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The bare metal stack for rust
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Zinc IRC RFC party #359

Open farcaller opened 8 years ago

farcaller commented 8 years ago

Pinging in @bgamari @0xc0170 @bharrisau @kvark @posborne @mcoffin and @errordeveloper. Are you in for a few hours of discussion on project goals?

What to discuss:

bharrisau commented 8 years ago

Sure, GMT+11 here. Have some dot points of what to discuss?

kvark commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I'll pass on the discussion, will follow the thread.

mcoffin commented 8 years ago

I'm in. GMT-7, though I can make pretty much any time you give me if you give me about a day of notice.

posborne commented 8 years ago

I'm GMT-6 but pretty flexible as well.

bharrisau commented 8 years ago

Gitter is an option too if IRC is too onerous for some.

lizardo commented 8 years ago

I just started playing with zinc a few weeks ago (and with Rust itself for a few months), but I would like to join to get a better understanding of the future steps for the project.

GMT-4 here. I prefer night time, but just say the day/time/place and I will try to join.

Either gitter or IRC is fine (is there an official IRC channel?). It would be nice if someone could take chat logs for those who can't join.

posborne commented 8 years ago

@lizardo #rust on moznet (irc.mozilla.org)

0xc0170 commented 8 years ago

For me GMT. Seems like we are quite scattered around the world

It would be nice if someone could take chat logs for those who can't join.

+1, I assume they will result in RFC or tracking issues. we will be able to catch up

pablochacin commented 8 years ago

yes, share log, please.

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On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Martin Kojtal notifications@github.com wrote:

For me GMT. Seems like we are quite scattered around the world

It would be nice if someone could take chat logs for those who can't join.

+1, I assume they will result in RFC or tracking issues. we will be able to catch up

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/hackndev/zinc/issues/359#issuecomment-165384454.

mcoffin commented 8 years ago

Adding this to the discussion:

Current thoughts on this: It might be possible to generalize the mcu like this with Rust's type system (using marker traits + empty enums) since it's turing complete instead of relying on compile-time macros, feature flags, and #[cfg(..)]-gating.

farcaller commented 8 years ago

Filed #365 with more details on suggested move from ioregs!