hackseq / hackseq19

hackseq 2019 - [*]-omics hackathon. Vancouver, BC
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Long term storage #27

Open emreerhan opened 4 years ago

emreerhan commented 4 years ago

This thread is to discuss options for long term storage for our swag.

emreerhan commented 4 years ago

I messaged head of LabOps at the GSC. His response:

Will you need to access the boxes on a regular basis? I ask because if the answer is no, it would be easy to store them in our off-site storage facility on Terminal avenue. As you know, space is tight at Echelon, but if they need to be stored here let me know and I can try to work something out. Ideally I’d like to commit to a time frame though, if that’s possible.

I said Terminal Ave storage would be fine for us. For time frame, I said ideally it would be in the scale of years rather than months. I'll update when he responds.

itsDagu commented 4 years ago

I can offer to store it at my place if there’s not too much! I live on UBC campus (not student residence) and will probably be living here for a while.

emreerhan commented 4 years ago

Great news! Paul says we can have some space at the GSC (onsite!) for a year. He said we can drop the boxes off at receiving whenever we'd like.

Hi Emre. Sorry for the delayed response. As discussed, we have a bit of space now that could likely allow storage for at least the next year. Beyond that, if the need for space arises, you’d need to re-home the items. If you can arrange to have the items delivered to receiving, Geoff can store them in our 5th floor storage room. Cheers, Paul

emreerhan commented 4 years ago

He said it's unclear whether we'd have to vacate after a year, but we can check with them again next year. He said in the worst case we can always store it at Terminal Ave. The issue is that accessing the storage there can be quite a nuisance apparently.

jenjaelin commented 4 years ago

woop woop! thanks for looking into this Emre!