hackseq / hackseq19

hackseq 2019 - [*]-omics hackathon. Vancouver, BC
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 5 forks source link

GitHub notifications and Watching #9

Closed baraaorabi closed 5 years ago

baraaorabi commented 5 years ago


Please make sure that you are "Watching" this repo and the private repo. And make sure that you have email notification enabled for your GitHub account. If all is setup correctly, you should be receiving an email notification whenever a new issue is opened or a comment is added to any issue in either repository.

Please confirm that your notification is setup properly by commenting on this issue or ticking in front your name here:

baraaorabi commented 5 years ago

@scatcher125 @smaslova @klgray25 @emreerhan

Can please confirm that your notification is setup?