Closed dkebler closed 10 months ago
Make sure you have read the issue guidelines and that you filled out the entire template.
If you have an issue identical to this, do not add comments like "same here", "i have this too", instead add a :+1: reaction to the issue description. Thanks! :+1:
Seems there was issues fetching data, restart with debug logs enabled and post those.
FYI, Once a theme as been downloaded/installed the fields including updated seem correct.
There is a lot missing from those logs, it does not seem like you have restarted with this
guess I don't know how to use your debug logging. When I click enable on the integration page it does so. Then I loaded the page in question. Then when I click again it asks to save a file which I then posted here which I assume is the debug log. Otherwise I see no way to keep that enabled and yet access the logs. I'll need more precise instructions obviously.
Look at the posted link.
ok, but what's the point if having that setting in the integration UI if I have to manually edit my yaml?
I just updated to latest core 2024.x and now the issue is resolved
Web browser
Web browser version
Version 119.0.6045.159 (Official Build) Arch Linux (64-bit)
System Health details
System Information
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API | ok -- | -- GitHub Content | ok GitHub Web | ok GitHub API Calls Remaining | 5000 Installed Version | 1.33.0 Stage | running Available Repositories | 1371 Downloaded Repositories | 1 HACS Data | okHome Assistant Cloud
logged_in | false -- | -- can_reach_cert_server | ok can_reach_cloud_auth | ok can_reach_cloud | okHome Assistant Supervisor
host_os | Home Assistant OS 11.2 -- | -- update_channel | stable supervisor_version | supervisor-2023.12.0 agent_version | 1.6.0 docker_version | 24.0.7 disk_total | 116.7 GB disk_used | 6.1 GB healthy | true supported | true board | generic-x86-64 supervisor_api | ok version_api | ok installed_addons | Terminal & SSH (9.8.1), Studio Code Server (5.14.2), EMQX (0.3.0), Node-RED (16.0.2), Caddy 2 (1.5.4), AdGuard Home (5.0.1)Dashboards
dashboards | 2 -- | -- resources | 0 views | 1 mode | storageRecorder
oldest_recorder_run | December 24, 2023 at 10:04 PM -- | -- current_recorder_run | January 3, 2024 at 12:18 PM estimated_db_size | 3.38 MiB database_engine | sqlite database_version | 3.41.2Checklist
Describe the issue
Either UI is not getting proper updated data or backend data is bad but it is showing "updated" as 55 years ago for all themes. I have cleared cache, tried in another instance of chromium. Same issue
Reproduction steps
Javascript logs from your browser console
Diagnostics dump
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