hackoregon / civic-devops

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Add www.civicplatform.org redirect #273

Closed jaronheard closed 4 years ago

jaronheard commented 4 years ago

Instructions: Replace text below with details corresponding to your issue

TEAM NAME: Platform PRIORITY (1-5): P3 (I would really like this fixed prior to demo day. I think it's easy? I hope it's easy?)

Description of issue

www.civicplatform.org needs to redirect to civicplatform.org

Error Message/Logs


Reproduction Steps www.civicplatform.org


Provide any useful screenshots of errors or GIFs of issues that occur.


Anyone who adds a www in front of civicplatform.org currently would think that the site is broken.

I believe a non-trivial number of users are impacted by this bug.

bhgrant8 commented 4 years ago

Adding @MikeTheCanuck and @DingoEatingFuzz here, as this would be configured in infrastructure level.

I see that the host2 referencing www.civicplatform.org is commented out here in our cloud formation master.yaml:


Though I think there maybe dns configuration needed as well, or is it all in cloud formation currently?


MikeTheCanuck commented 4 years ago

We’re pushing DNS changes through CF wherever possible. However, I failed to figure out a similar redirect a couple of weeks ago (though it was in the other direction IIRC). I’d like to take a look at this tonight and see if I can wrangle it into our infra-as-code stack.

MikeTheCanuck commented 4 years ago

Huh, looks like someone already plugged it in manually

Edit: oh heck, that was me: https://github.com/hackoregon/hackoregon-aws-infrastructure/pull/87/files#diff-675447e39c574d546b496dca60f801b7R104

MikeTheCanuck commented 4 years ago

With https://github.com/hackoregon/hackoregon-aws-infrastructure/pull/91 I have enabled ALB to properly route all requests for www.civicplatform.org to reach the container on which that code is hosted.