hackforla / website

Hack for LA's website
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Pre-work Checklist: Developer: Chris Flemmonds #6830

Closed cflemmonds closed 1 week ago

cflemmonds commented 3 weeks ago


We are looking forward to having you on our team. Please make sure to attend the general Hack for LA onboarding to get the process started https://meetup.com/hackforla/events.


As a new developer on the HfLA website team, fill in the following fields as you complete each onboarding item.

Special Notes

  1. It may take you a few weeks to finish this issue, because part of it is learning how to provide updates on issues that take more than a week to complete. Please keep this issue open until you have been able to do all the steps.
  2. Usually we don't want to you have more than one issue assigned to you at a time, this issue is the exception, because it is instructions on how to work on other issues.
  3. The action items listed below should mostly be worked on in a sequential order. However, you don't have to wait on one if you can proceed with the others, For instance, you don't have to wait for attending a weekly meeting before setting up your dev environment.

Action Items

What should I do if I have a question about an issue I'm working on, and I haven't gotten a response yet?


github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @cflemmonds.

Please don't forget to add the proper labels to this issue. Currently, the labels for the following are missing:

NOTE: Please ignore this comment if you do not have 'write' access to this directory.

To add a label, take a look at Github's documentation here.

Also, don't forget to remove the "missing labels" afterwards. To remove a label, the process is similar to adding a label, but you select a currently added label to remove it.

After the proper labels are added, the merge team will review the issue and add a "Ready for Prioritization" label once it is ready for prioritization.

Additional Resources:

cflemmonds commented 1 week ago

How many hours did it take you to finish the pre-work up to and including adding your initial ETA and availability for your good first issue, including attending your first meetings?

The first meeting won't occur until May 21st, but it's taken maybe 8hrs total to get to this point in the pre-work.