hackforla / website

Hack for LA's website
GNU General Public License v2.0
324 stars 776 forks source link

Recruit volunteers for team open roles #3222

Open ExperimentsInHonesty opened 2 years ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago



We need a data analyst to work on the open issues we have so that we can move the project forward.

Action Items

once filled


1 Data Science - 1.01 https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/6987 - 1.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has a open role for Data Scientist. Please see details here, including how to get in touch with us ``` - 1.03 Draft post for Data role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#product-management](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ```


- 2.01 https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/6987 - 2.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has a open role for Product Management. Please see details here, including how to get in touch with us ``` - 2.03 Draft post for Data role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: We are looking for a Product Manager/Project Manager for our team **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#product-management](https://hackforla.slack.com/archives/CJY4R382X) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: see who this issue is assigned to and @message them in the channel above [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ```

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hi @ExperimentsInHonesty.

Please don't forget to add the proper labels to this issue. Currently, the labels for the following are missing: Size, Role, Feature

NOTE: Please ignore the adding proper labels comment if you do not have 'write' access to this directory.

To add a label, take a look at Github's documentation here.

Also, don't forget to remove the "missing labels" afterwards. To remove a label, the process is similar to adding a label, but you select a currently added label to remove it.

After the proper labels are added, the merge team will review the issue and add a "Ready for Milestone" label once it is ready for prioritization.

Additional Resources:

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@JessicaLucindaCheng @SAUMILDHANKAR If we have some issues for Data Scientists or we think some issues are going to be made, please add any details here that would help

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago

Will find the issues related needing a Data Scientist Availability: 1 hour ETA: Monday, November 14, 2022

JessicaLucindaCheng commented 2 years ago


@JessicaLucindaCheng @SAUMILDHANKAR If we have some issues for Data Scientists or we think some issues are going to be made, please add any details here that would help

I couldn't find any open issues or issues to be made related to having a Data Scientist. However, if I remember correctly, the topic of recruiting a data scientist came up when we had a team discussion about getting some stats on how far people get through the matriculation process, including

In particular, I remember there was interest in figuring out

Also, I remember from the discussion that before we recruit a data scientist we would need to gather the data for them to analyze. This would include but not limited to:

Since all the above was from my memory, I could be remembering incorrectly why we needed a data scientist. Let me know if you have any questions about any of the above.

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 5 months ago

This issue is being replaced by new recruitment issue that uses the new project boards.

Rabia2219 commented 5 months ago



We need a volunteer to work on the open issues we have so that we can move the project forward.

Action Items

Once Filled


1 Data Science - 1.01 https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/6987 - 1.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for Data Scientist. Please see details [here](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/6987), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 1.03 Template for Data Science role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 1.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on #6987 ```

2 Data Analysis - 2.01 Open Role: Data Analyst ISSUE NUMBER - 2.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for Data Analyst. Please see details [here](Open Role: Data Analyst ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 2.03 Template for Data Analysis role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 2.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: Data Analyst ISSUE NUMBER ```

3 Data Analysis: Visualization - 3.01 Open Role: Data Analyst: Visualization ISSUE NUMBER - 3.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for Data Analyst: Visualization. Please see details [here](Open Role: Data Analyst: Visualization ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 3.03 Template for Data Analysis: Visualization role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 3.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: Data Analyst: Visualization ISSUE NUMBER ```

Rabia2219 commented 5 months ago
1 Data Science - 1.01 https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/6987 - 1.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for Data Scientist. Please see details [here](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/6987), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 1.03 Template for Data Science role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 1.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on #6987 ```

2 Data Analysis - 2.01 Open Role: Data Analyst ISSUE NUMBER - 2.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for Data Analyst. Please see details [here](Open Role: Data Analyst ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 2.03 Template for Data Analysis role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 2.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: Data Analyst ISSUE NUMBER ```

3 Data Analysis: Visualization - 3.01 Open Role: Data Analyst: Visualization ISSUE NUMBER - 3.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for Data Analyst: Visualization. Please see details [here](Open Role: Data Analyst: Visualization ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 3.03 Template for Data Analysis: Visualization role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 3.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: Data Analyst: Visualization ISSUE NUMBER ```

4 UX Community of Practice Co-Leadership - 4.01 Open Role: UX Community of Practice Co-Lead ISSUE NUMBER - 4.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for UX Community of Practice Co-Lead. Please see details [here](Open Role: UX Community of Practice Co-Lead ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 4.03 Template for UX Community of Practice Co-Leadership role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 4.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: UX Community of Practice Co-Lead ISSUE NUMBER ```

