hacs / integration

HACS gives you a powerful UI to handle downloads of all your custom needs.
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Unable to install #823

Closed root-hal9000 closed 4 years ago

root-hal9000 commented 4 years ago

Version of HACS


Home Assistant Version (running hass.io): 0.102.2

Describe the bug

I followed the install instructions, but I get an error when I get to the add integration step, which just hangs with the spinning circle. After a while, it just presents the prompt to choose an integration again. I am attaching both the logs and my config file below Thank you!

Debug log


 'component.hacs.common.appdaemon': 'AppDaemon', 'component.hacs.common.appdaemon_apps': 'AppDaemon Apps', 'component.hacs.common.background_task': "Background task running, this page will reload when it's done.", 'component.hacs.common.installed': 'installed', 'component.hacs.common.integration': 'Integration', 'component.hacs.common.integrations': 'Integrations', 'component.hacs.common.plugin': 'Plugin', 'component.hacs.common.plugins': 'Plugins', 'component.hacs.common.python_script': 'Python Script', 'component.hacs.common.python_scripts': 'Python Scripts', 'component.hacs.common.repositories': 'Repositories', 'component.hacs.common.settings': 'settings', 'component.hacs.common.theme': 'Theme', 'component.hacs.common.themes': 'Themes', 'component.hacs.common.version': 'Version', 'component.hacs.config.abort.single_instance_allowed': 'Only a single configuration of HACS is allowed.', 'component.hacs.config.error.auth': 'Personal Access Token is not correct.', 'component.hacs.config.step.user.data.appdaemon': 'Enable AppDaemon apps discovery & tracking', 'component.hacs.config.step.user.data.python_script': 'Enable python_scripts discovery & tracking', 'component.hacs.config.step.user.data.sidepanel_icon': 'Side panel icon', 'component.hacs.config.step.user.data.sidepanel_title': 'Side panel title', 'component.hacs.config.step.user.data.theme': 'Enable Themes discovery & tracking', 'component.hacs.config.step.user.data.token': 'GitHub Personal Access Token', 'component.hacs.config.step.user.description': 'If you need help with the configuration have a look here: https://hacs.xyz/docs/configuration/start/', 'component.hacs.config.step.user.title': 'HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)', 'component.hacs.config.title': 'HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)', 'component.hacs.confirm.add_to_lovelace': 'Are you sure you want to add this to your Lovelace resources?', 'component.hacs.confirm.continue': 'Are you sure you want to continue?', 'component.hacs.confirm.delete': 'Are you sure you want to delete "{item}"?', 'component.hacs.confirm.exsist': '{item} already exists', 'component.hacs.confirm.generic': 'Are you sure?', 'component.hacs.confirm.overwrite': 'Doing this will overwrite it.', 'component.hacs.confirm.uninstall': 'Are you sure you want to uninstall "{item}"?', 'component.hacs.options.step.user.data.country': 'Filter with country code.', 'component.hacs.options.step.user.data.experimental': 'Enable experimental features', 'component.hacs.options.step.user.data.release_limit': 'Number of releases to show.', 'component.hacs.repository_banner.integration_not_loaded': 'This integration is not loaded in Home Assistant.', 'component.hacs.repository_banner.not_loaded': 'Not loaded', 'component.hacs.repository_banner.plugin_not_loaded': 'This plugin is not added to your Lovelace resources.', 'component.hacs.repository_banner.restart': 'You need to restart Home Assistant.', 'component.hacs.repository_banner.restart_pending': 'Restart pending', 'component.hacs.repository.add_to_lovelace': 'Add to Lovelace', 'component.hacs.repository.authors': 'Authors', 'component.hacs.repository.available': 'Available', 'component.hacs.repository.back_to': 'Back to', 'component.hacs.repository.changelog': 'Change log', 'component.hacs.repository.flag_this': 'Flag this', 'component.hacs.repository.hide': 'Hide', 'component.hacs.repository.hide_beta': 'Hide beta', 'component.hacs.repository.install': 'Install', 'component.hacs.repository.installed': 'Installed', 'component.hacs.repository.lovelace_copy_example': 'Copy the example to your clipboard', 'component.hacs.repository.lovelace_instruction': 'When you add this to your lovelace configuration use this', 'component.hacs.repository.lovelace_no_js_type': 'Could not determine the type of this plugin, check the repository.', 'component.hacs.repository.newest': 'newest', 'component.hacs.repository.note_appdaemon': "you still need to add it to your 'apps.yaml' file", 'component.hacs.repository.note_installed': 'When installed, this will be located in', 'component.hacs.repository.note_integration': "you still need to add it to your 'configuration.yaml' file", 'component.hacs.repository.note_plugin': "you still need to add it to your lovelace configuration ('ui-lovelace.yaml' or the raw UI config editor)", 'component.hacs.repository.open_issue': 'Open issue', 'component.hacs.repository.open_plugin': 'Open plugin', 'component.hacs.repository.reinstall': 'Reinstall', 'component.hacs.repository.repository': 'Repository', 'component.hacs.repository.show_beta': 'Show beta', 'component.hacs.repository.uninstall': 'Uninstall', 'component.hacs.repository.update_information': 'Update information', 'component.hacs.repository.upgrade': 'Update', 'component.hacs.settings.add_custom_repository': 'ADD CUSTOM REPOSITORY', 'component.hacs.settings.category': 'Category', 'component.hacs.settings.custom_repositories': 'CUSTOM REPOSITORIES', 'component.hacs.settings.delete': 'Delete', 'component.hacs.settings.display': 'Display', 'component.hacs.settings.grid': 'Grid', 'component.hacs.settings.hacs_repo': 'HACS repo', 'component.hacs.settings.hidden_repositories': 'hidden repositories', 'component.hacs.settings.reload_data': 'Reload data', 'component.hacs.settings.save': 'Save', 'component.hacs.settings.table': 'Table', 'component.hacs.settings.unhide': 'unhide', 'component.hacs.settings.upgrade_all': 'Upgrade all', 'component.hacs.store.clear_new': 'Clear all new repositories', 'component.hacs.store.new_repositories': 'New Repositories', 'component.hacs.store.placeholder_search': 'Please enter a search term...',


