hadashiA / VContainer

The extra fast, minimum code size, GC-free DI (Dependency Injection) library running on Unity Game Engine.
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Registering and Resolving not executed when LifetimeScope parent not found #644

Open Maesla opened 4 months ago

Maesla commented 4 months ago

If a LifetimeScope defines a parent and the parent is not found, neither a exception is thrown nor registering and resolving is executed

LifetimeScope executes in its Awake GetRuntimeParent(), which does throw a VContainerParentTypeReferenceNotFound. However, this exception is silently handled by the Awake's try catch here and added to a waiting list.

The resulting behavior is that, when you run a scene with a LifetimeScope with a parent defined, and the parent is not found, you don't get any error or exception and you don't get neither any registering nor injection




using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
using VContainer;
using VContainer.Tests.Unity;
using VContainer.Unity;

public class ParentNotFoundExceptionTest

    private class Foo
        public int value;

        public Foo()
            this.value = -1;

    private class TestLifeTimeScope : LifetimeScope
        public bool buildCallbackCalled = false;
        public bool configureCalled = false;

        protected override void Awake(){} //empty to do nothing in AddComponent

        //like awake, but on demand
        public void Init()

            // this method calls to base.Awake()
            // base.Awake() calls to Build
            // Build to GetRuntimeParent
            // GetRuntimeParent throws VContainerParentTypeReferenceNotFound
            // The exception is handled in the Awake again without rethrowing

        protected override void Configure(IContainerBuilder builder)
            configureCalled = true;

            builder.RegisterBuildCallback(container =>
                buildCallbackCalled = true;


    public IEnumerator VContainerParentTypeReferenceNotFoundTest()
        GameObject go = new GameObject("TestLifeTimeScope");
        TestLifeTimeScope testLifetimeScope = go.AddComponent<TestLifeTimeScope>();
        testLifetimeScope.autoRun = true;

        testLifetimeScope.parentReference = ParentReference.Create<SampleChildLifetimeScope2>();

        bool exceptionThrown = false;
        catch (VContainerParentTypeReferenceNotFound) //parent doesn't exist, so the exception should be thrown
            exceptionThrown = true;

        ////Expected 1. Exception thrown and registering and injection not done
        //Assert.That(exceptionThrown, Is.True, "Exception not thrown");
        //Assert.That(testLifetimeScope.buildCallbackCalled, Is.False, "Build Callback not called");
        //Assert.That(testLifetimeScope.configureCalled, Is.False, "Configure called");
        //Assert.Throws<System.NullReferenceException>(() => testLifetimeScope.Container.Resolve<Foo>());

        ////Expected 2. Exception not thrown and registering and injection done
        //Assert.That(exceptionThrown, Is.False, "Exception not thrown");
        //Assert.That(testLifetimeScope.buildCallbackCalled, Is.True, "Build Callback not called");
        //Assert.That(testLifetimeScope.configureCalled, Is.True, "Configure called");
        //Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => testLifetimeScope.Container.Resolve<Foo>());

        //Current Behavior
        Assert.That(exceptionThrown, Is.False, "Exception not thrown");
        Assert.That(testLifetimeScope.buildCallbackCalled, Is.False, "Build Callback not called");
        Assert.That(testLifetimeScope.configureCalled, Is.False, "Configure called");
        Assert.Throws<System.NullReferenceException>(() => testLifetimeScope.Container.Resolve<Foo>());

        yield return null;

Scene Test
