· pdb_selaltloc 7K2U.pdb
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/joao/anaconda3/envs/py39/bin/pdb_selaltloc", line 33, in <module>
sys.exit(load_entry_point('pdb-tools', 'console_scripts', 'pdb_selaltloc')())
File "/home/joao/github/pdb-tools/pdbtools/pdb_selaltloc.py", line 428, in main
for lineno, line in enumerate(new_pdb):
File "/home/joao/github/pdb-tools/pdbtools/pdb_selaltloc.py", line 180, in select_altloc
for __line in flush_func(selloc=selloc, altloc_lines=altloc_lines, res_per_loc=res_per_loc):
File "/home/joao/github/pdb-tools/pdbtools/pdb_selaltloc.py", line 369, in flush_resloc_occ_same_residue
lines.sort(key=lambda x: (A[x[:4]], float(x[54:60])), reverse=True)
File "/home/joao/github/pdb-tools/pdbtools/pdb_selaltloc.py", line 369, in <lambda>
lines.sort(key=lambda x: (A[x[:4]], float(x[54:60])), reverse=True)
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '51 -'
is breaking with ANISOU lines for7K2U.pdb
Does it break for other pdbs with
as well? If yes, or tests are not covering all the possible cases.This bug was likely introduced with https://github.com/haddocking/pdb-tools/pull/117. Tests should have discovered it, though.