hackiftekhar / IQActionSheetPickerView

ActionSheet with UIPickerView
MIT License
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Any chance of a cocapod? #8

Closed brenwell closed 9 years ago

hackiftekhar commented 9 years ago

Added Cocoapod.

Add this line for cocoapod.

pod 'IQActionSheetPickerView'

brenwell commented 9 years ago

Terrific, thanks alot man.

I am not sure if I have something wrong set in my project, but after adding your pod, it doesn't find the files properly. All my other pods are working but not this one and the symptoms are rather odd.

If I type the following xcode doesn't auto complete it, as if it isn't aware of the file

#import "IQActionSheetPickerView.h"

if I type the following it recognises the existence of the file, but it still doesn't work

#import <IQActionSheetPickerView.h>

And if I cmd+click the className it takes me to the matching line in your pod. However I still get the following errors.

screen shot 2014-10-25 at 09 17 33

Is it working for you, or do you have any ideas what I may have done wrong?

Thanks again @hackiftekhar

hackiftekhar commented 9 years ago


IQActionSheetPickerView delegate protocol is replaced by IQActionSheetPickerViewDelegate. And initWithTitle:delegate"cancelButtonTitle:destructiveButtonTitle:otherButtonTitles: is replaced by initWithTitle:delegate: and showInView: is replaced by show and showWithCompletion:.

Due to some issues in iOS 8 regarding showing date picker in actionSheet, the internal UI is changed in IQActionSheetPickerView also. From IQActionSheetPickerView is not a subclass of UIActionSheet, it's now subclass of UIView, and presented on it's own ViewController, and the ViewController is added as childViewController on the top most ViewController. For issues regarding showing date picker in actionSheet in iOS you can refer this post.

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24366437/add-uipickerview-in-uiactionsheet-from-ios-8-not-working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24330152/showing-a-uipickerview-with-uiactionsheet-in-ios8-not-working

Thanks Iftekhar

brenwell commented 9 years ago

Thanks man, that was exactly my problem. I have recently taken over another developers project, and I trying to move all the 3rd party libs to cocoapods, obviously some of the libs are totally outdated. So thanks for pointiing out the changes.

The guy also edited some of the 3rd party libs.

// show date picker with dates from now
[picker setActionSheetPickerStyle:IQActionSheetPickerStyleDatePicker];
picker.minimumDate = [NSDate date];

is there an equivilant setMinimumDate method or was this likely a modification made by the previous developer.

Thanks again

hackiftekhar commented 9 years ago

I've added minimumDate and maximumDate property in project, you can find it on the repository source code, but didn't released a new version for cocoapods.

brenwell commented 9 years ago

Wow thats great, thanks man.

What's your plan, are you going to update the pod? (Should I wait)


hackiftekhar commented 9 years ago

I was not planning to release new version, but I know you need to have minimumDate functionality, so I'll release the new version by today or tomorrow for you.

brenwell commented 9 years ago

You are a true gentleman ;)

There is no rush btw, so take your time

hackiftekhar commented 9 years ago

Cocoapod updated for 1.0.1.

Thanks Iftekhar