hadashiA / VContainer

The extra fast, minimum code size, GC-free DI (Dependency Injection) library running on Unity Game Engine.
MIT License
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Are there any platform restrictions/gotchas? #676

Closed boraty14 closed 1 month ago

boraty14 commented 1 month ago

For cross platform development, is there any restrcitons I should know platform spesific? I searched about it but could not find anything about it.

hadashiA commented 1 month ago

It doesn't use any environment-specific features, so it will probably work in most environments.

One thing to note is that in the IL2CPP environment, the constructor may be stripped. (See https://vcontainer.hadashikick.jp/resolving/constructor-injection

I haven't tested it exhaustively, though, It appears to work on iOS, Android, WebGL, Steam and NIntendo Switch.

If you're having problems in a particular environment, let me know.