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Disaster Resilience: Card #3 Stories About My Neighborhood (Neighborhood Level) #156

Closed PoeStewart closed 6 years ago

PoeStewart commented 6 years ago

Story Card Request Template

Project: Disaster Resilience Card Title: Stories About My Neighborhood

Description / Wireframe

Include a detailed description and/or image that describes your story or visualization using the data described below. This can be as detailed as a wireframe, or as simple as a description such as a bar chart that shows variable A on the X-axis and variable B on the Y-axis.

For this card, a user can input their street address and will be presented with a map of their neighborhood with particular notable stories about features in their neighborhood that will be impacted by the earthquake.

The map will be zoomed to a level of 1 in = 1000 ft (consistent with our neighborhood stats card). Icons on the map will show impacted schools, bridges, fire stations, hospitals, and community centers.

Below the map will be a list of stories. These will call out if any particular public service building (schools, hospitals, fire stations, hospitals, community centers) are unreinforced masonry or were built before building codes were created. Another possible story would be if there are any bridges in/adjacent to the neighborhoods - these will probably collapse.

my neighborhood stories card _3

Also include a link to a Figma design if you have one.

Data Visualization / Design Concerns

If you have specific design or data visualization concerns, mention them here

The map for this card needs to be consistent in appearance and parameters with our neighborhood stats card. The zoom should be to the same level, it should start centered at the same point for the same neighborhood, and any icon markers (for schools, etc) should look the same.


Why is this important? This information will be used to prioritize and contextualize story cards.

Here we go beyond the basic statistics of the earthquake impact and highlight some actual outcomes to important building and structures. This card should make people aware of the services that might be inaccessible or limited after the earthquake, while also motivating them to campaign for upgrades to these buildings and structures.

Data Details (APIs)

Include all API calls that will need to be made, including all params and the possible values for the params. The more specific the better! This will help prevent back and forth and ultimately make for a quicker turnaround. Also include any calculations needed for the data received from the API

If you do not have an API yet, it can be added later, but it is mandatory before a frontend developer works on this ticket.

Building_footprints Include fields: year_built bldg_stat Filters: bldg_stat = “EXISTING”

Unreinforced_masonry_buildings Include fields: address year_built demolished upgraded upgrad_da (year upgraded) wkb_geometry

Hospital Include fields: name address city zipcode wkb_geometry

Basic_earthquake_emergency_communication_node_beecn_locations Include fields: hub_name site_name location (address) wkb_geometry

Schools (may not be in the database yet) Include fields: name address city zipcode geometry (point) level_no (1 is elementary, 2 is middle school, 3 is high school) county Filters: level_no in {1,2,3} county = “Multnomah”

About this data

How did we calculate this

Description or link to GitHub description of data methodology

See the source

Link to API / data documentation on GitHub Link to original source data

PoeStewart commented 6 years ago

Closing and creating new cards