hackgvl / nights

Planning for the quarterly-ish HackGreenville Nights events.
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2024 Q1 Event - Speakers and Format #3

Closed allella closed 6 months ago

allella commented 7 months ago

Committed Speakers

6:20 - 6:35

Gavin Coyle — 15 mins on Addressing Workforce Planning Challenges Through Mentorship

6:35 - 6:50

Paul — 15 mins on Censorship-resistant P2P Messaging via Briar and the Local-first Software Movement.

7:00 - 7:40

Breakout Room 1

Breakout Room 2

Backup / Future Talks



Tasks (In-advance)

Tasks (At the Event Venue)

eric1234 commented 7 months ago

Now that we likely have a date picked, it seems getting speakers lined up would be great as that can help promote the event. You mentioned reaching out to certain people that expressed interest before which I think is fine to do. I'm thinking also just invite anyone on #community-organizers to DM if they are interested. If we don't get enough interest between there and people you reach out to we can then link to that invite on #random to cast a wider net.

That invite of course should welcome software dev talks. But also put extra emphasis on non-software related hacktivities. The home page of HG says we are "Upstate SC tech hackers, makers, and tinkerers". Ideally I want our events to reflect that diversity and not have it just be software development.

Finally the invite should also mention the desire for lightening talks. 5, 10, 15 minute talks would be very welcome. This gets more voices presenting and allows attendees more choice. But obviously we can only do a format with lightening talks if people volunteer to give them.

allella commented 7 months ago

The next HG Nights will be on Feb 29th from 6 PM to 8 PM.

The format / time slots may be different from the pilot. If so, then suggestions from the potential speakers will likely inform any changes.

Eric Anderson was planning to make a general announcement in the HackGreenville Slack and I offered to give a heads up to those who had previously expressed interest.

I'm pinging some of you / them in this thread and will reach out over email for those who aren't part of the HG GitHub organization.

brightball commented 7 months ago

If you need a backup speaker, just let me know. I can always put something together to talk about if there's a need to fill in.

eric-hemasystems commented 7 months ago

I'm thinking I'm going to go ahead and link my call for speakers in #random just to cast a bigger net since we haven't been flooded with offers yet. I imagine some folks are still figuring out if they want to do it or not but it would also be nice to get it locked down in the next weekish for promotion purposes.

bogdankharchenko commented 7 months ago

I could whip up quick talk about php/laravel/eco system - maybe some other ideas, how long are the talks? 10-15mins?

eric-hemasystems commented 7 months ago

Length is mostly up to you.

Last time they were 40m, but we are interested in changing that up a bit, but that largely depends on what people have to offer. I think it would be great to get more voices doing some sort of lightening talks while still having some longer talks doing a deep dive.

So basically just let us know what you want to do and once we get that info from folks we can figure out a schedule to try to support that.

allella commented 7 months ago

Pam expressed a desire for a single track and then split into a multi-track. So, you'd imagine if we're going to do a longer, single-track that it would be something with the most broad appeal so we don't subject a bunch of folks to 30 minutes of a talk they might not want to hear, either because it's not their thing or because the level is too advanced or too beginner.

We have CCC and meetups for long and focused tech talks, so perhaps HG Nights continues to find a sweet spot between the meetup group format and the conference format.

Also, software talks probably aren't going to have the broadest appeal, though we do expect software talks.

If we have a single track for part of the event, then I'd personally be most interested in something that crosses hardware and software and life. Like, if Bobby Cannon did his talk and shared struggles on setting up an off-grid solar project on his property, which had all of these features.

brightball commented 7 months ago

Would you like me to send a post to the conference social channels letting people know about HG Nights events or just keep it in Slack?

allella commented 7 months ago

For speakers, we're starting with the backlog and the Slack #community-organizers channel. The next step after that is an announcement in #random or #general if we don't get enough speakers / submissions.

If that doesn't yield results, then posting to social and the partner audiences (CCC, Build Carolina, Synergy Mill, etc) seems like a reasonable next step.

eric-hemasystems commented 7 months ago

Just FYI, I did drop a reference in #random on friday. Also your reach out for Bobby today mentions it. So we are already advertising on #random.

So far we have interest from:

I did also mention it on the DC864 forum as a "save the date" as well as call for speakers hoping to get a security talk.

We can still give it some time to see what other interest we get since I think the "save the date" you suggested has it on people's radar already. But locking it down sooner rather than later is also good so we can make the meetup announcement and do any other promotion.

allella commented 7 months ago

I had a couple other potential folks in the other comments who said they are interested.

I've added your list to the top with those folks and will ping them too.

@ChristinaDRoberts @bogdankharchenko @sirbeep @brightball @gavincoyle If you're still interested in pitching a talk, even if it's as a maybe / backup, then this GitHub issue is a place to provide details on topic, proposed length (or lengths if you could make it variable), and other questions.


brightball commented 7 months ago

Sure I can toss out some ideas. I've had a couple of people ask me for a "So...you want to run a conference" talk that would probably be entertaining if nothing else. I can whip up a talk on Gitlab, Email security/DMARC/Phishing, Elixir, Ruby, PostgreSQL or something related to any of them.

I've been working on a side project for a while that I'm hoping to get out in private beta soon that's a DMARC tool so that's one I'd definitely appreciate the opportunity to talk about.

allella commented 7 months ago

@brightball I think the broad hope is for talks which complement and don't compete for attention with the active meetups and conferences.