  customize: !include customize.yaml
  packages: !include_dir_named packages

# Enables the frontend
    themes: !include themes.yaml

# Enables configuration UI


# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
# http:
#   base_url: example.duckdns.org:8123

# Checks for available updates
# Note: This component will send some information about your system to
# the developers to assist with development of Home Assistant.
# For more information, please see:
# https://home-assistant.io/blog/2016/10/25/explaining-the-updater/
  # Optional, allows Home Assistant developers to focus on popular components.
    include_used_components: true

  - platform: html5
    name: Marengo Broadcast
    vapid_pub_key: !secret vapid_pub_key
    vapid_prv_key: !secret vapid_prv_key
    vapid_email: "zzz@zzz.com"
  - name: Fe Notifications
    platform: pushbullet
    api_key: !secret pushbullet_api_key

  client_id: !secret nest_client_id
  client_secret: !secret nest_client_secret

#Enable WOL service

#Wake On LAN for HAL9000
  - platform: wake_on_lan
    mac_address: "10-7B-44-92-E4-75"
    name: "Wake up HAL9000"

  max_gps_accuracy: 200
  waypoints: true
    - felipe
#  region_mapping:
#    cabin: home
#    office: work

# Discover some devices automatically

# Allows you to issue voice commands from the frontend in enabled browsers

# Enables support for tracking state changes over time

# View all events in a logbook

# Enables a map showing the location of tracked devices

# Track the sun

# Allow diagnosing system problems

# Sensors
  - platform: yr
    name: Weather
    forecast: 24
      - temperature
      - symbol
      - precipitation
      - windSpeed
      - pressure
      - windDirection
      - humidity
      - fog
      - cloudiness
      - lowClouds
      - mediumClouds
      - highClouds
      - dewpointTemperature

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret dark_sky_key

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate
    service_name: google_say

  - platform: switch
    name: Fan Light
    entity_id: switch.fan_light
  - platform: switch
    name: Marco Light
    entity_id: switch.marco_light

# Cloud

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
hacs-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

Make sure you have read the issue guidelines and that you filled out the entire template.

root-hal9000 commented 4 years ago

Ok very weird: I just opened the browser developer tools to see if there was some weird front end issue, and tried to add integration again (had seen something before), and it worked.... this is after several attempts. Many thanks, closing the issue

hacs-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue is closed, closed issues are ignored.

If you have issues similar to this, please open a seperate issue. https://github.com/custom-components/hacs/issues/new/choose

And remember to fill out the entire issue template :)

gettech commented 4 years ago

Ok very weird: I just opened the browser developer tools to see if there was some weird front end issue, and tried to add integration again (had seen something before), and it worked.... this is after several attempts. Many thanks, closing the issue

I've got the same issue. Clearing the cache what did this for me. If youre using developer tools, the cache is probably getting cleared.

hacs-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue is closed, closed issues are ignored.

If you have issues similar to this, please open a seperate issue. https://github.com/custom-components/hacs/issues/new/choose

And remember to fill out the entire issue template :)