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Open data projects, including real-time and reusable data for local tech meetups, events, and map layers.
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Create a list of maps that are missing info, should be combined, or need a co-maintainer #27

Open allella opened 7 years ago

allella commented 7 years ago

Looking for folks to contact an existing layer maintainer and offer to co-maintain.

allella commented 6 years ago

Let's create a list of map layers from https://data.openupstate.org/maps2 that could be options for students who don't have their own map layer idea in the Fall 2017 class of SC Codes.

allella commented 6 years ago

Recycling and Solid Waste is one example that seems like it could / should be combined.

allella commented 6 years ago

@ealdthryth you asked about converting addresses to lat long.

It may be possible to add street address too, but there's two functions that at least will do city, state, country.

Here's a simple example, which is a script you add to Tools -> Script Editor inside of a Google Spreadsheet and then you can put the function into a cell and it will calculate a result.

=geocodelat(C2, D2, E2) =geocodelong(C2, D2, E2)

function geocodelat(city, state, country) {
    var response = Maps.newGeocoder().setRegion('com').geocode(city + ', ' + state + ' ' + country);
    var l;
    if (response.status === "OK") {
      Logger.log("response " + JSON.stringify(response));
      if((l = response.results[0].geometry.location)) {
        return l.lat;
    else {
      return "error";

function geocodelong(city, state, country) {
    var response = Maps.newGeocoder().setRegion('com').geocode(city + ', ' + state + ' ' + country);
    var l;
    if (response.status === "OK") {
      Logger.log("response " + JSON.stringify(response));
      if((l = response.results[0].geometry.location)) {
        return l.lng;
    else {
      return "error";
allella commented 3 years ago

We only have GitHub usernames and I don't think we can automate that, so we'd probably need to contact everyone, see if they will continue helping, and get an email to be able to ping them

allella commented 3 years ago

@MarkMcDaniels suggested "Should I write a script that grabs all map & maintainers so that we have can figure out who is still and active participant, and who isn't?"

tmcnairbledsoe commented 3 years ago

Art Galleries is missing a large amount of data. Will add today

allella commented 3 years ago

We're trying to audit what's there since we have a number of out of date layers and don't want to add more layers that are likely to go unmaintained.

We can also consider pruning layers if they are too commercial (things Google Maps and such already do well) and aren't maintained. For a lot of the layers we tried to find things which change infrequently and with other online resources don't do well or complete

allella commented 3 years ago

Few of these layers fit the "social safety net" theme for the day, but I'll be working on #46 to cover that theme.

MarkMcDaniels commented 3 years ago

We should be creating layers for soup kitchens, goodwill, unemployment offices, and things like that. I'm willing to take on one or two of them.

Here is a list of social safety net layers and maintainers:

city halls: Octavia Frazile --- https://github.com/Ofrazzle

co-working spaces: brett brading --- https://github.com/bbrading and Jim

Electric Vehicle charging stations: Stephen silkowski --- https://github.com/ses29680

Free job training resources: Liz Meeker Murphy --- https://github.com/lizziemeeker

Free wifi hotspots: Jim

Higher Education: Lauren Hickey --- https://github.com/lorieo828 Ingram Jones --- https://github.com/Iggy1906

Historical African-American Churches: Justin Lewis --- https://github.com/jlew1914

Libraries: Bridgette Jefferson --- https://github.com/Brenascia Christine Grewcock --- https://github.com/ealdthryth Melody Ng --- https://github.com/melodyjng/

allella commented 3 years ago

@MarkMcDaniels we're going to focus on updating what we have on our end. However, for #46 we'll be "adding" a lot of social safety net layers which are maintained by larger local orgs.


allella commented 3 years ago

If you go to https://data.openupstate.org/map-layers and then open one of the maps in the list there will be a URL below "Contribute Link". This will open up the real-time spreadsheet that makes the map work.

The spreadsheet that opens (Google login required) will have a green "View" button. If you click the button, there's a "Request edit access", which will send me your request.


Once the request is approved you can edit the spreadsheet and it will update the map within seconds / minutes.

allella commented 3 years ago

Here is more background on the map layers we maintain. Most were made by SC Codes pilot program students (run by Pamela).

Here's how to lookup latitude and longitude https://github.com/codeforgreenville/leaflet-google-sheets-template#getting-longitude-and-latitude

allella commented 3 years ago

@MarkMcDaniels the https://data.openupstate.org/map/free-job-training-resources layer has some Goodwill resources, which is probably a thing Google Maps and such don't do well. However, I suspect Google does a good enough job with physical Goodwill locations, but not specific resources offered within them.

jeremywight commented 3 years ago

All of the Social Safety Net Layers below were verified/updated:

Here is a list of social safety net layers and maintainers:

city halls: Octavia Frazile --- https://github.com/Ofrazzle

co-working spaces: brett brading --- https://github.com/bbrading and Jim

Electric Vehicle charging stations: Stephen silkowski --- https://github.com/ses29680

Free job training resources: Liz Meeker Murphy --- https://github.com/lizziemeeker

Free wifi hotspots: Jim

Higher Education: Lauren Hickey --- https://github.com/lorieo828 Ingram Jones --- https://github.com/Iggy1906

allella commented 3 years ago

Here's a good example of how a "Parks" map layer that's inside iMAP could be easily embedded into a site, using real-time data from iMAP, instead of having to send folks offsite or ask them to download a 3rd party app.

This is the power of the approach this project takes. It uses what's out there, but allows sharing and ownership as well.


allella commented 3 years ago

Greenville County's "Schools" data has both K-12 and Higher Education. For now, we're filtering out K-12 from Higher Ed using LeafletJS filter() logic, but we can eventually do more advanced filtering at the caching / back-end level.

The "Higher Education" layer is now going to pull from a subset of the Greenville County GIS Schools #15, as shown at https://data.openupstate.org/map/schools-higher-education-greenville-county