We have sponsors and partners in different files and recently we made new files for former partners because we think we might reuse that info in a former partners section if we make a partners/sponsors page. But we are ending with too many files with different information schemas
What if we combined all the information into one file, and it looked something like this
File format/schema
- name:
- location:
start date:
end date:
- location:
type: partner
start date:
end date:
Excerpt of two records from proposed file
- name: Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
image: /assets/images/partners/empower-la.png
link: https://empowerla.org/
- location: Citizen Engagement
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: 311 data
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: Lucky Parking
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: Open Community Survey
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- name: Atwater Village
image: /assets/images/partners/atwater-village.png
link: https://www.atwatervillage.org/
- location: Citizen Engagement
type: partner
position: 2
start date:
end date:
- location: lucky parking
type: partner
position: 2
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 2
start date:
end date:
New sponsors-partners.yml file
- name: Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
image: /assets/images/partners/empower-la.png
link: https://empowerla.org/
- location: Citizen Engagement
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: 311 data
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: Lucky Parking
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: Open Community Survey
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- name: Atwater Village
image: /assets/images/partners/atwater-village.png
link: https://www.atwatervillage.org/
- location: Citizen Engagement
type: partner
position: 2
start date:
end date:
- location: lucky parking
type: partner
position: 2
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 2
start date:
end date:
- name: Yale Open Lab
image: /assets/images/partners/yale-open-labs.svg
link: https://openlab.yale.edu/
- location: about
type: partner
position: 3
start date:
end date:
- location: Civic Tech Infrastructure
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: Environment
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: Climate Collabathon
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- name: Los Angeles Metro
image: /assets/images/partners/m.svg
link: https://www.metro.net/
- location: about
type: partner
position: 4
start date:
end date:
- location: Environment
type: partner
position: 2
start date:
end date:
- location: Railstats LA
type: partner
position: 2
start date:
end date:
- name: City of Santa Monica
image: /assets/images/partners/city-of-santa-monica.png
link: https://www.santamonica.gov/
- location: Environment
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: Public Tree Map
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 5
start date:
end date:
- name: FoodCycle LA
image: /assets/images/partners/food-cycle-la.png
link: https://www.foodcyclela.org/
- location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Food Oasis
type: partner
position: 1
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 6
start date:
end date:
- name: Food Forward
image: /assets/images/partners/food-forward.png
link: https://www.goodfoodla.org/food-waste
- location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Food Oasis
type: partner
position: 2
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 7
start date:
end date:
- name: Good Food LA
image: /assets/images/partners/good-food-la.png
link: https://www.goodfoodla.org/food-waste
- location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Food Oasis
type: partner
position: 3
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 8
start date:
end date:
- name: Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
image: /assets/images/partners/la-food-bank.png
link: https://www.lafoodbank.org/
- location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Food Oasis
type: partner
position: 4
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 9
start date:
end date:
- name: Safe Place for Youth
image: /assets/images/partners/safe-place-for-youth.png
link: https://www.safeplaceforyouth.org/
- location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Home Unite Us
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 10
start date:
end date:
- name: Point Source Youth
image: /assets/images/partners/point-source-youth.svg
link: https://www.pointsourceyouth.org/
- location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Home Unite Us
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 11
start date:
end date:
- name: Los Angeles City Attorney
image: /assets/images/partners/la-city-attorney.png
link: https://www.lacityattorney.org/
- location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Heart
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 12
start date:
end date:
- name: Los Angeles Department of Transportation
image: /assets/images/partners/la-dot.png
link: https://ladot.lacity.org/
- location: Environment
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: LA TDM Calculator
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 13
start date:
end date:
- name: Los Angeles City Planning
image: /assets/images/partners/la-city-planning.png
link: https://planning.lacity.org/
- location: Environment
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: LA TDM Calculator
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 14
start date:
end date:
- name: The National Diversity & Inclusion Cannabis Alliance
image: /assets/images/partners/ndica.png
link: https://www.thendica.org/
- location: Justice
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Expunge Assist
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 15
start date:
end date:
- name: Ballotpedia
image: /assets/images/partners/bp.png
link: https://ballotpedia.org/Main_Page
- location: Vote / Representation
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Undebate
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 16
start date:
end date:
- name: EnCiv
image: /assets/images/partners/enciv.svg
link: https://enciv.org/
- location: Vote / Representation
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Undebate
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 17
start date:
end date:
- name: UCLA Law
image: /assets/images/partners/ucla-law.png
link: https://law.ucla.edu/
- location: Justice
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Youth Justice Nav
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 18
start date:
end date:
- name: Golden Gate University School of Law
image: /assets/images/partners/ggu-school-of-law.png
link: https://law.ggu.edu/
- location: Justice
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Youth Justice Nav
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 19
start date:
end date:
- name: Los Angeles County District Attorney
image: /assets/images/partners/da-county-of-la.png
link: https://da.lacounty.gov/
- location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
position: 20
start date:
end date:
- location: Heart
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- name: Digital Defense Fund
image: /assets/images/partners/digital-defense-fund.png
link: https://digitaldefensefund.org/
- location: Vote / Representation
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: HelloGOV
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 21
start date:
end date:
- name: City of Los Angeles Personnel Department
image: /assets/images/partners/la-department-of-personnel.png
link: https://personnel.lacity.org/
- location: Workforce Development
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Work for LA
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 22
start date:
end date:
- name: The Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative
image: /assets/images/partners/la-county-homeless-initiative.png
link: https://homeless.lacounty.gov/
- location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Jobs for Hope
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 24
start date:
end date:
- name: Hope of the Valley
image: /assets/images/partners/hope-of-the-valley.png
link: https://www.hopeofthevalley.org/
- location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: Jobs for Hope
type: partner
start date:
end date:
- location: about
type: partner
position: 24
start date:
end date:
And the pages will all have code that iterates though this file looking for content to display based on whatever logic we are using. And all pages will get the order of the logos from this file (location of all applicable sponsors/partners combined with position values).
program-areas (template)
organizations we work with (a combo of partners and sponsors that apply to projects in that program area)
sponsors section
partners section (future enhancement)
project (template)
partners section
project's page and currently homepage
project card display
Ideally the partners/sponsors would be all in one file for ease of quarterly review, but if it's not feasible to have multiple location variables then break into individual files.
How to handle order anomalies in the file
If there were multiple records with the same location and position, it would display them in order that it found them
if there were records missing from the order, it would ignore the missing and just display what is available in number order
Issues to create
Issue 1 (large): feasibility test/determination for rationalizing sponsors-partner info in code base
[ ] uses provided schema and data and revises as needed to test feasibility
[ ] specifies how info would be retrieved from the schema by the pages that will need it.
[ ] dev commits data file to repo
[ ] dev makes issues from this ER to use the new data file and provides the guidance and general code snipit that will enable the issue assignees to
Issue 2 (medium, non-prescriptive but has the code snipit that will allow the data to display): Update the about page sponsors section
Issue 3 & 4 (medium, contains the guidance and references the code snipit from the about page, but the assignee has to figure out how it applies or needs to change for these pages):
3: Revise HTML file that creates each project page
Issue 5: update the wiki about how the website team handles if PMs from projects add or delete partners/sponsors
when PMs use this template Project Profile Card review and update to ask for changes to their project cards, we will have a different work flow. We don't have to do anything with that template we just have to update the new sponsor-partner.yml file, not the project file anymore.
- [ ] We are currently in the process of moving the old wiki to the new [website-wiki repo](https://github.com/hackforla/website-wiki), so we will not be making any changes or additions to the old wiki at this time. Thus, we will be adding wiki content through a different process now. Read [How to Contribute to the Wiki](https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/How-to-Contribute-to-the-Wiki)
Issue 6: EPIC (good first issues): remove partners info from each project file
location: HelloGOV
type: partner
start date:
end date:
location: about
type: partner
position: 21
start date:
end date:
name: City of Los Angeles Personnel Department
image: /assets/images/partners/la-department-of-personnel.png
link: https://personnel.lacity.org/
location: Workforce Development
type: partner
start date:
end date:
location: Work for LA
type: partner
start date:
end date:
location: about
type: partner
position: 22
start date:
end date:
name: The Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative
image: /assets/images/partners/la-county-homeless-initiative.png
link: https://homeless.lacounty.gov/
location: Social Safety Net
type: partner
start date:
end date:
location: Jobs for Hope
type: partner
start date:
end date:
location: about
type: partner
position: 24
start date:
end date:
Emergent Requirement - Problem
We have sponsors and partners in different files and recently we made new files for former partners because we think we might reuse that info in a former partners section if we make a partners/sponsors page. But we are ending with too many files with different information schemas
Issue you discovered this emergent requirement in
Date discovered
Did you have to do something temporarily
Who was involved
@ExperimentsInHonesty @roslynwythe @KwameTaylor
What happens if this is not addressed
more inefficient code, etc.
