hackjutsu / Lepton

💻 Democratizing Snippet Management (macOS/Win/Linux)
MIT License
10.14k stars 475 forks source link

login with deepin linux 15.11 #406

Closed sevenold closed 3 years ago

sevenold commented 4 years ago

The more we know about your system and use case, the more easily and likely we can help.

Environment info

Description of the problem / feature request / question:

The account is not available and Stuck on this page

If possible, provide a sample gist or screenshot:


If possible, provide the log files

----- Lepton v1.8.2 linux-----

info: [conf] Looking for .leptonrc at /home/seven/.leptonrc
info: [conf] The resolved configuration is ...
info: "theme": "dark"
info: "userPanel": {"hideProfilePhoto":false}
info: "logger": {"level":"debug"}
info: "proxy": {"enable":true,"address":"socks5://localhost:7891"}
info: "snippet": {"sorting":"updated_at","sortingReverse":true,"expanded":true,"newSnippetPrivate":false}
info: "editor": {"tabSize":4}
info: "enterprise": {"enable":false,"host":"","token":"","avatarUrl":""}
info: "disableNotification": false
info: "type": "literal"
Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf", line 100: unknown element "blank"
info: Checking for update
debug: -----> registering login-page-ready listener
info: [.leptonrc] Use proxy socks5://localhost:7891
debug: -----> Inside getCachedUserInfo
debug: -----> [false] cachedProfile is undefined
debug: -----> [false] cachedToken is undefined
debug: -----> Inside LoginPage componentWillMount with loggedInUserInfonull
debug: -----> Registering listener for auto-login signal
debug: -----> sending login-page-ready signal
info: [signal] sending auto-login signal
debug: -----> Received "auto-login" signal with loggedInUserInfo null
init: 1753.460ms
debug: -----> Inside launchAuthWindow with token undefined
debug: loading authUrl https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=9e42611bb02db4547abf&scope=gist
info: [Dispatch] updateAuthWindowStatus ON
info: Update for version 1.8.2 is not available (latest version: 1.8.2, downgrade is disallowed).
debug: checkForUpdatesAndNotify called, downloadPromise is null
info: [Dispatch] updateAuthWindowStatus OFF
info: [Dispatch] updateUserSession IN_PROGRESS
debug: [REST] Exchanging authCode with access token

Everything is ok on my mac

hackjutsu commented 4 years ago

It was stuck at this method. The server didn't respond to Lepton's request to exchange the auth code to the auth token. I'm not sure what we can do at Lepton's side. More than happy to learn. https://github.com/hackjutsu/Lepton/blob/master/app/utilities/githubApi/index.js#L28-L42