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Added query utility function #44

Closed joequery closed 12 years ago

joequery commented 12 years ago

I believe the query utility will help facilitate development, because that jQuery ajax callback is a huge sucker.

I gave examples of how to use it in the function declaration, but I'll talk about it a bit here since it might look weird at first.

Here's an example of a call

ART.utils.query(this, "SELECT * FROM %t", function($this, data){

Preserving the context of this is a real pain in the ass when it comes to callbacks, so the easiest thing to do was just require that you pass in this. You'll also see $this in the callback function, which is actually equal to this, so you can treat it the same way.

Wherever you see '%t', the query utility substitutes the that long fusion table name.

It looks a little clumsy and the this vs $this is less than ideal, but I think the benefits of having a simple query wrapper outweigh the annoyances.

onyxfish commented 12 years ago

This is an excellent idea.

There is a cleaner way to handle the "$this" problem. Instead of having the function accept the context as a parameter you can bind it at execution. This provides cleaner separation of responsibilities. Example:

function foo(callback) {


foo(_.bind(call_me_back, this));

Does that make sense? _.bind allows you define a function as executing in the context of an object. It's fantastically useful, especially for callbacks. More here:


This has the double benefits of not having "this" spill into a function it doesn't belong and also allowing you to potentially bind your callback to other objects.

Care to tweak the code and I'll merge?