hacktoolkit / htk-ios-TipCalculator

A basic Tip Calculator app for iOS
2 stars 1 forks source link

initial submission #1

Open jontsai opened 10 years ago

jontsai commented 10 years ago

Hi @thecodepath and @timothy1ee,

This is just my initial first pass submission for the iOS Tip Calculator project. I will try to get as many of the optional tasks done as possible over the next few days, but wanted to make sure that you guys got at least one submission from me.

@timothy1ee, great video tutorial! I was able to follow along (albeit having to replay/rewind several times) and you really are an expert! I'm surprised because Swift is so new, it seems. I was on Xcode 6 Beta 6, so some of the commands had to change, like doing (String as NSString) instead of the String.bridgeToObjectiveC()

It's kind of cool (to play with something so new) and nasty at the same time (that Swift is playing catch up to most languages).

timothy1ee commented 10 years ago

Great, can you pick a 15 minute slot here: https://www.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UVBDTi1jVkx4SldqfGRlZmF1bHR8MGVhNTlkZDFmYzQzODdkNDFhZjQ0NWQyZjFiMDU3Nzg

The next slots are next Thursday and Friday. Once you've picked a slot, can you edit it with your phone number?

jontsai commented 10 years ago

Hey @timothy1ee,

Thanks for taking the time to talk today. After our call, I just completed the settings view and saving/restoring default tip amounts--I misread the instructions and didn't know that that was required.

Made 3 commits in the last 2 hours:

Since the first commit, I had to do git checkout -- . like 6 times, lol.

I think I have some questions around how XCode/Swift knows about constants and functions defined in other files without my specifically importing them (surprisingly smart!)

However, I'm also surprised that XCode is surprisingly stupid in that it does know how to do Right Click > Refactor to rename my initial ViewController.swift to TipsViewController.swift; I had to manually do the rename in several places by editing the storyboard in XML mode

Also looked up/discovered the language reference (https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/ControlFlow.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014097-CH9-XID_191), which is much faster/useful than going through the tutorial videos on WWDC

Will take a look at tackling some more optional items.

jontsai commented 10 years ago

@timothy1ee just added ability to remember/restore last bill amount using optionals and NSDate stored on the NSUserDefaults


Took 30 minutes

jontsai commented 10 years ago

@timothy1ee just added light/dark theme switcher

I couldn't figure out how to change the foreground colors for each View programmatically, so I just hacked it and set everything to dark gray; only toggling the background color between white/black


Took 45 minutes

jontsai commented 10 years ago

@timothy1ee just added the currency formatter according to the locale


I hit something in XCode by accident, and somehow the documentation came up! Wow, much faster to look up stuff now. Researching too about 30 minutes, implementing took only 5 minutes.