Closed Xander-V closed 5 months ago
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Web browser
firefox / edge / chrome
Web browser version
122.0 / 120.0.2210.144 / 121.0.6167.86
System Health details
System Information
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API | ok -- | -- GitHub Content | ok GitHub Web | ok GitHub API Calls Remaining | 5000 Installed Version | 1.34.0 Stage | running Available Repositories | 1391 Downloaded Repositories | 86 HACS Data | okHome Assistant Cloud
logged_in | false -- | -- can_reach_cert_server | ok can_reach_cloud_auth | ok can_reach_cloud | okDashboards
dashboards | 3 -- | -- resources | 41 views | 16 mode | storageRecorder
oldest_recorder_run | January 17, 2024 at 18:15 -- | -- current_recorder_run | January 25, 2024 at 22:04 estimated_db_size | 6487.28 MiB database_engine | mysql database_version | 10.11.2Spotify
api_endpoint_reachable | ok -- | --Xiaomi Miot Auto
component_version | 0.7.15 -- | -- can_reach_server | ok can_reach_spec | ok logged_accounts | 1 total_devices | 1Checklist
Describe the issue
At certain times the "new" base filter shows all python scripts as new. Applies only to python script entries, I have never seen items in the other categories reappear, but the scripts return regularly. Until now I have not been able to reproduce exactly when/why they reappear, but it seems the filter data gets lost once in a while. Maybe it has something to do with updating the docker version of HA, can it be the "new" tag data for the other categories is written to a different location?
The filtered data stays ok with a simple reload of HACS, and at the moment also after a full restart of HA. In the past 6 months I've however seen the python scripts reappear at least 3 times.
Reproduction steps
Javascript logs from your browser console
Diagnostics dump
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[... deleted because of "body too long message when adding the issue ...]
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