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Create Project Board Looker Dashboard for Different Roles #4921

Open kimberlytanyh opened 1 year ago

kimberlytanyh commented 1 year ago


We are creating a Looker dashboard (that updates on schedule or on-demand) that displays 1) the breakdown of counts of issues by complexity type and role labels per project board columns of interest, 2) the number of issues with a certain status label (e.g. drafts, 2 weeks inactive, etc.) or unknown status by project board columns, and 3) a comprehensive anomaly report to allow developers and other roles access to real-time data to guide issue-making decisions and detect inconsistencies with regular practice.

Action Items


Refer to main issue #4152

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hi @kimberlytanyh.

Please don't forget to add the proper labels to this issue. Currently, the labels for the following are missing: Complexity, Role, Feature

NOTE: Please ignore the adding proper labels comment if you do not have 'write' access to this directory.

To add a label, take a look at Github's documentation here.

Also, don't forget to remove the "missing labels" afterwards. To remove a label, the process is similar to adding a label, but you select a currently added label to remove it.

After the proper labels are added, the merge team will review the issue and add a "Ready for Prioritization" label once it is ready for prioritization.

Additional Resources:

kimberlytanyh commented 11 months ago

Weekly Update:


Blockers: None Availability: Mon - Fri, 12:00-5:00PM ETA: ~21 hours

kimberlytanyh commented 11 months ago

Weekly Update:


Blockers: None Availability: Mon - Fri, 12:00-5:00PM ETA: ~15 hours (if including optional items which require further research and trial and error)

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 8 months ago

@kimberlytanyh Please provide update

  1. Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
  2. Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
  3. Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
  4. ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
  5. Pictures or links* (if necessary): "Add any pictures or links that will help illustrate what you are working on."
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 8 months ago

~Hi @kimberlytanyh I noticed a problem~ ~https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/f42df1c1-99df-4fa1-b719-7e135168bfa3/page/p_f952karx9c~

~Its showing the following, even though I re-ran the workflow~

~1. fixed the issue by adding a complexity: large label~

~Issues with "Complexity: Missing" label outside of Icebox, ER, and New Issue Approval columns​~ ~column: 9 - QA (senior review)~ ~issue url: https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2949~ ~title: Wiki: Research Plan Review: Impact Page Research~ ~role: user research~


~2. fixed the issue by adding an ER label~

~Issues with 2+ Complexity Labels (E​xcluding: epic, ER, and prework)~ ~issue url: https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/5647~ ~issue title: ER: Devs running WSL Ubuntu cannot run docker-compose up~

NEVERMIND, I ran it again and it cleared everything.

kimberlytanyh commented 8 months ago

~Hi @kimberlytanyh I noticed a problem~ ~https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/f42df1c1-99df-4fa1-b719-7e135168bfa3/page/p_f952karx9c~

~Its showing the following, even though I re-ran the workflow~

~1. fixed the issue by adding a complexity: large label~

~Issues with "Complexity: Missing" label outside of Icebox, ER, and New Issue Approval columns​~ ~column: 9 - QA (senior review)~ ~issue url: #2949~ ~title: Wiki: Research Plan Review: Impact Page Research~ ~role: user research~


~2. fixed the issue by adding an ER label~

~Issues with 2+ Complexity Labels (E​xcluding: epic, ER, and prework)~ ~issue url: #5647~ ~issue title: ER: Devs running WSL Ubuntu cannot run docker-compose up~

NEVERMIND, I ran it again and it cleared everything.

Hi @ExperimentsInHonesty,

I'm glad that everything is resolved. I noticed that sometimes there is a lag between changes on the GitHub interface and the results pulled by the API. The same applies to Looker. Sometimes a manual refresh via the "View" menu or reconnecting the connection between the spreadsheet and Looker is necessary to force it to update - scenarios that require these seem to be if you want Looker to refresh data earlier than 15 minutes before its last refresh (because Looker is currently set to refresh data every 15 mins, the earliest setting) or if changes are made to the structure of the dataset in the source spreadsheet (addition of new columns).

Looker data freshness setting

kimberlytanyh commented 8 months ago


Progress: Began research on the creation of env files for main Jupyter notebook used for retrieving and cleaning data so that the data analysts who will take over will be able to edit and experiment with changes or additions made to the script before committing it to the file in the automation repository.

Other tasks:

Blockers: Might need to message Sophia as next step to understand the best approach to employing the usage of env files for handoff.

Availability: Rest of 11/8, 10AM-6PM for 11/9, and maybe 11/11.

ETA: By end of this week or next week.

djbradleyii commented 7 months ago

@kimberlytanyh It looks like there are only 41 ready for dev lead label issues at this time. On the dashboard it shows 100 issues. See screenshot.



On this page of the dashboard. https://lookerstudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/f42df1c1-99df-4fa1-b719-7e135168bfa3/page/e1JSB

kimberlytanyh commented 7 months ago

Hi @djbradleyii, thank you for checking the accuracy of the dashboard and alerting me of your findings. While I have yet to finish completing a comprehensive manual check of the accuracy of the datasets created by my code, I just briefly took a look into the problem you have raised and have the following findings:

  1. The source of the data for my dashboard is actually the project board. As you can see from the link, there are 83 issues that have the "ready for dev lead " label from Icebox column to QA-senior review column.

  2. I did a manual count and noticed that there are several issues that have more than one complexity label. Since the dashboard aggregates the counts of issues with the "ready for dev lead" label by issue complexity labels and role labels, this means that there will be double counting of issues if they have more than one complexity label. Hence, I have noted at the bottom of the table that the grand total is not accurate if there are issues with more than one complexity label or more than one role label.

However, I do find it intriguing why there is a discrepancy in the link you provided. Perhaps there are also closed issues in the project board? I will do a deeper investigation in the next few days.

Thank you so much!

kimberlytanyh commented 7 months ago

Weekly Update:


Next Steps:

Blockers: None Availability for next week: Mon - Thurs ETA: 5-10 hours?

kimberlytanyh commented 4 months ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty I have made changes to the script for the dashboard to eliminate running errors and have made the script more concise. The dashboard should be usable again now. Sorry for the inconvenience and delay in rectifying the issue!