hackforla / website

Hack for LA's website
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Onboard & Offboard: Tech Leads and Merge team #2689

Open ExperimentsInHonesty opened 2 years ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago


When we need to onboard some new people to the tech lead team


We need to have a checklist of items to do when a technical lead or merge team member onboard and offboards so that the process can be consistent and fast.

Date Updated

Action Items

Onboard template

- [ ] If you are onboarding a tech lead or merge team member, please set up a 1 hour time slot to meet with them so that you can go through this checklist with them, and add them to and tell them about everything they are gaining access to.
- [ ] 1password (Only Bonnie/Admin can do these steps and this should only be set up for tech leads)
  - [ ] Invitation
  - [ ] Acceptance
  - [ ] Add to vaults
    - [ ] hackforla.org website vault
    - [ ] Zoom vault
    - [ ] website devs vault
- [ ] If a merge team member is willing to lead dev meetings, request access to the Zoom vault for that member by posting a request in the #admin Slack channel
- [ ] (Tech leads only) Grant access to [Zoom Meeting Setup spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15P3MYyNQ7Xn0pqdrTynDDipjrLl5LCN9xHVLhk9SWa8/edit#gid=1276874845)
- [ ] (Tech lead only) Set up email forwarding for the following accounts:
  - [ ] websitedevs
  - [ ] webadmins
  - Here are instructions for how to set up email forwarding for each account:
    - Sign into Google account
    - Go to Settings --> See all settings --> Forwarding and POP/IMAP
    - In the "Forwarding", click "Add a forwarding address" and add the email address you want emails to be forwarded to
    - Click "Next". Then confirm that is the email address you want to forward to by clicking "Proceed"
    - A confirmation code will be sent to the forwarding email address. Enter that code in the "confirmation code" box and click "Verify"
    - Then go to "Filters and Blocked Addresses" tab and click "Create a new filter"
      - In the "To" field, enter the email address of the account you are in right now and then click "Create a filter".
      - Check off "Forward it to" and then in the "Choose an address" dropdown, select an email address.
      - Then click the "Create filter" button.
- [ ] Google Drive
  - [ ] (Tech leads only) Add to HackforLA.org website drive as Manager
  - [ ] (Tech leads only) Add to HfLA website Admin drive as Manager
  - [ ] Update [on-call spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uq65QGwIpbx60JZZpqd7juHwEytDEOJap6e6u1klSVw/edit#gid=236697191) by
    - [ ] Removing them from "Developers" columns 
    - [ ] If they are joining as a Merge Team member, add them to be on-call at least 2 days a week in the "Tech Lead/Merge Team Member" column. (If there are a lot of Merge Team members, such as 4 or more, this can be reduced to 1 day a week at the discretion of the Tech Lead.)
    - [ ] If they are joining as a Tech Lead and there aren't enough Merge Team members, add the Tech Lead as needed to the the "Tech Lead/Merge Team Member" column. Otherwise, if there are enough Merge Team members, remove the Tech Lead from the "Tech Lead/Merge Team Member" column.
- [ ] Slack channel membership
  - [ ] hfla-site channel (May already have joined as a junior developer)
  - [ ] hfla-site-pr channel (May already have joined as a junior developer)
  - [ ] hfla-site-merge channel
  - [ ] hfla-site-onboarding
- [ ] [Roster](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11u71eT-rZTKvVP8Yj_1rKxf2V45GCaFz4AXA7tS_asM/edit#gid=0) (They may already be added when they did onboarding as a junior developer but double check.)
  - [ ] Send link
  - [ ] Team member adds themselves
- [ ] GitHub
     - [ ] Check "Public" at [People page](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/people)
     - [ ] Add to [website team](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/teams/website/members) (They may already be on this team when they did onboarding as a junior developer)
       - [ ] Change membership to maintainer
     - [ ] Add to [website-write team](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/teams/website-write/members) (They may already be on this team when they did onboarding as a junior developer)
       - [ ] Change membership to maintainer
     - [ ] Add to [website-merge team](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/teams/website-merge/members)
       - [ ] (Tech leads only) Change membership to maintainer
     - [ ] (Tech leads only) Add to [website-admins team](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/teams/website-admins/members)
       - [ ] Note: website-admins has permissions to allow for deleting of the whole repo, so please be VERY careful.
       - [ ] (Tech leads only) Change membership to maintainer 
- [ ] Add to Google calendar invites
  - [ ] Sun All Leads Meeting (occurs the first Sunday of each month) 
  - [ ] Sun All Team Meeting (May already have invite if joined team as a junior developer)
  - [ ] Tue Dev Team Meeting (May already have invite if joined team as a junior developer)
  - [ ] Thu Dev Office Hours (May already have invite if joined team as a junior developer)
  - [ ] Mon Dev/PM Meeting (Only required for tech leads)
- [ ] Create issue to add them as a Technical Lead or Merge Team member on the [project page](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website)
- [ ] Add to or edit [team wiki page](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/Meet-the-Team)
- [ ] (Tech leads only) Share Google Data Studio: [Hack for LA Organizational Dashboard](https://datastudio.google.com/reporting/16J9XI19pQejSDNFvjl_V3ZezJ502rM_a/page/e1JSB)
  - [ ] Show them where the info from the Dashboard appears on our website: https://www.hackforla.org/dashboard/
- [ ] Train how to 
   - [ ] (Tech leads only) Login to team account
   - [ ] Setup shortcut for adding a profile to the desktop: chrome://settings/manageProfile
     - [ ] Go to `chrome://settings/manageProfile` and click “Create Desktop Shortcut” at the very bottom. Then, look at your desktop and you will see a Google icon for your profile.
     - [ ] This creates desktop shortcuts for Google accounts, which is
       - [ ] Valuable for using different accounts and emails for testing
       - [ ] Handy to have a folder for various Google profile shortcuts 
   - [ ] (Tech leads only) Use Zoom spreadsheet, vault and accounts
   - [ ] Calendar invite
   - [ ] (Tech leads only) Update and change GitHub tokens
   - [ ] Merge pull requests (including "Squash and merge" option)
   - [ ] (Tech leads only) Go over the Admin drive and how this should only be shared with admin members (including merge team members and tech leads) and only developers working on an issue that needs access
     - [ ] Tell them to read [Wins Form Admin Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j1JTX5XzotgVCVZ91ImvenedPN5-IVjdSKDukq1B9iE/edit#heading=h.c8tc614ce3iu)
   - [ ] Unsubscribe from getting notifications from issues and prs unless you are at mentioned

