 1 year ago

Agenda for February 26, 2023

Facilitator: Matt

Welcome to the Sunday All Website Teams meeting. Thank you for joining us!

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

Pull Requests

Project Board

HFLA Journey Advice

To bring up with UI/UX

To bring up with PM

jdingeman commented 1 year ago

Agenda for March 12, 2023

Facilitator: Justin Dingeman

Welcome to the Sunday All Website Teams meeting. Thank you for joining us!

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

Pull Requests

Project Board

HFLA Journey Advice

To bring up with UI/UX

To bring up with PM

Welcome to the Sunday All Website Teams meeting. Thank you for joining us!

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

Pull Requests

Project Board

HFLA Journey Advice

To bring up with UI/UX

To bring up with PM

jdingeman commented 1 year ago

Agenda for March 19, 2023

Facilitator: Justin Dingeman

Welcome to the Sunday All Website Teams meeting. Thank you for joining us!

Announcements & Reminders

Meeting items

Pull Requests

Project Board

HFLA Journey Advice

To bring up with UI/UX

To bring up with PM