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Hack for LA's website
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Create new issue templates for adding/removing single volunteers on a project page with instructions #7478

Open ExperimentsInHonesty opened 3 days ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 days ago


We need a template for adding and removing single leaders, so that we can easily produce quick leadership change issues


These templates and instructions are meant to be temporary until the wiki instruction process and templates is finished.

Action Items


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 days ago

New template issue draft to add a single project member.

Template Name

what appears on the new issue template page

Project Profile leader updates - Add


what appears on the new issue template page

This template is for website team only to ADD a single volunteer 


### Prerequisites
1. Be a member of Hack for LA. (There are no fees to join.) If you have not joined yet, please follow the steps on our [Getting Started](https://www.hackforla.org/getting-started) page and attend an onboarding session.
2. You have already read our [How to Contribute to Hack for LA Guide](https://github.com/hackforla/website/blob/gh-pages/CONTRIBUTING.md).

### Overview
We need to keep project information up to date so that visitors to the website can find accurate information.

### Action Items
- [ ] In your IDE, open the `_projects/[Insert filename].md` file.
- [ ] Observe the existing syntax of the front matter block [^1] in the file.
- [ ] Find the `leadership` variable and add the following profile. 


[^1]: Info about the front matter block [^2]: Project detailed info page URL: [Insert project specific page URL here] [^3]: initiating ER: #[Insert ER number]

## Title
title of the issue that is created

Update Project Profile: [Project Name] Add [Name of Volunteer]

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 days ago

Instructions for filling out the Add a leader template

  1. Create a new issue using the add new leader to project template
  2. Customize the title with name of project and person to add
  3. Customize the body
    1. In the ER, go to the value under the line "Project Card URL"
      1. Copy the file name
      2. On the line that starts "- [ ] In your IDE…" replace brackets with the copy (the text we are expecting is a file name with the extension .md)
    2. In the copy block below the line that starts, "Find the leadership variable and add the following profile." add all the information from the ER for the person you are adding.
    3. On the checkbox line below, "- [ ] Verify the changes by viewing..." replace with name of project
      1. to Resource 2, find the project on the https://www.hackforla.org/projects/ page
        1. click on its link
        2. copy link
        3. replace brackets on resource 2 with the URL
    4. Add link to the ER on resource 3
  4. Choose Update comment button
  5. Add milestone Onboarding flow
  6. Review, and if ready, add label
    Ready for Prioritization
  7. Add the URL to the ER
    1. if this is the first add leader issue to be created, paste this into a comment and add the URL of the issue you just created.
      ### Adding Leader issues


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 days ago

New template issue draft to remove a single project member.

Template Name

what appears on the new issue template page

Project Profile leader updates - Remove


what appears on the new issue template page

This template is for website team only to REMOVE a single volunteer 


### Prerequisites
1. Be a member of Hack for LA. (There are no fees to join.) If you have not joined yet, please follow the steps on our [Getting Started](https://www.hackforla.org/getting-started) page and attend an onboarding session.
2. You have already read our [How to Contribute to Hack for LA Guide](https://github.com/hackforla/website/blob/gh-pages/CONTRIBUTING.md).

### Overview
We need to keep project information up to date so that visitors to the website can find accurate information.

### Action Items
- [ ] In your IDE, open the `_projects/[Insert filename].md` file.
- [ ] Observe the existing syntax of the front matter block [^1] in the file.
- [ ]  Find the `leadership` variable and remove the following:

[Insert the lines of code to remove the specified leadership member]

- [ ] Verify the changes by viewing the following in your local environment and include before and after screenshots with your pull request:
  - [ ] [Insert name of project] page [^2]
- [ ] Once your pull request is merged, go to the initiating ER [^3]
  - [ ] Check off this issue under the _Dependency_ section
  - [ ] If all the issues in the _Dependency_ section are checked off, move initiating ER [^3] to **Questions / In Review** column and uncheck the **Dependency label**.
    - <details>
        <summary>Click here to see how to uncheck the <b>Dependency label</b></summary>
        <img src="https://github.com/hackforla/website/assets/31293603/6f53f4d4-7d2c-45f8-8534-9936fc9adee8" width="300px">

### Resources/Instructions
[^1]: [Info about the front matter block](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/front-matter/)
[^2]: Project detailed info page URL: [Insert project specific page URL here]
[^3]: initiating ER:  #[Insert ER number]


title of the issue that is created

Update Project Profile: [Project Name] Remove [Name of Volunteer]
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 days ago