Recommended Action Items
Potential solutions [draft]
What if we combined all the information into one file, and it looked something like this
File format/schema
``` - name: image: link: instance: - location: type: position: start date: end date: - location: type: partner position: start date: end date: ```Excerpt of two records from proposed file
``` - name: Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment image: /assets/images/partners/empower-la.png link: https://empowerla.org/ instance: - location: Citizen Engagement type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: 311 data type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: Lucky Parking type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: Open Community Survey type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - name: Atwater Village image: /assets/images/partners/atwater-village.png link: https://www.atwatervillage.org/ instance: - location: Citizen Engagement type: partner position: 2 start date: end date: - location: lucky parking type: partner position: 2 start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 2 start date: end date: ```New sponsors-partners.yml file
``` - name: Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment image: /assets/images/partners/empower-la.png link: https://empowerla.org/ instance: - location: Citizen Engagement type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: 311 data type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: Lucky Parking type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: Open Community Survey type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - name: Atwater Village image: /assets/images/partners/atwater-village.png link: https://www.atwatervillage.org/ instance: - location: Citizen Engagement type: partner position: 2 start date: end date: - location: lucky parking type: partner position: 2 start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 2 start date: end date: - name: Yale Open Lab image: /assets/images/partners/yale-open-labs.svg link: https://openlab.yale.edu/ instance: - location: about type: partner position: 3 start date: end date: - location: Civic Tech Infrastructure type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: Environment type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: Climate Collabathon type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - name: Los Angeles Metro image: /assets/images/partners/m.svg link: https://www.metro.net/ instance: - location: about type: partner position: 4 start date: end date: - location: Environment type: partner position: 2 start date: end date: - location: Railstats LA type: partner position: 2 start date: end date: - name: City of Santa Monica image: /assets/images/partners/city-of-santa-monica.png link: https://www.santamonica.gov/ instance: - location: Environment type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: Public Tree Map type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 5 start date: end date: - name: FoodCycle LA image: /assets/images/partners/food-cycle-la.png link: https://www.foodcyclela.org/ instance: - location: Social Safety Net type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Food Oasis type: partner position: 1 start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 6 start date: end date: - name: Food Forward image: /assets/images/partners/food-forward.png link: https://www.goodfoodla.org/food-waste instance: - location: Social Safety Net type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Food Oasis type: partner position: 2 start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 7 start date: end date: - name: Good Food LA image: /assets/images/partners/good-food-la.png link: https://www.goodfoodla.org/food-waste instance: - location: Social Safety Net type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Food Oasis type: partner position: 3 start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 8 start date: end date: - name: Los Angeles Regional Food Bank image: /assets/images/partners/la-food-bank.png link: https://www.lafoodbank.org/ instance: - location: Social Safety Net type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Food Oasis type: partner position: 4 start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 9 start date: end date: - name: Safe Place for Youth image: /assets/images/partners/safe-place-for-youth.png link: https://www.safeplaceforyouth.org/ instance: - location: Social Safety Net type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Home Unite Us type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 10 start date: end date: - name: Point Source Youth image: /assets/images/partners/point-source-youth.svg link: https://www.pointsourceyouth.org/ instance: - location: Social Safety Net type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Home Unite Us type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 11 start date: end date: - name: Los Angeles City Attorney image: /assets/images/partners/la-city-attorney.png link: https://www.lacityattorney.org/ instance: - location: Social Safety Net type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Heart type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 12 start date: end date: - name: Los Angeles Department of Transportation image: /assets/images/partners/la-dot.png link: https://ladot.lacity.org/ instance: - location: Environment type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: LA TDM Calculator type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 13 start date: end date: - name: Los Angeles City Planning image: /assets/images/partners/la-city-planning.png link: https://planning.lacity.org/ instance: - location: Environment type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: LA TDM Calculator type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 14 start date: end date: - name: The National Diversity & Inclusion Cannabis Alliance image: /assets/images/partners/ndica.png link: https://www.thendica.org/ instance: - location: Justice type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Expunge Assist type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 15 start date: end date: - name: Ballotpedia image: /assets/images/partners/bp.png link: https://ballotpedia.org/Main_Page instance: - location: Vote / Representation type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Undebate type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 16 start date: end date: - name: EnCiv image: /assets/images/partners/enciv.svg link: https://enciv.org/ instance: - location: Vote / Representation type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Undebate type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 17 start date: end date: - name: UCLA Law image: /assets/images/partners/ucla-law.png link: https://law.ucla.edu/ instance: - location: Justice type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Youth Justice Nav type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 18 start date: end date: - name: Golden Gate University School of Law image: /assets/images/partners/ggu-school-of-law.png link: https://law.ggu.edu/ instance: - location: Justice type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Youth Justice Nav type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 19 start date: end date: - name: Los Angeles County District Attorney image: /assets/images/partners/da-county-of-la.png link: https://da.lacounty.gov/ instance: - location: Social Safety Net type: partner position: 20 start date: end date: - location: Heart type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: start date: end date: - name: Digital Defense Fund image: /assets/images/partners/digital-defense-fund.png link: https://digitaldefensefund.org/ instance: - location: Vote / Representation type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: HelloGOV type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 21 start date: end date: - name: City of Los Angeles Personnel Department image: /assets/images/partners/la-department-of-personnel.png link: https://personnel.lacity.org/ instance: - location: Workforce Development type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Work for LA type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 22 start date: end date: - name: The Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative image: /assets/images/partners/la-county-homeless-initiative.png link: https://homeless.lacounty.gov/ instance: - location: Social Safety Net type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Jobs for Hope type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 24 start date: end date: - name: Hope of the Valley image: /assets/images/partners/hope-of-the-valley.png link: https://www.hopeofthevalley.org/ instance: - location: Social Safety Net type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: Jobs for Hope type: partner position: start date: end date: - location: about type: partner position: 24 start date: end date: ```And the pages will all have code that iterates though this file looking for content to display based on whatever logic we are using. And all pages will get the order of the logos from this file (location of all applicable sponsors/partners combined with position values).
Ideally the partners/sponsors would be all in one file for ease of quarterly review, but if it's not feasible to have multiple location variables then break into individual files.
How to handle order anomalies in the file
Issues to create