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2017 Emergency Response disaster database fails to restore #205

Open MikeTheCanuck opened 6 years ago

MikeTheCanuck commented 6 years ago

I've tried the standardized backup and restore procedure with a PostgreSQL 9.5 database, and the database fails to successfully restore.

Along with the thousands of invalid command \N errors (see #204), there's also a number of data-specific warnings such as:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "15"
LINE 1: 15 B  0 NONE 122220 0.75 CU 0   20' WEL SW MONTGOMERY DR 0.7...

which ties to this specific line of the disaster.sql backup file that I'm attempting to restore:

179589  48102600    2660    2660    SW  MONTGOMERY  DR      MELBOURNE   N20' 14; 15 B       0   NONE    122220  0.75    CU  0           20' WEL SW MONTGOMERY DR    0.75    3' SSL SW FERN ST   17' EWL SW MONTGOMERY DR    0.619999999999999996    12  CI  3226    ACT 1   567536  \N  \N      CL STAIRS   \N  \N      336907  JENNIEG 2016-11-22 08:00:00+00  3'  2660    776217  \N  \N  1   \N  \N  E-567536            \N  \N  \N  NO  \N  \N  \N  \N  \N  \N  \N  \N  \N  3995623600  \N  \N  \N  \N  30.555640729986699  0105000020110F0000010000000102000000030000003A014D4CAA0D6AC1984C15E4E5BF5541201FF4E6A70D6AC1D800DE66E3BF55411AE258E9A60D6AC1604BC85BE2BF5541

These warnings seem to tie to the use of the ; semicolon character in the data record that's been backed up.


I installed a PostgreSQL 9.5.13 server (since the ER 2017 databases are hosted on a PostgreSQL 9.5.x server that was installed last year) to which to restore these databases, and ran the following to initialize the database:

initdb /usr/local/var/postgres

The standardized approach to backup for our PostgreSQL databases is from Step (4) in HOWTO create a backup for new database creation: pg_dump -Fp -v -C -c --if-exists -d <database> | gzip -c > <database>.sql.gz

The standardized approach to restore for our PostgreSQL databases is from Step (4) of Restore from .sql.gz in HOWTO: Rebuild the Centralized Database service: gzip -dc BACKUP_FILE.sql.gz | sudo -u postgres psql

The 2017 Emergency Response backups that I attempted to restore are stored here: s3://hacko-data-archive/2017-emergency-response/database-backups/