Closed alexsweeten closed 5 years ago
Name: Emre Erhan Affiliation: Bioinformatics MSc student at UBC
Baraa Orabi PhD Student at UBC Computer Science and Vancouver Prostate Centre
Justin Jia Ph.D Candidate | Brinkman Lab, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, SFU
can you use the photo from last year? I don't have it readily available
Noushin Nabavi Canadian Science Policy Fellow @ BCGov
Ben Cardoen PhD Student Computing Science, Medical Image Analysis Lab, SFU / Life Sciences Centre, UBC
Bioinformatics PhD student, Pavlidis Lab, UBC
Jennifer Lin Medical Genetics MSc. Candidate, Carleton Lab
Same photo as last year please :)
David Guo Undergrad in Biostatistics at UBC
Thanks everyone!
If you've organized before and haven't commented then I'll reuse last years photos. If you're new then I'll stalk your LinkedIn/Facebook ;)
@SweetiePi Sorry for the late reply. I missed the chance to attend our first two meetings and I am not sure you guys still accept me as an organizer or not. :D However, here is my profile pic. I am planning to attend the rest of meetings hopefully.
Bioinformatics PhD student at UBC / BC Cancer Agency
Hey everyone,
I'd like to update our list of organizers on the website. If you could submit a photo of yourself, along with what you're currently doing (undergrad in BIO/STATS at UBC, technician at Genome Science Centre, etc.) that would be great :)