hacking-gentoo / action-ebuild-release

Automatically create an ebuild from a template and deploy it to a repository whenever a new package is released.
MIT License
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Allow setting base git branch of the overlay #1

Open JohnTheCoolingFan opened 1 month ago

JohnTheCoolingFan commented 1 month ago

From a quick glimpse over the entrypoint.sh it looks like master is hard-coded as a default branch. I use main instead. I suspect this may be a reason why my current setup fails. I am trying to setup automatic ebuilds on releases of my program: https://github.com/JohnTheCoolingFan/rfmp and I want it to release to a github-hosted overlay of mine: https://github.com/JohnTheCoolingFan/jtcf-ebuild-repo But the current setup fails. I provided it with a personal access token with a read-write PR permission on the overlay repo and a deploy key for the overlay repo as well. It errors without a proper error message, sadly. The step gets marked as failed. Would be amazing if you could help me by pointing out what I set up wrongly.

JohnTheCoolingFan commented 1 month ago

Ok, I've managed to solve the original issue, but I still encounter an error because of the branch name. First issue was that my tags used a slightly different format for versions: vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, note the v in the beginning. The function that extracts the package version from the ref failed because of that, but no error message was reported. Then I had a problem where the checkout_overlay_master was expecting the overlay to have a branch named master, which wasn't the case for my repository. I created that branch, just a clone of main, but that's a workaround. The original issue title still makes sense: there needs to be a way to specify the overlay branch. Not teh created branch, but the one that will be checked out.