hackoregon / emergency-response

Simulations, Models, and Visualizations of Portland Fire and Rescue data
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Data Dictionary Followup Questions #44

Open kielejocain opened 7 years ago

kielejocain commented 7 years ago

I have compiled a first pass at the data dictionary. While I await feedback on what I have so far, there are also several questions I know we need answers to (or to be told the columns aren't relevant). Some of these may be in notes I have yet to go through (tomorrow, hopefully). Others we may need Mark to answer.

There are several fields that appear in the data but not the schema. What are they?

russellgould commented 7 years ago

BOEC = Bureau of Emergency Communications

markawhitaker commented 7 years ago

quad2, streetname2, etc. are generally used to denote the cross street. The fields are most commonly used for responding to traffic accidents, where there is not a specific address, but more likely an intersection.

markawhitaker commented 7 years ago

NFIRS= National Fire Incident Reporting System. This is administered by FEMA through state governments and is supposed to provide common data reporting system for fire and ems incidents across the country.

BrianHGrant commented 7 years ago

These are some questions and issues that came up while exposing fireblock views in api:

rcallihan commented 7 years ago

@BrianHGrant I can answer most of your questions. I'll update the data dictionary here shortly:

1) Table has both an object_id and object_id_1 that are identical. <--Both of these are relics from the original db (geodatabase) this layer was stored in. They can be removed. 2) Notes field - string of numbers, what is purpose? The notes field is the run order for a given fire block. Each number corresponds to an emergency vehicle. 3) of_fma field - Not sure what it's purpose is, but I would just remove it. 4) 'shape_star' and 'shape_stle' These fields are also relics. We can ignore or remove 'shape_stle'. 'Shape_star' is still useful - it shows the area of each block group in feet (I think it's calculated in the oregon state plane north projected coordinate system). There is no reason for this field to ever be beyond 8 sig figs (with one decimal place). So if the field type needs to be changed in PG, keep that in mind. 5) Shape files are being generated with max_digits=65535, decimal_places=65535 causing excessive I can't help here. Maybe @sky-t knows something?

sky-t commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure why max_digits of such high numbers occur for shapefiles or if we can change that upon importing into the db. I will research this.

BTW, I added descriptions for the fcb_proportion and fmac_proportion to the data dictionary.