hackforla / website

Hack for LA's website
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Create wiki page "how to cancel meetings" #7690

Open roslynwythe opened 11 hours ago

roslynwythe commented 11 hours ago


The HfLA website project manages 4 recurring series of meetings, under two different zoom accounts. On occasion it is necessary to cancel meetings from the recurring series, for instance in case of holidays. In this issue we will create a wiki page to guide dev leads and merge team members how to cancel meetings.

Action Items

REPLACE THIS TEXT - List the research to be done, or the steps to be completed. Note: If the steps can be divided into tasks for more than one person, we recommend dividing it up into separate issues, or assigning it as a pair programming task.


REPLACE THIS TEXT - Provide links to resources or instructions that may help with this issue. This can include files to be worked on, external sites with solutions, documentation, etc.

github-actions[bot] commented 11 hours ago

Hi @roslynwythe.

Please don't forget to add the proper labels to this issue. Currently, the labels for the following are missing:

NOTE: Please ignore this comment if you do not have 'write' access to this directory.

To add a label, take a look at Github's documentation here.

Also, don't forget to remove the "missing labels" afterwards. To remove a label, the process is similar to adding a label, but you select a currently added label to remove it.

After the proper labels are added, the merge team will review the issue and add a "Ready for Prioritization" label once it is ready for prioritization.

Additional Resources: