hacs / integration

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Init ruff lint/format #3719

Closed ludeeus closed 1 month ago

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago
Walkthrough ## Walkthrough The recent changes primarily focus on enhancing the development environment, code quality, and future-proofing the codebase. Key updates include switching the Python formatter from `black` to `ruff`, adding pre-commit hooks for `ruff`, and improving linting workflows. Additionally, multiple files now import annotations from the `__future__` module, ensuring compatibility with future Python versions. These changes collectively aim to streamline the development process and maintain code consistency and readability. ## Changes | File(s) | Change Summary | |---------|----------------| | `.devcontainer.json` | Switched Python formatter to `ruff`, set `ruff` as default formatter, and configured code actions on save. | | `.github/pre-commit-config.yaml` | Replaced `black` with `ruff` for linting and formatting, added `ruff-check` and `ruff-format` hooks. | | `.github/workflows/lint.yaml` | Reordered jobs, added `check-ast`, `ruff-check`, and `ruff-format` jobs. | | `custom_components/hacs/...` (multiple files) | Added import statement for annotations from `__future__` module. | | `custom_components/hacs/enums.py` | Added a comment line and blank line for documentation enhancement. | | `custom_components/hacs/frontend.py` | Corrected comment syntax. | | `custom_components/hacs/repositories/base.py` | Updated assignment of `renamed_repositories` in a repository object. | | `custom_components/hacs/utils/...` (multiple files) | Added module-level docstrings and blank lines for readability. | ## Sequence Diagram(s) (Beta) The changes do not introduce new features or significantly modify control flow, so generating sequence diagrams is not applicable in this context.

