hackseq / 2017_project_5

Developing advanced R tutorials for genomic data analysis
MIT License
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Topic brainstorm #2

Open BrunoGrandePhD opened 6 years ago

BrunoGrandePhD commented 6 years ago

Comment below with topics that you would like to see included in this set of intermediate/advanced R tutorials for genomic data analysis. You don't need to know the topic, because someone else might be able to write the tutorial. Also, a topic can be anything in R that can be used for genomic data analysis, e.g. an R package.

We'll then create separate GitHub issues for each topic that will get assigned to someone.

BrunoGrandePhD commented 6 years ago

Here are a few R packages that I think deserve a genomic-focused tutorial.

zhenyisong commented 6 years ago

These are tools used in our project. But I am not sure what is biological story? RNA (mRNA or lncRNA)? ChIP-seq (Broad or narrow?) ? Whole Genome Analysis? Or cover all these issues?

privefl commented 6 years ago

Does there exist a dataset with all these data (for example, trying to combine all these information)?

BrunoGrandePhD commented 6 years ago

Feel free to continue posting ideas of topics that should be converted into genomics-focused tutorials.

Once you're interested in developing a tutorial on one of the suggested ideas (or one of your own), create a new issue here. I'll be posting contribution guidelines shortly.

BrunoGrandePhD commented 6 years ago

Check out the contributing guidelines here: https://github.com/hackseq/2017_project_5/blob/master/contributing.md

BrunoGrandePhD commented 6 years ago

Here are some additional ideas:

zhenyisong commented 6 years ago

@brunogrande if sva and/or supervised learning, then choosing the dataset is picky. GSEA, I prefer using clusterProfiler.