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Comparative Analysis of Agenda Sites #23

Open BryonPm opened 3 years ago

BryonPm commented 3 years ago


We need to locate and conduct a comparative analysis of neighborhood council workflow websites.

Action Items


Granicus Website NC Manager Engage Comparative Analysis Doc--HKLA Template NC Manager Site Map Doc NC Manager Competitive Analysis--Confluence Granicus Competitive Analysis--Confluence

eselkin commented 3 years ago

I will contact K.M. at Santa Monica to see if he has access to the Granicus site by 4/25

BryonPm commented 3 years ago

@eselkin Please provide an update regarding KM access to Granicus at your earliest convenience.

eselkin commented 3 years ago

Sent another message to KM in meeting tonight about Granicus.

eselkin commented 3 years ago

Got a message back from Olathe City, Kansas Digital Comm Mgr. Basically said he'd be willing to give us more information, but laid out:

  1. Granicus lets them set up a workflow to create agenda items
  2. It notifies people who need to approve items
  3. It builds the agenda
  4. It notifies the city clerk's office
  5. Granicus builds out a website that is public facing
    1. It lets the public view agendas
    2. view the items
    3. and view supporting documentation

He gave me his email and told me to contact him for more information.

BryonPm commented 3 years ago


eselkin commented 2 years ago

I started another document (I know @BryonPm put some work into the confluence), but the spreadsheet I was working on is slightly different (not exactly comparative analysis, but a breakdown of options/links/connections within the NCManager.org website): spreadsheet

BryonPm commented 2 years ago

The team discussed using the following template for comparative analysis doc. Comprehensive comparison of tools will be located in the document below. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uKHkcDbZ55L_lUZKGUbjfMREJX0_wdP3ll7srLUDCug/edit#gid=1714191502

BryonPm commented 2 years ago

The team emailed Eric McAnally to ask about Granicus platform trial/demo.

BryonPm commented 2 years ago

I added the content from the Confluence document into the Engage Comparative Analysis Doc--HKLA Template

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@bryon can you add the links from the various comments to the top of this issue

BryonPm commented 2 years ago

Progress: None Blockers: Team has not heard back from Eric McAnally regarding Granicus trial request. Availability: Thurs 7-9 ETA: Unknown

BryonPm commented 2 years ago

Progress: Follow-up email sent to Eric McAnally for Granicus trial request. Blockers: Awaiting shareholder response Availability: Thurs 7-9 ETA: Unknown

BryonPm commented 2 years ago

Progress: Eric responded to follow up email with an agreement to model Granicus trial. Blockers: Awaiting team response for team availability/ schedule at next meeting. Availability: Thurs 7-9 ETA: Unknown

BryonPm commented 2 years ago

Progress: I initiated the process for Granicus with a work account email. I got a response from a representative for next steps on demo. Blockers: The meeting on 9/28 was canceled and next steps with Eric will need to be established Availability: Thurs 7-9 ETA: Unknown

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

@BryonPm please let us know when you are able to schedule the demo with the Granicus rep

BryonPm commented 2 years ago

@ExperimentsInHonesty Last Thursday I met with the Granicus Rep., Stephen, for a preliminary 30 minute chat. Please find the link to our conversation below. https://app.gong.io/e/c-share/?tkn=d7e1zsmp5xmn1pqfwkjcihjiw

Progress: I spoke with Granicus representative regarding needs for agenda. Some of the basic questions were answered regarding Granicus agenda tool. Blockers: Back-end demo scheduling for next week. Availability: Thursday 6-8 ETA: The meeting will be scheduled for the middle of next week.

Screen Shot 2021-10-19 at 7 16 56 PM
rmayott commented 2 years ago

Due to the expiration date on the video Bryon provided in the previous post I screen recorded the video. Link is in the Google Drive.

BryonPm commented 2 years ago

Progress: I reached out a second time to the Granicus rep to confirm a meeting time with him and the developer for back-end and feature demo. Blockers: Time zone difference is creating communication block. Hopeful to hear from him by this week. Availability: Thurs 7-9 ETA: Unknown

BryonPm commented 2 years ago

I have spoken to the Granicus rep but having scheduling problems due to time differences and availability. I will continue to reach out to see if we can make something happen. I'm thinking I will have to speak with him right before the holidays.