5 Design Leadership - 5.01 Open Role: Design Lead ISSUE NUMBER - 5.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for Design Lead. Please see details [here](Open Role: Design Lead ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 5.03 Template for Design Leadership role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 5.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: Design Lead ISSUE NUMBER ```

6 UX/Product Design - 6.01 Open Role: UX/Product Designer ISSUE NUMBER - 6.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for UX/Product Designer. Please see details [here](Open Role: UX/Product Designer ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 6.03 Template for UX/Product Design role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 6.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: UX/Product Designer ISSUE NUMBER ```

7 UI/Visual Design - 7.01 Open Role: UI/Visual Designer ISSUE NUMBER - 7.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for UI/Visual Designer. Please see details [here](Open Role: UI/Visual Designer ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 7.03 Template for UI/Visual Design role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 7.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: UI/Visual Designer ISSUE NUMBER ```

8 UX Research - 8.01 Open Role: UX Researcher ISSUE NUMBER - 8.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for UX Researcher. Please see details [here](Open Role: UX Researcher ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 8.03 Template for UX Research role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 8.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: UX Researcher ISSUE NUMBER ```

9 UX Research Team Leadership - 9.01 Open Role: UX Research Team Lead ISSUE NUMBER - 9.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for UX Research Team Lead. Please see details [here](Open Role: UX Research Team Lead ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 9.03 Template for UX Research Team Leadership role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 9.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: UX Research Team Lead ISSUE NUMBER ```

10 UX Program Design Management - 10.01 Open Role: UX Program Design Manager ISSUE NUMBER - 10.02 Slack message to post role ``` Hi, the website team has an open role for UX Program Design Manager. Please see details [here](Open Role: UX Program Design Manager ISSUE URL), including how to get in touch with us ``` - 10.03 Template for UX Program Design Management role ``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37763229/162992303-b0fae60e-1886-45ce-93c1-d1a27a909327.png) **Project Name**: Hack for LA website **Volunteer Opportunity**: [Replace with CUSTOM RECRUITMENT MESSAGE] **Duration**: On-going **Meeting Times**: Sun 10 am to 12 pm **Who to communicate your interest to** - Slack channel link: [#hfla-site](https://app.slack.com/client/T04502KQX/C4UM52W93) - Slack name of person to contact in the channel: [Replace with YOUR SLACK NAME] [Read more about the project](https://www.hackforla.org/projects/website) #### When we meet: - Sundays at 10:00 -11:00am PST (All Team Meeting) ``` - 10.04 Link of comment on open role issue ``` - Open role [posting](Replace with LINK TO NEW COMMENT) on Open Role: UX Program Designer ISSUE NUMBER ```

Rabia2219 commented 5 months ago
11 Front End Development
12 Engineering Community of Practice Leadership
13 Team Tech Leadership
14 Back End Development
15 Full Stack Development
16 Quality Assurance
Rabia2219 commented 5 months ago
17 DevOps Community Leadership
18 Data Engineering
19 Database Architecture
20 Site Reliability Engineering
Rabia2219 commented 5 months ago
21 Product Management
22 Business Analysis
23 Product Ownership
24 Lead Product Management
25 Special Projects Coordination
26 Project Management
Rabia2219 commented 5 months ago
27 Marketing & Communications Internship
28 Marketing & Communications Coordination
29 Marketing & Communications Management
30 Marketing & Communications Directorship
31 Content Strategist (UX Writer)
Rabia2219 commented 5 months ago
32 Institutional Giving Management
33 Individual Giving Management
34 Project Fundraising
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 5 months ago

latest draft



We need volunteer(s) to work on the open issues we have so that we can move the project forward.

Action Items

Creating a new role post

Marketing the new role post

Once Filled


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 5 months ago

labels to add to the recruitment issue:

delete recruiting yes no labels

Add the Website team image at top to its template


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 5 months ago


HfLA website: Open Role for: Back End Developer




Project Name: Hackforla.org Website

Name of Role: Back End Developer

Volunteer Opportunity: Need someone with experience with GitHub actions automation, Google AppsScript, and working with REST and GraphQL calls. The developer will work very closely with the VRMS and CivicTechJobs teams, who manages the data we receive. Note: The Website project is unique in that it is hosted on GitHub Pages. This means we do not have an official backend.

Duration: Open-ended

Meeting times: See project page below

Who to communicate your interest to

Read more about the project
