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Collect IP addresses from new volunteers to exclude from Google Analytics #2368

Open sheltoG opened 2 years ago

sheltoG commented 2 years ago


Launch homepage and revisit the practically


We need to exclude the IP addresses of volunteers from Google Analytics to filter the traffic volunteers generate in visiting the website from normal users .

Action Items


macho-catt commented 2 years ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty I just thought of this after the meeting ended, but if we're only getting the first three octets of the public IP (i.e. 10.100.100.xxx), then all 254 possible clients in that octet will be excluded from google analytics. That means if, for example, my public IP was and we exclude 10.100.100.xxx, then valid users with IPs ranging from until will be excluded from the list as well, and we won't get their traffic. Is that ok?

Also something fun to think about. ISPs will generally give the same area the same public IP address. So the public ip address that I have will most likely be the same as my neighbor's, if we are using the same ISP provider. :D

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@macho-catt Yeah, after we spoke I found this https://help.analyticsedge.com/article/filter-working-from-home-employees-in-google-analytics/ which gives a way to exclude users but as it points out in the article, that excludes them retroactively, so given that our developers are people who will have visited the site and converted to members, that would artificially depress our numbers. Its really sessions we want to exclude. Not sure how to do that.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Here is another article that is worth talking about https://mixedanalytics.com/blog/exclude-self-google-analytics-no-fixed-ip/

macho-catt commented 2 years ago

Looks like there are other options too, based on these two articles I read:

https://www.daniloaz.com/en/5-ways-to-exclude-your-own-visits-from-google-analytics/ https://www.analyticsmania.com/post/how-to-exclude-internal-traffic-in-google-analytics-4/

So IP filtering and using a third party browser extension are mentioned as well, but to add to those we can either use:

1) Cookies on each device