More broadly, it would be nice to cover more topics than software. So, some talks that don't focus entirely on a language or tool, but rather an idea, protocol, or real-world / personal application which can certainly still showcase a tool or language in the process of sharing how the idea or problem was approached.. If someone wants to do a more focused language or tool talk, then hopefully we have a local meetup or conference to be a next step for them after sharing the idea at an HG Nights.

I'm not itching to talk, since I'm more engaged with the organizing, but an example is that I use Puppeteer to automate some of my business and personal tasks. From creating a dashboard of screenshots of websites, to clicking buttons on payout reports, it does some handy stuff. I wouldn't geek out on the code for a HG Nights as much as show the solution to real world problems. Then, if I wanted to get into the guts, I'd probably do a more focused shell scripts + Puppeteer @ UCLUG.

That's an off the cuff of how I'm thinking about HG Nights fitting into the local equation.

The exception here may be groups like UpstatePHP, who aren't meeting, but are interested in doing a "PHP" talk at each HG Nights. I think that's fine and if they grow back into a monthly meetup, then cool. If they just tack a PHP talk onto HG Nights events, then that seems cool too.

avon61002 commented 7 months ago

hi all, I would be happy to do around 30min on an open source project I have been contributing to for the past few years called Briar and how it connects to the larger Local-first software movement.

brightball commented 7 months ago

@allella understood. Feel free to mark me down as a backup if you need somebody though. I can pull together something interesting on any of those.

Ruby ActionMailbox would be an easy talk to give too. Been doing a lot of work with that to parse inbound emails.

allella commented 7 months ago

Thanks. Your suggestions have been added to the list on the top of this thread.

We're figuring out some of the format and selection for this event on the fly. We'll probably see what other speaker ideas come in this week and see if we have enough commitments to put together a good mix of talks.

@avon61002. I see you are "Paul" on the HG Slack.

@brightball noted. Thanks. Thoughts on 5, 10, 15 minute lightning talk for this one?

brightball commented 7 months ago

Sure, put me down for lightning talk.

Using Rails ActionMailbox to Efficiently Process Inbound Emails

avon61002 commented 7 months ago

Did you want to go with a full name?

If it's alright, I would prefer just "Paul" for any talk descriptions :)

we may have a mix of shorter lightning talks (5, 10, 15 minutes based on Eric's suggestion above). Would you be able to do a shorter format than 30 mins if that turns out to be the direction for this event instead of the 30/40 minute format we did for the pilot?

Yeah sure, I'll probably only be able to cover Briar, with only a small tie-in to the bigger local first space at the end, but I can fit it down to 15min no problem.

allella commented 7 months ago

I may have a 5 minute lightning talk to share.

"How Spectrum paid me $6240 per hour for talking to their support"

chruck commented 6 months ago

I am offering a 5-minute Lightning Talk to introduce UCLUG and a little about BASH's history feature.

gavincoyle commented 6 months ago

I have a talk I can share in a 5, 10, 15, or 30-min version on "Addressing workforce planning challenges through mentorship"

Here is a Google doc I can share with those who want to peek at the description/slides


Thank you @allella for all your support and drive here!

ChristinaDRoberts commented 6 months ago

I see there are a lot of lightning talks already listed, so you can put me down for a 5 or ten min talk if theres room after the others. I will speak on volunteer opportunities.

chruck commented 6 months ago

On the topic of local user group/meetup promotion, "have a table with fliers/cards OR a whiteboard?", it occurs to me that even if I have fliers that I remember to bring promoting my group, others (or I) may forget fliers/cards, or may be unaware that fliers/cards should have been brought, or might want to get a feeler for interest in a new group. So, I propose both: an area with both a whiteboard that has hand-written announcements AND a table for fliers/cards of same.

sirbeep commented 6 months ago

Brian's "You're doing IaC wrong" confirmed for 15 mins. Just covering project based terraform, devsecops/pipeline/etc. broken into separate talks for later.

allella commented 6 months ago


Please see the draft speaker schedule at the top of this issue and share any feedback by 7 PM tonight.

@avon61002 @gavincoyle @bogdankharchenko @ChristinaDRoberts @sirbeep @chruck


gavincoyle commented 6 months ago

That looks great and I appreciate the opportunity @allella !

allella commented 6 months ago

The speaking schedule is now on Meetup.

We'll announce it in some places tomorrow.

allella commented 6 months ago


In preparation for next week, here are presenter-related questions and notes. Please reply to the questions and let us know if you have any other concerns.

allella commented 6 months ago

Two other notes.

1) If you haven't already, please RSVP for the event on Meetup. 2) If you would like to work out of OpenWorks the day of the event, then please reach out to Jim or Pam for more info.

sirbeep commented 6 months ago

"If you would like to work out of OpenWorks the day of the event, then please reach out to Jim or Pam for more info." hey, that's a good idea. I should come early to make sure my pot is hot.

allella commented 6 months ago


We have over 80 guests registered. With no-shows and walk-ins we'll probably come in somewhere between 65-75 people

To make more room for the Breakout talks, we're going to expand "Room 2" to include both conference rooms by opening up the middle divider wall.

As a result, "Room 1" of the breakouts, which will be @bogdankharchenko @ChristinaDRoberts and me, will use the round table and kitchen area and TV, which is where the single track talks will occur earlier in the schedule.

We'll have a dedicated "Social Lounge" inside OpenWorks for those who choose to socialize during any portion of the talking session, which we expect to help isolate the sound.