Instructions for filling out the Remove a leader template

  1. Create a new issue using the remove new leader to project template
  2. Customize the title with name of project and person to add
  3. Customize the body
    1. In the ER, go to the value under the line "Project Card URL"
      1. Copy the file name
      2. On the line that starts "- [ ] In your IDE…" replace brackets with the copy (the text we are expecting is a file name with the extension .md)
    2. Go to https://github.com/hackforla/website/tree/gh-pages/_projects and find and click on the file
      1. click on code view
      2. copy the code block
      3. highlight the text on your new issue where it says [Insert the lines of code to remove the specified leadership member] and delete it and replace with the copy block
    3. On the checkbox line below, "- [ ] Verify the changes by viewing..." replace with name of project
      1. to Resource 2, find the project on the https://www.hackforla.org/projects/ page
        1. click on its link
        2. copy link
        3. replace brackets on resource 2 with the URL
    4. Add link to the ER on resource 3
  4. Choose Update comment button
  5. Add milestone Onboarding flow
  6. Review, and if ready, add label
    Ready for Prioritization
  7. Add the URL to the ER
    1. if this is the first remove leader issue to be created, paste this into a comment and add the URL of the issue you just created.
      ### Removing Leader issues


ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 days ago

Instructions for how to update project profile leadership requests from stakeholders

  1. Review the Issue
  2. Add labels
    1. Issue Making: Level 1
    2. size: 0.25pt
    3. Epic
  3. Add the template to the top of this issue
    1. customize the body project name
  4. Move the issue to the ER and Epics that are ready to make issues from column
    1. If there are other issues that are time sensitive, and not project info issues, move this above them
    2. If there are other issues that are time sensitive and they also are project info issues, put this under them.

template to add to the top of ERs that only have leadership changes

### Overview
The project team from [name of project] needs its project leadership variable information updated, so that the current team members can be properly displayed on the Hack for LA website

### Action Items
- [ ] Review the Project Update Data below and then follow the instructions for either adding or deleting team members from the project's .md

<details><summary>Adding new volunteers to team page</summary>

- [ ] Create a new issue using the [add new leader to project](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/new?assignees=&labels=good+first+issue%2C+P-Feature%3A+Project+Info+and+Page%2C+role%3A+back+end%2FdevOps%2C+role%3A+front+end%2C+size%3A+0.25pt%2C+time+sensitive&projects=&template=project-profile-leader-updates---add.md&title=Update+Project+Profile%3A+%5BProject+Name%5D+Add+%5BName+of+Volunteer%5D) template
- [ ]  Customize the title with name of project and person to add
- [ ]  Customize the body
   - [ ]   In the ER, go to the value under the line "Project Card URL"
      - [ ]  Copy the file name 
      - [ ] On the line that starts "- [ ] In your IDE…" replace brackets with the copy (the text we are expecting is a file name with the extension .md)
   - [ ] In the copy block below the line that starts, "Find the `leadership` variable and add the following profile."  add all the information from the ER for the person you are adding.
   - [ ] On the checkbox line below, "- [ ] Verify the changes by viewing..." replace with name of project
   - [ ] to Resource 2, find the project on the https://www.hackforla.org/projects/ page
      - [ ] click on its link
      - [ ] copy link
      - [ ] replace brackets on resource 2 with the URL
   - [ ] Add link to the ER on resource 3
- [ ] Choose `Update comment` button
- [ ] Add milestone `Onboarding flow`
- [ ] Review, and if ready, add label

Ready for Prioritization

- [ ] Add the URL to a comment on this ER
    - [ ] if this is the first add leader issue to be created, paste this into a comment and add the URL of the issue you just created.

Adding Leader issues



Removing volunteers from team page - [ ] Create a new issue using the [remove new leader to project](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/new?assignees=&labels=good+first+issue%2C+P-Feature%3A+Project+Info+and+Page%2C+role%3A+back+end%2FdevOps%2C+role%3A+front+end%2C+size%3A+0.25pt%2C+time+sensitive&projects=&template=project-profile-leader-updates---remove.md&title=Update+Project+Profile%3A+%5BName+of+Project%5D+Remove+%5BName+of+Volunteer%5D) template - [ ] Customize the title with name of project and person to add - [ ] Customize the body - [ ] In the ER, go to the value under the line "Project Card URL" - [ ] Copy the file name - [ ] On the line that starts "- [ ] In your IDE…" replace brackets with the copy (the text we are expecting is a file name with the extension .md) - [ ] Go to https://github.com/hackforla/website/tree/gh-pages/_projects and find and click on the file - [ ] click on code view - [ ] copy the code block - [ ] highlight the text on your new issue where it says `[Insert the lines of code to remove the specified leadership member]` and delete it and replace with the copy block - [ ] On the checkbox line below, "- [ ] Verify the changes by viewing..." replace with name of project - [ ] to Resource 2, find the project on the https://www.hackforla.org/projects/ page - [ ] click on its link - [ ] copy link - [ ] replace brackets on resource 2 with the URL - [ ] Add link to the ER on resource 3 - [ ] Choose `Update comment` button - [ ] Add milestone `Onboarding flow` - [ ] Review, and if ready, add label ``` Ready for Prioritization ``` - [ ] Add the URL to a comment on this ER 1. if this is the first remove leader issue to be created, paste this into a comment on this issue and add the URL of the issue you just created. ``` ### Removing Leader issues - ### Complete - [ ] Check this when all the removal issues have been made ``` - [ ] if the above comment already exists, just add your new issue URL to the list. - [ ] Check off the box, if it's the last one that needed to be created.

Project Update Data