hackgvl / OpenData

Open data projects, including real-time and reusable data for local tech meetups, events, and map layers.
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Slackbot to post new organizations and events into HackGreenville Slack channels #49

Closed allella closed 1 year ago

allella commented 6 years ago

Via @ajhodges "I just thought of a potential OpenSC Hackathon project that would be fairly language agnostic: building a slackbot for HackGreenville that would query the opendata events API and post daily reminders for tech meetup events in the #events channel. I think it's bite sized and there are a lot of bot frameworks out there that integrate with slack: Hubot (coffeescript/javascript, https://hubot.github.com/), Hedwig (elixir, https://github.com/hedwig-im/hedwig), Lita (Ruby, https://github.com/litaio/lita), Errbot (Python, http://errbot.io/en/latest/), etc. then again maybe that would flood #events with messages..."

allella commented 6 years ago

The events API is at https://github.com/codeforgreenville/upstate_tech_cal_service

The tech organizations API is at https://github.com/codeforgreenville/OpenData/issues/17

allella commented 5 years ago

@pamelawoodbrowne do you remember the name of the gal who was working on this at OpenSC Hackathon?

allella commented 3 years ago

@ajhodges we should could use your experience on something like this for the National Day of Civic Hacking ... and it was your idea.

CFG is participating in a virtual National Day of Civic Hacking on Sept 12th. We're going to work to bring the open map layer project to the next level since some of our map layers do / will address the event's theme of "social safety net services during COVID-19".

Are you available and able to lead an effort to get this validation script tested / improved / or otherwise moved forward?

The core of the event would be a 2-3 hour commitment with some people attending the national kick-off event and anybody who wants to stay later can do so as well.

We'd be glad to get the band back together for this event.

Thanks, Jim

allella commented 1 year ago

Olivia's work on https://github.com/codeforgreenville/c4g-events/ has mostly accomplished these things, so closing this issue since we have more granular issues related to the Slack bot at that repo.