hackseq / hackseq18

hackseq 2018 - [*]-omics hackathon. Vancouver, BC
The Unlicense
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Date of Hackseq18 #8

Closed emreerhan closed 6 years ago

emreerhan commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

I think we should discuss which weekend we want to hold Hackseq18 before sending out the team leader application request email. In October our options are:

I think October 12-14 or 19-21 make the most sense. Maybe we can make a poll and democratically choose a date after some discussion.

alexsweeten commented 6 years ago

Hey everyone,

I've done some digging and haven't had much luck with finding a genomics or CS related conference in Vancouver that overlaps with our planned dates. The only tangentially related one I did find was the RecSys conference on recommender systems (https://recsys.acm.org/recsys18/), which I wouldn't recommend as it's during Thanksgiving weekend.

jasgrewal commented 6 years ago

Sorry to butt in but very far-out-there idea: perhals consider reaching out to Will Hsiao, he is planning on a metagenomics / bioinfo conference in the city next year but if they have registrants early on by oct, perhaps you guys can hold a pre-conference hackathon or sthing?

NoushinN commented 6 years ago

Also butting in here but BC Tech still has some room for exhibitors in their May summit, not sure how much it costs but we may be able to book a table to advertise hackseq https://bctechsummit.ca/exhibitors/

alexsweeten commented 6 years ago

@jasgrewal Thanks for the suggestion! I have a meeting with Will tomorrow and can talk to him about it.

I've also reached out to my friend Jeff, who runs communications for Vancouver's Student Biotechnology Network . They might be able to plan an event in tandem to HackSeq, or at the very least help advertise :)

ababaian commented 6 years ago

We should know a date in a few days; @smaslova got the contact person, we'll wait to hear back.