Offboard template

When they leave the team use the Offboarding template

  - [ ] 1password removal (Only Bonnie/Admin can do this. Only need to do for tech leads because merge team members are not set up with 1password.)
    - [ ] Remove from 
      - [ ] hackforla.org website team vault
      - [ ] Zoom vault
      - [ ] website devs vault
- [ ] Google Drive
   - [ ] Demote to viewer in HackforLA.org website drive
   - [ ] Remove from HfLA website Admin drive
   - [ ] Remove from [on-call spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uq65QGwIpbx60JZZpqd7juHwEytDEOJap6e6u1klSVw/edit#gid=236697191)
- [ ] Remove email forwarding for them in the following accounts:
  - [ ] websitedevs
  - [ ] webadmins   
- [ ] Remove from following Slack channels
  - [ ] website-merge channel (Only Bonnie/Admin can do this)
  - [ ] hfla-site channel
  - [ ] hfla-site-pr channel
- [ ] [Roster](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11u71eT-rZTKvVP8Yj_1rKxf2V45GCaFz4AXA7tS_asM/edit#gid=0)
  - [ ] Change "Permissions" to "Member"
- [ ] GitHub
     - [ ] Before removing them from any teams, make sure they are already a member of the [website team](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/teams/website/members) They should already been added to the website team when they joined.
     - [ ] Remove "Maintainer" membership role from [website-write team](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/teams/website-write/members) and [website team](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/teams/website/members)
     - [ ] Remove from [website-merge team](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/teams/website-merge/members)
     - [ ] Remove from [website-admins team](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/teams/website-admins/members) (Only for tech leads)
- [ ] Figma
  - [ ] Remove from team (if they are on there)
- [ ] Remove from Google calendar invites
  - [ ] Sun All Leads Meeting (occurs the first Sunday of each month) 
  - [ ] Sun All Team Meeting
  - [ ] Tue Dev Team Meeting
  - [ ] Thu Dev Office Hours
  - [ ] Mon Dev/PM Meeting (if they are on the invite)
- [ ] Create issue to remove them as a Technical Lead or Merge Team member on the [project page](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website)
- [ ] Remove them from the [team wiki page](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/Meet-the-Team)
- [ ] Remove access to Google Data Studio: [Hack for LA Organizational Dashboard](https://datastudio.google.com/reporting/16J9XI19pQejSDNFvjl_V3ZezJ502rM_a/page/e1JSB)
- [ ] (Tech leads only) Revoke access to Zoom Meeting Setup spreadsheet


Changelog is based on changes in the [org template](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hackforla/.github/main/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/onboard---offboard--product.md

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hi @ExperimentsInHonesty.

