hackwaly / ocamlearlybird

OCaml debug adapter
MIT License
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"Fatal error: cannot connect to debugger at" Error: Connection refused. Aborted. #27

Closed PavelKotov1 closed 3 years ago

PavelKotov1 commented 3 years ago

Hello dear friends! I am following your .gif example and everything seems to be going well up until 0:42. After I right click on "test_program.bc" file and select "Start Ocaml Debug Session", I do not see in my terminal what I see in yours, namely this line: /usr/bin/env CAML_DEBUG_SOCKET= .../utop/_build/default/examples/interact/test_program.bc Did you type it in? Because is seems to appear by itself.... If I type this line in the terminal, I get an error message: "Fatal error: cannot connect to debugger at" Error: Connection refused. Aborted. Did I us the wrong port? Some extra info: I have added launch.json file from your example

"{ .... "configurations": [ { "name": "test_program", "type": "ocamlearlybird", "request": "launch", "stopOnEntry": true, "console": "integratedTerminal", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/_build/default/examples/interact/test_program.bc", "onlyDebugGlob": "<${workspaceRoot}/_build/default/*/>", "yieldSteps": 1024, "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}" } ] } but I am not sure if it was the right thing to do. I have installed ocamllsp server version 1.4.0. The Ocaml Top level 4.11.1 Dune 2.8.2 Merlin 3.4.2

Thanks in advance for your help!