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Hack for LA's website
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Update toolkit yml files to include a new fields #3357

Closed ExperimentsInHonesty closed 1 year ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago


We need to add new fields and change a field to the Internal and External Resources files for the toolkit, so that we can have filters similar to what exists on the homepage.

Action Items


Additional Fields needed

tools (Figma, GitHub, Miro, etc.) contributors (for internal guides all contributors will be listed) source (Hack for LA, Code for America, Other)

Change the name of these fields

from category to practice-area

Current Fields for items showing up on the https://www.hackforla.org/toolkit/ as External Resources

title: Figma
  description: Our design team uses Figma to create wireframes and mockups.
  svg: svg/icon-figma.svg
  link-svg: svg/outer-link.svg
  provider-link: 'https://www.figma.com/'
  display: true

Current Fields for items showing up on the https://www.hackforla.org/toolkit/ as Guides

title: 2FA Guide
description: Hack for LA requires two-factor authentication (2FA) in GitHub for all project contributors.
short-description: Hack for LA requires two-factor authentication (2FA) in GitHub for all project contributors.
  - name: To Enable 2FA
    link: '#To-Enable-2FA'
  - name: FAQ
    link: '#FAQ'
card-type: guide-page
status: active
display: true
category: Development
svg: svg/2FA.svg
provider-link: '/guide-pages/2FA'
github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Hi @tunglinn, thank you for taking up this issue! Hfla appreciates you :)

Do let fellow developers know about your:- i. Availability: (When are you available to work on the issue/answer questions other programmers might have about your issue?) ii. ETA: (When do you expect this issue to be completed?)

You're awesome!

P.S. - You may not take up another issue until this issue gets merged (or closed). Thanks again :)

tunglinn commented 2 years ago

Availability: M-Th 6 hours/day ETA: 7/21

tunglinn commented 2 years ago


Creating Kanban projects - "Create a Guide/Template: Agile Development/Scrum/Kanban"

Figma for open source projects - "Creating a Figma account for your project"

Found some other guides that can fall in this category too? Effective practices, For teams

GitHub issues (Guide in HfLA Google Drive)

Responsible use of images in open source projects (Guide in HfLA Google Drive)

Setting up 1password on open source projects

Showing civic tech experience on linkedin

Survey reporting dashboard guide

Update teams page on hfla site

Using Kanban project (https://github.com/hackforla/knowledgebase-content/issues/16)

tunglinn commented 2 years ago

Finding guides information:

tunglinn commented 2 years ago

Here are the guides that need to be checked/clarified.

2FA: source? HfLA or Other (GitHub)

Creating Kanban projects - "Create a Guide/Template: Agile Development/Scrum/Kanban" VS Using Kanban project (https://github.com/hackforla/knowledgebase-content/issues/16)

Figma for open source projects Is this the right link? Because I found some other guides that could fall in this category too? Effective practices, For teams, Creating account

Responsible use of images in open source projects (Guide in HfLA Google Drive)

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

delete the following fields and content from the files in this folder: https://github.com/hackforla/website/tree/gh-pages/_guide-pages

"short description"

In the file: https://github.com/hackforla/website/blob/gh-pages/_includes/guide-card.html

change from

            {%- if guide.short-description -%}
            <p>{{ guide.short-description }}</p>
            {%- endif -%}

change to

            {%- if guide.description -%}
            <p>{{ guide.description }}</p>
            {%- endif -%}
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

change the status of all coming soon's to be Work in Progress, change the active to be Completed in the files in this folder: https://github.com/hackforla/website/tree/gh-pages/_guide-pages

In the file: https://github.com/hackforla/website/blob/gh-pages/_includes/guide-card.html

change from

        {%- if guide.status == 'coming-soon' -%}
            <span class="toolkit-flex-item-status">coming soon</span>
        {%- endif -%}  


[your code here]

This code will have to check for status==completed and give the link if it is completed and not if its not.

       {%- if guide.status == 'coming-soon' -%}
                <h3>{{ guide.title }}</h3>
            {%- else -%}  
                {%- if guide.title -%}
                <h3><a href={{ item.provider-link }}>{{ guide.title }}</a></h3>
                {%- endif -%}
            {%- endif -%}
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Here is the complete list of fields that should be available when done (replacement name is in parens)

title: description: image: provider-link (resource-url) display: card-type: category (practice-areas): status:

recommended-by tools contributors source

tunglinn commented 2 years ago

Also, figure out svg vs link-svg.

link-svg is the bottom right icon for external resources.

Action items:

tunglinn commented 2 years ago

New Wiki Template page can be found here: https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/Toolkit-files-template

tunglinn commented 2 years ago

All changes are done.

One little blocker: I've changed the code so the practice area also filters for External Resources. However, the External Resource cards are in a special container (guides don't have one), that centers the External Resource card.

Take a look. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86996158/180867720-e07be1ca-bef8-4f10-8c79-9d03d7538b79.png)
While the guide cards on top are shifted left. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86996158/180867849-187c2bf8-b6b0-46f0-9770-282a6084c099.png)
tunglinn commented 2 years ago

Removed container (external-resource-container) that shifted External Resources to the left.

According to PR #1999, the container was created to match the design in Figma. When I checked Figma, that design no longer exists. Also, the current design team has been reworking the toolkit page.

I also consulted Bonnie for the decision to remove external-resource-container.

tunglinn commented 2 years ago

Add resource-url-completed: resource-url-wip: resource-url-depreciated:

resource-url-wip link at "work in progress" if status is work-in-progress.

Other details will be settled at Friday's guide meeting (8/12/2022)

tunglinn commented 2 years ago

Revert changes with description and short-description in each guide file. The variable description is currently being used on the actually guide page, but the new system will have it all in the markdown file from the converter.

Create new system that will use description if short enough (will have to define this), otherwise use short-description. The guide card adjusts to the size of the description, so I decided to cap it at 210 characters. This can be changed in guide-card.html.

We should also have a system that reminds us that the short-description is missing. However, since it seems like right now, guide cards are being created manually, I'll just mention it in the wiki template page.

tunglinn commented 2 years ago

On the current Toolkit page, the titles of completed vs in progress guide cards are not aligned.