hackgvl / OpenData

Open data projects, including real-time and reusable data for local tech meetups, events, and map layers.
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Demo Map - Show All Layers in a Single Map Interface #34

Closed allella closed 4 years ago

allella commented 7 years ago

Consider how we can syndicate data already published by folks like http://greenvilleopenmap.info/

and figure out how to get some of our community SRT data layers on these maps if they are interested. And/or invite Greenville County Rec to edit the spreadsheets we use.

@bikeoid (Mike Nice) has http://greenvilleopenmap.info/ where we might show a preview off all the real-time map layers.

allella commented 7 years ago

Basic / Partial SRT demo map

An example of the multiple layers w/ Leaflet.

bikeoid commented 7 years ago

There's also this curated dataset from the county, partnering with GHS https://www.unitedwaygc.org/imap , article with more details at http://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/local/2017/06/21/county-partners-furman-ghs-bring-resources-you/415259001/

allella commented 7 years ago

Thanks Mike. Pam also made the IMAP Furman connection and we intend to work with them in some capacity.

allella commented 6 years ago

@Jaaron0606 iMAP Project - maintained by GHS, Greenville County, Furman, United Way http://www.gcgis.org/apps/imap/

County REST API - https://www.gcgis.org/arcgis/rest/services/imap/imap/MapServer/70

allella commented 6 years ago

We could eventually setup a time with Rhett Baker and Mike Winiski at Furman to talk about better reuse and syndication of county map layers.

For instance, the parks and Swamp Rabbit trail layers are probably better coming from the county as an origin and all we do with those layers is provide them in different formats and make it easier for other people to consume and trust a layer.

allella commented 5 years ago

@SpaceCowboy326 has a good start on a prettier multi-layer map. Pulling him into the conversation.

SpaceCowboy326 commented 5 years ago

Thanks @allella, it's pretty ugly at the moment but I'm hoping to style it a bit soon. The repository can currently be found at https://github.com/SpaceCowboy326/open_data_gvl for anyone who is interested.

allella commented 5 years ago

I thought it looked like progress over that demos we have so keep going. If you get a live URL where folks can preview the map itself then that would likely get more feedback than just the source code, but all is appreciate.

allella commented 5 years ago

Tim @SpaceCowboy326 wins member of the month for his work on the demo of all map layers.

SpaceCowboy326 commented 5 years ago

Haha, thanks @allella! I will try to get the demo running consistently on my web server tonight so anyone who is interested can check it out.

SpaceCowboy326 commented 5 years ago

Still working on a more appropriate domain name (this was meant for a personal project) and cleaning up some of the code, but the map layer demo can currently be viewed at https://yubnub.net

allella commented 4 years ago

@SpaceCowboy326 someone asked at tonights event for a map of all the layers and I mentioned your map. I see the repo above, but not sure we have that hosted anywhere now.

Did you have thoughts on hosting and further development?

SpaceCowboy326 commented 4 years ago

@allella hey Jim - sorry about that, I was trying to figure out how to run multiple apps from my hosting service but ended up having to run one at a time. I've set the map application back up so it should still be available at yubnub.net.

I can't say that I have anything in mind for further development at the moment, but if there was anything in particular you'd like to see I'm open to suggestions (I was having trouble trying to figure out next steps and ended up just putting the project down for a while).

allella commented 4 years ago

Alright. At this point it may make the most sense if we host the map under a subdomain on the data.openupstate.org for public view until there's more development plans and definition on a dedicated domain.

SpaceCowboy326 commented 4 years ago

@allella sorry for my slow responsiveness. I am serving the map demo on my site again at yubnub.net, but would be happy to have you guys serve it from data.openstate.org. The code is still hosted here if you want to clone it: https://github.com/SpaceCowboy326/open_data_gvl

However, I think the script that pulls the locations may currently be broken. I will try to get that working the way I wanted it to or revert it to the last working state by the end of this week. I'll message you when it's all set, then I'm happy to help get it up and running some time.

allella commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the update.

SpaceCowboy326 commented 4 years ago

@allella again, apologies for leaving this unresolved for so long, but I've made some (mostly cosmetic) updates to the app and tried to clean it up a bit. The code is still messy and has a lot of TODOs, but If you're still interested in hosting it I would be happy to try and help get it running somewhere.

allella commented 4 years ago

Sure, we can host. Is the README sufficient to get things going, or is there more that's needed?

Thanks, Jim

SpaceCowboy326 commented 4 years ago

I think that should do it, I've installed on a few different machines and haven't had much trouble getting it running. Let me know here or on https://github.com/SpaceCowboy326/open_data_gvl if you run into issues.

allella commented 4 years ago

This project is currently up https://data.openupstate.org/map/preview/all-layers/dist/#/

but I'm going to move it to another sub-directory.

Thanks @SpaceCowboy326

SpaceCowboy326 commented 4 years ago

Awesome, thanks @alella! I'll let you know if I get any new features working that are worth updating for, always open to suggestions as well.

allella commented 4 years ago

This is now linked to on https://data.openupstate.org/map-layers

I'd like to get rid of the /dist part of the URL but I can't find the time to do more pressing things, so I'll just deal with it and be glad we have it hosted.

I also forked and renamed the repo so it's easier to share with people from CFG. I kept having to look for it. https://github.com/codeforgreenville/open-map-data-multi-layers-demo

Thanks again.