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Reading #2

Open laijasmine opened 6 years ago

laijasmine commented 6 years ago

Depth Data abbreviations Decoupling function and taxonomy in the global ocean microbiome See figure 2.- but mainly focused on microbiome https://www.zoology.ubc.ca/~louca/HomePage/SECTION_Publications/MODULE_Publications/Files/Louca2016GlobalOcean.pdf

“deep chlorophyll maximum” (DCM, ENVO:01000326) “surface water” (SRF, ENVO:00002042) “mesopelagic” (MES, ENVO:00000213 and ENVO:01000065, full: marine mesopelagic zones and marine oxygen minimum zones) “mixed layer” (MIX, ENVO:01000061, full: marine wind mixed layer).

Search ENVO here:

Wikipedia OMZ - oxygen minimum zone