Please don't forget to add the proper labels to this issue. Currently, the labels for the following are missing: Feature

To add a label, take a look at Github's documentation here.

Also, don't forget to remove the "missing labels" afterwards. To remove a label, the process is similar to adding a label, but you select a currently added label to remove it.

After the proper labels are added, the merge team will review the issue and add a "Ready for Milestone" label once it is ready for prioritization.

Additional Resources:

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@JessicaLucindaCheng @SAUMILDHANKAR please review the list above and see if there are additonal items that need to be added or if we need to remove some.

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty @SAUMILDHANKAR I wasn't sure if I was allowed to edit the original post/checklists, so I copy and pasted the checklists below. I made edits below along with some notes about some checklist items I wasn't sure about.

@SAUMILDHANKAR Feel free to make edits to the checklists below.

#### Onboard
- [ ] 1password 
     - [ ] invitation
     - [ ] acceptance
     - [ ] add to vaults
       - [ ] hackforla.org website vault
       - [ ] Zoom vault
- [ ] Google Drive
   - [ ] Add to website drive as Manager
   - [ ] Add to admin drive as Manager
- [ ] Roster (They may already be added when they did onboarding as a junior developer but double check.)
  - [ ] Send link
  - [ ] Team member adds themselves
  - [ ] Check for Public
- [ ] GitHub
     - [ ] Add to website-write team (They may already be on this team when they did onboarding as a junior developer)
     - [ ] Add to website-merge team
     - [ ] Add to website-admins team (Not sure if this applies only to tech leads)
     - [ ] Change membership to maintainer
- [ ] Figma
  - [ ] invite
  - [ ] acceptance
- [ ] Invite to Google Calendar meetings
  - [ ] Sun All Team Meeting (may already have invite if joined team as a junior developer)
  - [ ] Tue Dev Team Meeting (may already have invite if joined team as a junior developer)
  - [ ] Thu Dev Office Hours (may already have invite if joined team as a junior developer)
  - [ ] Sat Dev/PM Meeting (Only required for tech leads)
- [ ] Create issue to add them as a Technical Lead on the [project page](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) (Only applies to Technical Leads)
- [ ] Add them to the [Website Leadership Team card](https://github.com/hackforla/website/projects/7#card-69730135) on the Project Board
- [ ] Train how to 
   - [ ] login to team account
   - [ ] setup chrome extension shortcut
   - [ ] use zoom spreadsheet, vault and accounts
   - [ ] calendar invite
#### Offboard
  - [ ] 1password setup
    - [ ] remove from team vaults
       - [ ] hackforla.org website vault
       - [ ] Zoom vault
- [ ] Google Drive
   - [ ] demote to viewer in website drive
   - [ ] remove from admin drive
- [ ] Roster
  - [ ] mark as inactive
- [ ] GitHub
     - [ ] Demote member to website-write team
     - [ ] Remove from website-merge team
     - [ ] Remove from website-admins team (Not sure if this applies only to tech leads)
     - [ ] Remove maintainer membership
- [ ] Figma
  - [ ] remove from team (or did we want to demote to viewer?)
- [ ] Remove from Google Calendar meetings
  - [ ] Sun All Team Meeting
  - [ ] Tue Dev Team Meeting
  - [ ] Thu Dev Office Hours
  - [ ] Sat Dev/PM Meeting (Only required for tech leads)
- [ ] Create issue to remove them as a Technical Lead on the [project page](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) (Only applies to Technical Leads)
- [ ] Remove them from the [Website Leadership Team card](https://github.com/hackforla/website/projects/7#card-69730135) on the Project Board
JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR I updated the templates in https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2689#issue-1105203766. I wasn't sure about some of the checklist items, so you will see comments next to some items; edit or remove my comments if you do know the answer. Feel free to make edits to the checklists.