Recent Review Details **Configuration used: CodeRabbit UI** **Review profile: ASSERTIVE**
Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between d572ae918d192f9febd7a409829608e2b946f7a9 and 28876356b86f19153b15601d26fe5edfbef8000d.
Files selected for processing (48) * .devcontainer.json (2 hunks) * .github/pre-commit-config.yaml (1 hunks) * .github/workflows/lint.yaml (1 hunks) * action/action.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/__init__.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/base.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/config_flow.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/const.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/coordinator.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/data_client.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/diagnostics.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/entity.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/enums.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/frontend.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/__init__.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/appdaemon.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/base.py (2 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/integration.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/netdaemon.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/plugin.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/python_script.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/template.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/theme.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/sensor.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/system_health.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/backup.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/data.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/decode.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/decorator.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/filters.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/logger.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/path.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/queue_manager.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/regex.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/store.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/template.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/url.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/validate.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/version.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/utils/workarounds.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/validate/base.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/validate/manager.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/websocket/__init__.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/websocket/critical.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/websocket/repositories.py (1 hunks) * custom_components/hacs/websocket/repository.py (1 hunks) * pyproject.toml (2 hunks) * requirements_lint.txt (1 hunks)
Files not reviewed due to errors (5) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/plugin.py (no review received) * action/action.py (no review received) * custom_components/hacs/utils/validate.py (no review received) * custom_components/hacs/websocket/repositories.py (no review received) * custom_components/hacs/repositories/integration.py (no review received)
Additional comments not posted (60)
custom_components/hacs/utils/logger.py (1)
Line range hint `2-6`: No changes detected. The logger setup appears standard and correct.
requirements_lint.txt (1)
`7-7`: The addition of `ruff==0.4.5` aligns with the PR's objectives to standardize linting tools. Good practice to specify the version explicitly.
custom_components/hacs/utils/workarounds.py (1)
`2-4`: No changes detected. The existing workaround appears correctly implemented.
custom_components/hacs/utils/decode.py (1)
Line range hint `2-6`: No changes detected. The decoding function uses standard Python libraries and is implemented correctly.
custom_components/hacs/utils/regex.py (1)
`2-2`: The addition of `from __future__ import annotations` is a forward-thinking change, ensuring compatibility with future Python versions.
custom_components/hacs/utils/url.py (1)
Line range hint `2-16`: No changes detected. The URL utilities are implemented correctly and efficiently.
custom_components/hacs/repositories/__init__.py (2)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` module aligns with Python's forward compatibility for type annotations. --- Line range hint `10-18`: Mapping of categories to repository classes is clear and well-defined.
custom_components/hacs/utils/version.py (2)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` module aligns with Python's forward compatibility for type annotations. --- Line range hint `27-33`: Function for checking if one version is higher or equal to another is correctly implemented and easy to understand.
custom_components/hacs/coordinator.py (2)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` module aligns with Python's forward compatibility for type annotations. --- Line range hint `11-34`: The update coordinator class is well-structured with clear methods for managing listeners. Good use of decorators to enhance readability and maintainability.
custom_components/hacs/utils/template.py (2)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` module aligns with Python's forward compatibility for type annotations. --- Line range hint `13-31`: The template rendering function is robust, with good error handling and logging. It effectively uses conditions to manage the rendering process.
custom_components/hacs/utils/decorator.py (2)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` module aligns with Python's forward compatibility for type annotations. --- Line range hint `11-34`: The concurrency decorator is well-implemented, effectively using a semaphore for limiting tasks and a backoff mechanism for handling task completion. Excellent use of modern Python asynchronous features.
custom_components/hacs/utils/path.py (3)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` module aligns with Python's forward compatibility for type annotations. --- Line range hint `11-20`: The `_get_safe_paths` function is efficiently implemented with caching to optimize performance. Good use of the `Path` class for constructing file paths. --- Line range hint `22-31`: The `is_safe` function correctly utilizes the cached safe paths to determine if a path is safe. It is simple and effective.
custom_components/hacs/validate/base.py (1)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` module aligns with Python's forward compatibility for type annotations.
custom_components/hacs/utils/filters.py (1)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` module for forward compatibility with type annotations.
custom_components/hacs/websocket/critical.py (1)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` module for forward compatibility with type annotations.
.devcontainer.json (1)
Line range hint `23-44`: Updated development container settings to use `ruff` as the default formatter, aligning with the new tool adoption.
custom_components/hacs/sensor.py (1)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` module for forward compatibility with type annotations.
custom_components/hacs/system_health.py (1)
`2-2`: The addition of `from __future__ import annotations` is a good practice for forward compatibility with Python type annotations.
custom_components/hacs/enums.py (1)
`2-2`: No changes detected in the public entities of this file.
.github/pre-commit-config.yaml (1)
`33-52`: The configuration changes to adopt `ruff` for linting and formatting are correctly implemented. Ensure to test these hooks to verify their functionality in the CI pipeline.
custom_components/hacs/utils/queue_manager.py (1)
`2-2`: The addition of `from __future__ import annotations` is consistent with the project's move towards modern Python practices.
custom_components/hacs/utils/store.py (1)
`2-2`: No changes detected in the public entities of this file.
custom_components/hacs/diagnostics.py (1)
`2-2`: The addition of `from __future__ import annotations` is consistent with the project's move towards modern Python practices.
custom_components/hacs/validate/manager.py (3)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` ensures forward compatibility with type annotations. --- Line range hint `36-36`: Proper use of asynchronous operations and dynamic module loading enhances scalability and maintainability. --- Line range hint `54-54`: Effective handling of conditional logic for repository validation based on environment variables and repository data.
pyproject.toml (3)
`35-40`: Configuration of `ruff` for automatic fixes and targeting Python 3.12 aligns with modern Python practices. --- `170-174`: Configuration for `isort` within `ruff` promotes clean and organized import statements. --- `42-164`: Consider reviewing the extensive list of ignored linting rules to ensure important issues are not overlooked.
custom_components/hacs/frontend.py (1)
`1-1`: Corrected comment syntax enhances readability and maintainability.
custom_components/hacs/repositories/template.py (2)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` ensures forward compatibility with type annotations. --- Line range hint `106-106`: Effective handling of repository updates and frontend notifications.
custom_components/hacs/repositories/appdaemon.py (2)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` ensures forward compatibility with type annotations. --- Line range hint `106-106`: Effective handling of repository updates and frontend notifications.
custom_components/hacs/data_client.py (2)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` ensures forward compatibility with type annotations. --- Line range hint `106-106`: Effective handling of data fetching and validation with appropriate error logging.
custom_components/hacs/const.py (1)
`2-2`: The import of `TypeVar` and its usage as `TV` is correctly implemented for generic type hinting.
custom_components/hacs/repositories/netdaemon.py (1)
`2-2`: The import from `__future__` for annotations is correctly implemented, ensuring forward compatibility with newer Python versions.
custom_components/hacs/repositories/python_script.py (1)
`2-2`: Consistent use of the `__future__` import for annotations across files maintains compatibility and follows best practices.
custom_components/hacs/repositories/theme.py (1)
`2-2`: The consistent use of the `__future__` import for annotations across different repository classes ensures forward compatibility and adheres to best practices.
custom_components/hacs/websocket/__init__.py (1)
`2-2`: The import from `__future__` for annotations is correctly implemented, ensuring forward compatibility with newer Python versions.
custom_components/hacs/entity.py (1)
`2-2`: The import from `__future__` for annotations is correctly implemented, ensuring forward compatibility with newer Python versions.
custom_components/hacs/utils/backup.py (6)
Line range hint `14-25`: Constructor logic is clear and well-implemented. --- Line range hint `33-47`: Good use of safety checks and robust handling of directory operations in `_init_backup_dir`. --- Line range hint `73-92`: Restore method is well-implemented with proper checks before proceeding. --- Line range hint `94-104`: Robust handling of backup directory removal in `cleanup`. --- Line range hint `106-118`: Specialized handling of `.yaml` files in `create` method is correctly implemented. --- Line range hint `120-138`: Correct implementation of `.yaml` file restoration in `restore` method.
custom_components/hacs/__init__.py (1)
`7-7`: Importing annotations from `__future__` for forward compatibility with type hints.
custom_components/hacs/config_flow.py (1)
`2-2`: Importing annotations from `__future__` to enable the use of type hints that are evaluated at runtime.
custom_components/hacs/websocket/repository.py (1)
`2-2`: Importing annotations from `__future__` to support forward compatibility with type annotations.
custom_components/hacs/utils/data.py (1)
`2-2`: Importing annotations from `__future__` to enable forward compatibility with type annotations.
custom_components/hacs/base.py (1)
`2-2`: Import from `__future__` to enable annotations is a good forward compatibility measure.
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