hackoregon / backend-examplar-2018

an example dockerized geo-aware django backend
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test.sh fails when run with -p #54

Open nam20485 opened 6 years ago

nam20485 commented 6 years ago

Running bin/test.sh -p causes the following command to be run:

docker-compose -p tests run --entrypoint /code/bin/test-entrypoint.sh -p 8000 --all -f

This command is not correct, and results in the following error output:

$ bin/test.sh -p
Run a one-off command on a service.
For example:
    $ docker-compose run web python manage.py shell
By default, linked services will be started, unless they are already
running. If you do not want to start linked services, use
`docker-compose run --no-deps SERVICE COMMAND [ARGS...]`.
Usage: run [options] [-v VOLUME...] [-p PORT...] [-e KEY=VAL...] SERVICE [COMMAND] [ARGS...]
    -d                    Detached mode: Run container in the background, print
                          new container name.
    --name NAME           Assign a name to the container
    --entrypoint CMD      Override the entrypoint of the image.
    -e KEY=VAL            Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times)
    -u, --user=""         Run as specified username or uid
    --no-deps             Don't start linked services.
    --rm                  Remove container after run. Ignored in detached mode.
    -p, --publish=[]      Publish a container's port(s) to the host
    --service-ports       Run command with the service's ports enabled and mapped
                          to the host.
    -v, --volume=[]       Bind mount a volume (default [])
    -T                    Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `docker-compose run`
                          allocates a TTY.
    -w, --workdir=""      Working directory inside the container
BrianHGrant commented 6 years ago

Yeah, this was earlier command, and actually removed from current setup: https://github.com/hackoregon/backend-examplar-2018/blob/b251b21d853f197d9cc7a202ee0d7d417b806dea/bin/test.sh#L16

We need to build out.

bhgrant8 commented 6 years ago

so general scaffold we will need, following discussion in #51:

the -p command should be more along a build and run like this:

 docker-compose -f travis-docker-compose.yml build
          docker-compose -f travis-docker-compose.yml run \
          --entrypoint /code/bin/test-entrypoint.sh $DOCKER_IMAGE

test-entrpoint.sh - should roughly be:

export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin

python manage.py test --no-input --keepdb

since we are using the --keepdb variable, and assuming tests will be run against the prod database:

nam20485 commented 6 years ago

I made an attempt at the travis configuration and have something working now. I basically just followed the patterns I found in the budget and transporation backend repos you referenced as example, using the Docker images and bin/*.sh scripts that were already in our repos. I know it may not be exactly what we want to go with but I figured it would be worth getting the major components working.

If you look in the .travis.yml and the test-entrypoint.sh you will see that it is very similar to what you posted above.


  - bin/build.sh -p
  - bin/test.sh -p

  - bin/deploy.sh


docker-compose -f production-docker-compose.yml run --entrypoint /code/bin/test-entrypoint.sh api_production -p 8000 --rm


python manage.py test --nomigrations


class NeighborhoodUnitsTestCase(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

    def test_example(self):

Travis builds the production API image and then runs any Django unit tests in found in api/tests/tests.py (currently just one fake unit test case example). Additional unit tests that backend developers will want to create can be added easily to this file.

After that bin/deploy.sh is run but it is mostly commented-out and blank at this point.

The only piece that is not accounted for are the database credentials, which I currently am resorting to hard-coding securely in the Travis build config settings.

znmeb commented 6 years ago

Is this something generalizable and worth adding to the examplar? It seems like it would be.

bhgrant8 commented 6 years ago

awesome, going in the right direction.

A few things.

nam20485 commented 6 years ago

Cool, once we settle on the details and have it working how you would like I was thinking that I would open a PR to merge this into the exemplar repo. Then generated quickstart API apps would take advantage of the travis functionality straight out of the box.

test.sh, after our review of last year's deployment, it appears that we built the docker containers once, ran the tests, and then deployed these same containers to aws. As such it does not look like we will want to have the --rm flag here, we do want to preserve the containers created.

I will remove the --rm flag.

"currently am resorting to hard-coding securely in the Travis build config settings." - if you are saying you are setting these within the settings in the Travis UI, with the lock activated to secure them, this is correct plan. From looking over your logs and github briefly, this seems to be the case.

Correct, I have them in the Travis UI settings, secured with the privacy lock so they aren't advertised in the logs.

"the patterns I found in the budget and transportation backend repos you referenced as example, using the Docker images" so, in the end it turned out transportation from last year did not write any actual tests so should not be used as a base pattern, we cannot verify what actually worked.

I think it should still be okay. The only thing I really took from their pattern was how to structure the unit test directory. Everything else is either blank or laid out according to Django convention. What I have now is a tests/ directory in the Django application (api/) directory with a file called tests.py in it. Django convention is search for that file at that path and run any classes it finds in the file that extend the TestCase base class. I put one unit TestCase in the file to provide an example. Developers that have a backend repo with a generated quickstart app and filled-in API can then easily add and build out their api and data unit test cases by adding more cases in that file. I think this process for adding and running unit tests is pretty efficient for newcomers. Also, the bin/test.sh -d command works to run the development images and their unit tests locally on the dev machine.

it appears that you are not using the --keepdb flag currently, where is the test db being spun up and destroyed? in other words, are you connecting to an aws hosted database server? if so, the current one or last year's emergency response ec2 instance, or something else?

I have since added the --keepdb flag. Yes, currently it is pointed at the 2017 emergency-response postgres on AWS ec2, which has a copy of the disaster database. Here is the most current form I am invoking:

python manage.py test --nomigrations --no-input --keepdb

at some point we will need to replace the 'api_production' hardcoded name to start using $DOCKER_IMAGE env var, it may be better though that we make the env var updates their own pr request and just note this for later.

OK. @znmeb can probably handle changing the image name if necessary. Do you want me to create an issue so we can keep track of that requirement?

znmeb commented 6 years ago

Definitely create an issue - I read GitHub more than Slack!

nam20485 commented 6 years ago

Created, see #57

@znmeb You seem to be proficient with the Docker images, would this be a good one for you to tackle?

znmeb commented 6 years ago

Yeah ... If nobody else wants it I'll take it

MikeTheCanuck commented 6 years ago

I believe the issues discussed are resolved with #60

bhgrant8 commented 6 years ago

We will need to confirm this pattern works for projects connecting to the current database server, with read-only credentials, and running an actual test.

I had run into issues, which is why currently using py.test on transportation-systems-backend.

nam20485 commented 6 years ago

This issue will be resolved when related issue #82 becomes resolved and we settle on a read-only access DB unit testing solution. (Probably pytest)