Closed hacky1997 closed 4 years ago
getting error
tts = gTTS(text="Project: Voice based Email for blind", lang='en') ttsname=("vmail\vname.mp3")
OSError:[Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'vmail\x0bname.mp3'
@adarsh-nl use a valid directory like -> C:/Users/sayak/Desktop Use your own proper directory.
@adarsh-nl If 'vmail\x0bname.mp3' occurs I mean its a unicode escape error. To solve this just use "C:\Users\[ur_directory]\Desktop\name.mp3" r"C:\Users[ur_directory]\Desktop\name.mp3"
[ur_directory] is the path that leads to the file present right
i installed all the required files via anaconda i gave the path as you mentioned in the eariler comment the code compiles but the speech is not good its like gibberish could you help me fix this
@adarsh-nl Could you please tell me briefly? I know its sound a bit low and its for the tts module.
the audio is being repeated it doesn't stop
@adarsh-nl I have not used any loop for this. Ok, try to run this from command prompt.
i coded everything from the scratch but i encounter a error
SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, b'5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at\n5.7.8 k16sm24937463pje.18 - gsmtp')
It is because of your gmail account. You have to select the trusted option of the Mailing protocol which i have used in code. I think you will get a mail into your inbox. Have you?
couldn't understand "trusted option of the mailing protocol" Access for less security app enable karo
@exist-world please create a new issue. This is @adarsh-nl 's issue.
@adarsh-nl have you sorted out your problem?
Have to add more features like total number of deleted mails, flag a mail to important or starred, select particularly an unseen mail for read.