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Offboard R-Tomas-Gonzalez from Tech Lead

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Onboard Jessica Cheng to Tech Lead

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Onboard Tamara Snyder to Merge Team

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Onboard Adolf Schmuck to Merge Team

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR I'm done editing the templates. Passing this on to you to check if we need to add/modify anything else in the templates: https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2689#issue-1105203766.

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR I'm done editing the templates. Passing this on to you to check if we need to add/modify anything else in the templates: #2689 (comment).

@JessicaLucindaCheng Thank you. I have added updating On-call spreadsheet to our template. Also, planning to remove setup chrome shortcut action item once you confirm, since it is not applicable to our team.

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago


@SAUMILDHANKAR I'm done editing the templates. Passing this on to you to check if we need to add/modify anything else in the templates: #2689 (comment).

@JessicaLucindaCheng Thank you. I have added updating On-call spreadsheet to our template. Also, planning to remove setup chrome shortcut action item once you confirm, since it is not applicable to our team.

I'm not sure what setup chrome shortcut refers to, so you could ask Bonnie about it before you delete it.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR, @JessicaLucindaCheng

Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 12:20 AM PST.

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago
SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago


@SAUMILDHANKAR I'm done editing the templates. Passing this on to you to check if we need to add/modify anything else in the templates: #2689 (comment).

@JessicaLucindaCheng Thank you. I have added updating On-call spreadsheet to our template. Also, planning to remove setup chrome shortcut action item once you confirm, since it is not applicable to our team.

I'm not sure what setup chrome shortcut refers to, so you could ask Bonnie about it before you delete it.

We are going to leave the chrome shortcut as it is but add more description to it as well as a link.

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Onboard Devin Krizwold to Merge Team

SAUMILDHANKAR commented 2 years ago

Onboard Jaret Balba to Merge Team

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Onboard Tamara Snyder to Tech Lead

tamara-snyder commented 2 years ago

Onboard Kathryn Silva Conway to Merge Team

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR We need to update this. @JessicaLucindaCheng will update it.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR, @JessicaLucindaCheng, @tamara-snyder

Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 12:21 AM PST.

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago
github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR, @JessicaLucindaCheng, @tamara-snyder

Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 12:20 AM PST.

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago
tamara-snyder commented 2 years ago

Onboard [Wilny Duong and Sarah Sanger]

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR, @JessicaLucindaCheng, @tamara-snyder

Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 12:19 AM PST.

tamara-snyder commented 2 years ago

Onboard Kathryn Silva Conway as Tech Lead

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago
github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

@SAUMILDHANKAR, @JessicaLucindaCheng, @tamara-snyder

Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 12:21 AM PST.

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago
github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hi @kathrynsilvaconway, thank you for taking up this issue! Hfla appreciates you :)

Do let fellow developers know about your:- i. Availability: (When are you available to work on the issue/answer questions other programmers might have about your issue?) ii. ETA: (When do you expect this issue to be completed?)

You're awesome!

P.S. - You may not take up another issue until this issue gets merged (or closed). Thanks again :)

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

@kathrynsilvaconway I am unassigning myself from this issue and assigning you to it because I assume you will be in charge of onboarding new merge team members and tech leads.

kathrynsilvaconway commented 2 years ago

Onboard Sakari (merge)

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at 12:20 AM PST.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 12:20 AM PST.

kathrynsilvaconway commented 2 years ago

Onboard Arpita Pandya (Merge)

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 12:32 AM PST.

kathrynsilvaconway commented 2 years ago

Onboard Justin Dingeman (Merge)

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 12:33 AM PST.

blulady commented 1 year ago

@kathrynsilvaconway should I remove the two weeks inactive label?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 12:20 AM PST.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 11:57 AM PST.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 12:20 AM PST.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Monday, November 7, 2022 at 11:21 PM PST.

blulady commented 1 year ago

Onboard Matt Pireira & Philip Sanchez to Merge Team

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Monday, November 14, 2022 at 11:19 PM PST.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Monday, November 21, 2022 at 11:17 PM PST.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago

Every person who was onboarded has to be offboarded when they leave and then their comment pair (onboarding and offboarding) can be closed.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Monday, November 28, 2022 at 11:17 PM PST.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Monday, December 5, 2022 at 11:16 PM PST.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures (optional): "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."

If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.

You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Monday, December 12, 2022 at 11:15 PM PST.